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Trinidad Express
Denis Solomon Archives
Crisis of confidence March 07, 2005
UNCouth politics February 28, 2005
Our empty National Anthem February 21, 2005
The fleet's in December 27, 2004
Replacement part October 18, 2004
Where are you, Hans Blix? January 30, 2003
Surface Tension January 15, 2003
Freedom, not freeness December 19, 2002
A glimmer of hope November 27, 2002
Balled to order February 03, 2002
The horse's mouths January 27, 2002
Political pragmatics January 23, 2002
Swear one, get one free January 20, 2002
Letter of the law January 16, 2002
Going to tong with English January 13, 2002
Irreducible minimum January 02, 2002
Winner take nothing December 30, 2001
Robbie’s heart was not in it December 26, 2001
Emphasise the negative December 23, 2001
Coitus Interruptus December 19, 2001
One-and-done proposals December 16, 2001
No Way Back December 13, 2001
Same Khaki Pants December 09, 2001
Get Real, Reverend December 05, 2001
Shadow and Substance December 02, 2001
Vacuum Voting November 28, 2001
Optional Obligation November 25, 2001
Stay Moral and Starve November 21, 2001
Soft talk for Ramesh November 18, 2001
Clash of extremes Pt 2 November 14, 2001
Paying politics November 11, 2001
Clash of extremes November 07, 2001
Anthrax leave November 04, 2001
Chronic anthrax October 31, 2001
Politics vs the Constitution October 24, 2001
The real Ramesh October 21, 2001
Asking the right questions October 18, 2001
Immunisation Campaign October 14, 2001
Colander Constitution October 09, 2001
Panic Attack October 07, 2001
Breathing space October 02, 2001
Publish and be damned? February 21, 2001
Babes and sucklings February 18, 2001
Snatch the microphone February 14, 2001
Fatal flaws February 11, 2001
Ramesh’s dubious position February 7, 2001
The real Bokassa February 4, 2001
Breathing space January 31, 2001
Yetminster Parliament January 28, 2001
A deputy optional January 24, 2001
Malice in Wonderland January 17, 2001
Linearity, circularity and reciprocity PT 1 January 14, 2001
Linearity, circularity and reciprocity PT 2 January 22, 2001
Thinking from the inside out January 10, 2001
Divine right of presidents January 7, 2001
Play it again, Ramesh December 31, 2000
Killing us softly December 26, 2000
The shadow-line December 24, 2000
Stable crisis December 17, 2000
A vote for what? December 13, 2000
The lesser evil December 10, 2000
Wrong Election December 6, 2000
Power to the party December 3, 2000
Legitimacy or power? November 26, 2000
Right of belonging November 23, 2000

Copyright © Denis Solomon Site created December 11, 2000 Designed and maintained By: Trinicenter.