Down the Slippery Slope
It is with great trepidation I view the behavior of the UNC politicians, who seem to be saying in one breath that the Privy Council should not be our Final Court of Appeal for some citizens, but they are busily intent on utilizing the very same Privy Council for matters that affect themselves. Should it not be one principle at work here, where any aggrieved person can take any matter to the highest possible level?
The UNC actions in several matters that affect them as a party has contradicted and gone against every single reason advanced for the introduction of the setting up of a Caribbean Court of Appeal.
There is also a very disturbing trend in this country where partisan and tribal politics seems to be the order of the day. Here we have a clear case of an Attorney General seemingly going overboard and is being asked to resign on the matter by lawyers in this country. However, when one looks at the list of the fifty-seven Lawyers who have signed so far, a case could be made that tribalism has overtaken professionalism in the Legal fraternity.
It seems that the politicians in this country would lead us down the slippery slope of anarchy and conflict.. The problem seems now to be who will stand up and speak out against the politics of self-destruction.
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