Honduras Coup - Day 349 - Jun 11, 2010
- Truth in Honduras
By Jeremy Bigwood - inthesetimes.com : June 11, 2010
One year after the coup, the battle over who gets to expose–or avoid–recent history begins.
One year after Latin America's first coup of the century, two opposing truth commissions—one official, one not—have set to work to determine why and how Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was removed from power. At stake is the legitimacy of the Honduran state and its president, issues of hegemony versus democracy, and, not least, the historical record.
- Tirzah Flores: "profound reform" of judicial system needed
By hondurasculturepolitics.blogspot.com : June 11, 2010
In a letter she addressed to the head of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, Flores Lanza appeals to the OAS not to readmit Honduras.
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