Honduras Coup 2009
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Honduras Coup - Day 182 - December 26, 2009

  • Another young member of resistance Renán Fajardo Argueta found dead
    By : December 26, 2009
    The Committee of Family Members of the Detained and Dsiappeared in Honduras, COFADEH, denounces the crime committed Teusday afternoon against the young man Edwin Renán Fajardo Argueta (22), an active member of the Resistance. His body was found this past December 23rd in the afternoon after a constant search by family members and friends worried about his absence as he was supposed to travel on Wednesday to Roatán, Islas de la Bahía, for Christmas with his family.

  • Semillas de Libertad, Honduras coup documentary
    By : December 26, 2009
    From ALBA TV together with VIVE TV and MINCI of Venezuela; so far only available in Spanish. I hope they'll subtitle it soon. This is one of a number of fantastic documentaries out or in progress by a large community of international filmmakers. Click the following links for Part One and Part Two

  • Planning ahead of ahead
    By : December 26, 2009
    Pepe Lobo keeps talking about moving ahead, not looking back, etc. which is a very common way of saying you don't want to deal with a problematic political past. He is taking it a step further to a point that would make even Soviet planners blush--the 28 year plan for Honduras. Totally free of ego, he will have a plan to guide the next seven presidential administrations.

  • With Confirmation, Tom Shannon Unleashed – Cuba and Venezuela on the Menu
    By : December 26, 2009
    In addition to the following report on the quid pro quo that allowed Shannon's confirmation to proceed, the new ambassador to Brazil will be used to gnaw at Chavez' (and others') ankles. The variety of overthrow scenarios in the Shannon pipeline appears to be endless.

  • History of US Rule in Latin America: Resistance to the Coup in Honduras
    By Noam Chomsky - : December 26, 2009
    The United States has had four presidents who received the Nobel Peace Prize. I haven't checked, but I presume that's a record for heads of state. All four have left their imprint on Latin America, "our little region over here that has never bothered anybody." That's how Secretary of War Henry Stimson described the hemisphere in May 1945. He was at that time explaining to the world what the post-war global system would be, and one of its conditions would be that all regional organizations must be disbanded, with the exception of our own, which are to be expanded, including "our little region over here," the Western hemisphere. . . . His position was correct, as others explained, for example a very influential liberal Democrat Abe Fortas, who said that for us to expand our system, including "our little region over here," is "part of our obligation to the security of the world" because "what is good for us is good for the world." That's self-evident. Well, if we look through the four presidents and their imprint, it was significant. So, let's start with Theodore Roosevelt, the first one. reserves the right to publish your email responses in whole or part. If you are responding to a particular article, include the title and link to the article. If you would like your name withheld from publication, state this in your submission and supply a nom de plume

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