
January 21, 2001 E-mail: From - Jasper

Special treatment for Chaitan and Peters

It is with great horror and amazement that I saw in the news media last week, the very said information the DPP was requesting from the Police in order to lay charges of False Declaration against Winston Peters and Bill Chaitan.

The Police said they were told to get information from the American and Canadian Embassies that is now open to the media, the public and in evidence before our local Court system. This scenario has all eyes turned to the operations of the DPP Office and one begins to wonder about the situation in the Police Service where the two top cops have been sent on leave at the same time of highly volatile Police investigations into electoral fraud and all it's political implications.

All this would have been immense comedy if it was not so fatally tragic for our nation's well being. One might be willing to understand the trouble in getting information from the gentlemen who received taxpayers money for rice we never received from India because of the distance involved. But how in God's name and I may need the help of certain religious leaders here, can we not get information about two men who now sit in Parliament next to our Prime Minister and Attorney General. All of whom have sworn to uphold our Constitution and Laws less than two weeks ago. Is this Total Quality or the Intelligent Nation we have heard so much about.

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