Honduras Coup - Day 36 - August 02, 2009
- Otto Reich and the Honduran Coup D'Etat: The Provocateur, his Protege, and the Toppling of a President – Part Two
By Machetera - machetera.wordpress.com : August 02, 2009
Arcadia would wage its “grey traffic” crusade in Honduras from September 2007 until the present. Carmona-Borjas first targeted the Rosenthal media family, but his focus and passion quickly began to shift to the fertile territory offered by Marcelo Chimirri Castro, Hondutel's director.
- Modifying Articles 239 and 240 or
how Elvin Santos became a Presidential Candidate
By RAJ - hondurascoup2009.blogspot.com : August 02, 2009
In 1998, the Honduran Congress modified article 239 (decreto 245-98) of the Constitution to include the Vice President among the list of those who cannot run for President. In 2002, Congress made 3 changes to article 240 including removing the restriction that kept the sitting President of the Congress from running for President (decretos 268-2002, 412-2002, and 374-2002). Pepe Lobo, then President of Congress, ran for President against Manuel Zelaya, taking advantage of the change to the Constitution that he oversaw.
- Statement of the Central American Cultural Studies Congress
By RAJ - hondurascoup2009.blogspot.com : August 02, 2009
The academic community that the undersigned represent, university professors and officers, researchers, essayists, literary writers, artists, students of the MA and PhD in distinct Central American, Latin American, European centers and those of other regions, would like with this declaration to energetically and publicly reject the civil-military coup d'Etat carried out in Honduras and demand the immediate return to a democratic regime under the principles of national constitutional order and jurisprudence and the international treaties in force for the country and the region.
- Honduras: Canada's Continuing Coup Complicity
By Grahame Russell - pacificfreepress.com : August 02, 2009
Mr. Kent said that after the July 4 emergency meeting of the OAS (Organization of American States), a call was made "for calm and non-provocative actions by all parties." On a number of occasions in this interview, and on other occasions, Mr. Kent has made this "call" to "all parties", giving the idea that in Honduras there are two sides in conflict. / This is a mid-leading "call". There is one side using provocation and violence. The illegal coup regime, on a daily basis, is using the army, police and para-military forces in civilian clothing to carry out repression against Honduran civilians who are, on a daily basis, protesting peacefully, demanding an end to the illegal, repressive regime, and a return of President Zelaya and his government.
- Ortega raises stakes over Zelaya
By Freddy Cuevas and Alexandra Olson - scotsman.com : August 02, 2009
Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega claimed Honduras' coup-installed government might try to provoke a border incident "to distract attention" from international efforts to restore ousted president Manuel Zelaya.
- Defying Threats, A Few Zelaya Supporters Continue Protests
By laht.com : August 02, 2009
Some 3,000 backers of deposed President Mel Zelaya took to the streets of the Honduran capital on Friday in defiance of threats from the government that police would not tolerate further protests.
- Now it is the people who have the say
By Nidia Díaz - cubaweb.cu : August 02, 2009
More than one month has passed since constitutional order in Honduras was interrupted by a coup faction representing the economic, political and military right wing of that country, in open complicity with similar sectors within the U.S. establishment. Time that should serve to make world public opinion – even the most ingenuous – understand that double standards and the double discourse are inherent to the politics of the empire, whoever the White House incumbent might be.
- Cuba asks for suspension of Honduran congress
By Larry Moonze - postzambia.com : August 02, 2009
Cuba has asked for suspension of the Honduran congress from the international parliamentary organisations until toppled President Manuel Zelaya is reinstated unconditionally. / In a declaration on Saturday during the third session of the 7th National Assembly of Peoples Power, the Cuban parliamentarians also urged their peers in Latin America and around the world to urge Washington to stop its intervention in Honduras and cut its military support to the coup perpetrators.
- Cuban Parliament against US Intervention in Honduras
By Cuban News Agency - cubaweb.cu : August 02, 2009
The Cuban Parliament today called on all parliamentarians in the Americas and around the world to urge Washington to stop its intervention in Honduras, cut its military support to coup perpetrators and withdraw its task force from that Central American nation.
- Face to face with masked gunmen;
Honduras: hooded face of dictatorship
By Calvin Tucker - vheadline.com : August 02, 2009
I was travelling in a convoy of sixty cars and buses towards the border with Nicaragua. The convoy included the first lady of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, and her family. She was hoping to be reunited with her husband, Manuel Zelaya, the country's elected President.
- Handling of Honduras crisis flawed from the start
By Sir Ronald Sanders - jamaicaobserver.com : August 02, 2009
Call it Latin American "hot blood" or "Commonwealth cool", but there is definitely a marked difference between how the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the Commonwealth handle conflicts in their member states.
- Culture of Resistance in Honduras
By insidecostarica.com : August 02, 2009
Artists in Honduras are expected to join efforts on Saturday to support the long popular resistance against the coup into its 35th consecutive day.
- Honduras coup is more bloody than bloodless
By Albor Ruiz - nydailynews.com : August 02, 2009
Honduras, one of the poorest countries in Latin America, is a nation where eight wealthy families control politics, business and the media. / "The only thing we want is to live in a country that respects everybody's will, not only the will of the rich," Wendy Cruz, who was with Vallejo Soriano when he was shot, wrote in a harrowing e-mail.
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