Honduras Coup 2009
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Honduras Coup - Day 190 - January 03, 2010

  • Protection for Honduran Journalist Requested
    By : January 03, 2010
    The Committee of Relatives of the Detained-Disappeared in Honduras asked protection for independent journalist Cesar Silva, kidnapped and tortured for 24 hours in an illegal prison.

  • Obama's Latin-American honeymoon ending
    By Paul Richter - : January 03, 2010
    Just eight months ago, President Obama was calling Brazilian President Lula Ignacio Da Silva "my man" and suggesting that the South American giant could become a leading U.S. partner in the region. Since then, Brazil has criticized the U.S. approach to the coup in Honduras and warned the United States over plans to expand its military presence in Colombia. U.S. officials, for their part, have complained about Lula's increasing efforts to form economic and political ties with a leading American adversary, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

  • In South America, left-wing presidents face military aggression
    By W.T. Whitney - : January 03, 2010
    Two leftist South American presidents are under the gun. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez faces off against Colombia with which his country shares a 1,380 mile border. And domestic conspiracies threaten President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay. Each president is also up against U.S. corporate and military power. "We are preparing to avoid aggression," Colombian Defense Minister Gabriel Silva told El Tiempo. But preservation of "internal public order" requires attention to "guerrillas at the highest level located in Venezuela."

  • Correa: Ecuador Not Copycat of Honduras
    By : January 03, 2010
    President Rafael Correa denounced a Honduras-like conspiracy with US support to try and destabilize Ecuador by misleading the Police and Armed Forces into a coup. In radio and TV addresses, President Correa recalled that since they failed to win the elections, ex President and retired Col. Lucio Gutierrez, and his brother, ex Capt. Gilmar shifted to "misleading the military and police in anti-government plots." reserves the right to publish your email responses in whole or part. If you are responding to a particular article, include the title and link to the article. If you would like your name withheld from publication, state this in your submission and supply a nom de plume

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