Honduras Coup - Day 346 - Jun 08, 2010
- Non-Agenda (Honduras) Dominates OAS Agenda
By joshuafrens-string.com : June 08, 2010
After day one of the OAS's annual general assembly, Honduras – that issue not on the official assembly agenda – has found its way atop the agenda of morning media coverage from Peru. We begin with the New York Times, which says US Sec. of State Hillary Clinton pled the case of Honduras before the OAS GA Monday. According to Ms. Clinton (whose full speech is available here), the United States condemned Mr. Zelaya's ouster when it happened, but had since witnessed the "the free and fair election of President (Porfirio) Lobo." The Times says the secretary also praised Lobo for setting up a truth commission to investigate the coup. "[It]'s time for the hemisphere as a whole to move forward and welcome Honduras back into the inter-American community," said Clinton.
- Cuba and Honduras: What Does the State Department Mean by "Pro-Democracy"? By hcvanalysis.wordpress.com : June 08, 2010
On June 7, the press reported two related items. One was that Congress had released $15 million for "pro-democracy programs in Cuba". The other was that Hillary Clinton had called for the return of Honduras to the Organization of American States (OAS). How are these news items connected?
- Is the firing of justices actually legal? Part I
By hondurasculturepolitics.blogspot.com : June 08, 2010
Honduras' Supreme Court has voted, 10-5, to reaffirm its firing of justices who were opposed to the coup d'Etat that removed President José Manuel Zelaya Rosales in June of 2009, insisting this is a necessary defense of legality. With this, as we have previously noted, they reinforce their history of obstinate self-defense of actions that align the court with the coup.
- Hillary Clinton urges the OAS to readmit Honduras
By news.bbc.co.uk : June 08, 2010
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has urged the Organisation of American States to readmit Honduras, which was suspended last year after the overthrow of president Manuel Zelaya.
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