The Dictatorship of Cabinet August 22, 2002
It is difficult to think in the head-spinning storm of bombastic statements coming from the politicians in their unending competition to be the party-in-power. 
Unions have failed to develop June 25, 2002
As a former leader of the trade union movement and continuing supporter of the trade union and workers' movement, I feel compelled to comment on the current situation in the trade union movement. 
Only the People Can Provide a Solution January 25, 2002
At the end of hours of vote counting, both leaders of UNC and PNM mounted their platforms to confirm their complete uselessness to the people's yearning for a way forward for themselves and society. 
The Heart of the Matter October 09, 2001
For the third time in 2 years the crisis in the political system has broken out like an ugly bobo threatening even more dangerous consequences. Again, the issue is being focused on what a single individual does or does not do. 
An Unholy War October 08, 2001
Yesterday, those who claim to hold "civilised values" began their "crusade" against terrorism by carrying out 7 hours of bombardment of targets across Afghanistan. While raining missiles and bombs on that country, these "freedom fighters" also dropped "humanitarian" relief to hundreds of thousands of Afghan people already displaced from their homes 
Budget Speeches: Baffling with BS September 20, 2001
On Friday afternoon, during the Budget Speech, my mind ran on Intercol season back in High School and the assembly of the entire student body preparing our "war chants" 
Are we in danger of state terrorism? September 15, 2001
The "infidel" has been attacked!!! Or has it? The ordinary working people of the United States have been made to suffer the brunt of yesterday's brutal terrorist attack. 

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