Honduras Coup 2009
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Honduras Coup - Day 347 - Jun 09, 2010

  • Venezuela in OAS: No Honduran Re-Entry until Democracy Restored
    By James Suggett - : June 09, 2010
    "Until firm steps are taken for the re-establishment of democracy in Honduras, for the re-establishment of the guarantee of the political return of [President] Manuel Zelaya, until the crimes of the dictatorship are investigated and people are held responsible, there are no conditions for the recognition of Honduras in the inter-American community," Venezuelan Foreign Relations Minister Nicolas Maduro declared on Tuesday.

  • Clinton Urges OAS to Forget Coup, Readmit Honduras
    By Rosemary A. Joyce and Russell N. Sheptak : June 09, 2010
    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking at the Organization of American States (OAS) annual meeting in Lima, Peru on Monday urged countries in the hemisphere to readmit Honduras into the regional organization. The OAS suspended Honduras after the military coup which overthrew President Manuel Zelaya last June.

  • Lobo Sosa: I know who wants to throw me out
    By : June 09, 2010
    We previously mentioned rumors from Honduras of a possible coup against Porfirio Lobo Sosa, referred to in an editorial published in Tiempo advising Lobo Sosa to "pack his pijamas".

  • Is the firing of justices actually legal? Part 2
    By : June 09, 2010
    An article published in La Prensa on May 6, that demonstrates clearly the political nature of the charges against the dismissed justices, gives what to date appears to be the only source to identify sections of the legal code these justices are said to have violated.

  • Honduran People Used as a Shield - Mario Ardón Mejía
    By : June 09, 2010
    The Honduran people are used as a shield by the golpistas and successors of the Coup d'Etat in Honduras

  • OAS To Send Delegation To Assess Political Situation In Honduras
    By : June 09, 2010
    The 40th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) voted on Tuesday to send a high-level delegation to Honduras in order to assess the situation in the country. While the resolution does not clearly specify the purpose of the delegation, the decision to send it was apparently prompted by disagreement over whether Honduras should be readmitted to the hemispheric body.

  • US Military Aid to Honduras Continues. Rights Violations Do Also
    By : June 09, 2010
    Diplomats from around the region got around to passing the Lima Declaration Tuesday, officially closing the 40th OAS General Assembly in Lima. As an OAS press release puts it in diplomatic-speak, the document "emphasizes the obligation of the Member States to avoid the use of force except in cases of legitimate self-defense; the strengthening of inter-American cooperation for integral development; the importance of continuing to promote in the Hemisphere an environment propitious to the control of weapons; the overcoming of situations of tension and the solving of crises; and other aspects related to the theme of the annual assembly, 'Peace, Security and Cooperation.'"

  • More Coup Talk
    By : June 09, 2010
    More stories have been printed in Honduras today about a coup being planned against Porfirio Lobo Sosa, with articles in all the daily newspapers. Here's a summary of what's new.

  • Honduran president warns of new coup plot
    By : June 09, 2010
    Less than a year after his predecessor was removed from power in a military-led coup, Honduran President Porfirio Lobo says he has found out that some political opponents want to overthrow him, a statement from the president's office reported.

  • Pepe's new pajamas, and the Liberal-Resistance rift
    By : June 09, 2010
    Foreign Minister Mario Canahuati, with Clinton's strongarm assistance, is maneuvering for OAS recognition, arguing that Lobo has complied with all necessary conditions to get Honduras back on the path to legitimate institutionality. reserves the right to publish your email responses in whole or part. If you are responding to a particular article, include the title and link to the article. If you would like your name withheld from publication, state this in your submission and supply a nom de plume

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