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The UNC government has bought a second Panorama

September 06, 2000
By Cindy

People are saying that the UNC government has bought a second Panorama already with a back up vessel called T and T This Morning which is not located on the docks but on Maraval Road. They are becoming fed up of the waves and waves of UNC ministers and sympathizers who seem to be in a long line outside TTT just waiting to board these state vehicles, every day and now nights to provide cover and damage control on issues of the day. It is no wonder they keep steadily losing viewers as the polls the ratings continually show.

If these people and the ever changing management had to pay their way, then certainly that company would not be running at a loss. One further hears of one employee there receiving a pay rise from $5,000 to $16,000 and another from all appearances who seems to be now living in front of the cameras. Since this government has come to power there has been more changes in management than in the entire history of the station.

I was prompted to write this letter, when my friends were speaking about protests taking place in Point Fortin and La Brea recently and I did not know anything about it, because I was watching TTT which my tax dollars help to support and only saw protests in other parts of the world. The station now seems to be merely spacing other news items, between coverage of almost every other governmental activity. Sometimes one even begins to feel that the Ministry of Information, TTT news and the Rising Sun newspaper are one and the same I clearly remember Mr Panday vehemently condemning the use of State resources for partisan political purposes. I wonder what are his views now.

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