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Chavez Frias prepares action against terrorists
Posted: Monday, June 10, 2002

VHeadline News Briefs
Taking a leaf out of US President George W. Bush’s book, Venezuela's Chavez Frias prepares action against terrorists and conspirators who are determined to end democracy in Venezuela. Whether Chavez Frias will follow through his threat is another matter since failure to enforce the law was the prelude to the April 11 conspiracy.

Military officers threatening acts of subversion and the print & broadcast media that give them free propaganda are breaking the law … “institutions should be aware we must apply a heavy hand to guarantee peace in Venezuela.”

IRS/Seniat Superintendent Trino Alcides Diaz reports that tax collection from January thru May is $617 million less was than scheduled. “The Treasury received $3.65 billion, which is less than our estimates for the period.”

The President has warned that those who promote non-payment of taxes as part of a civil disobedience campaign are breaking the law as well as damaging the nation's economy -- “tax evasion is a crime according to Venezuelan law and anybody who refuses to pay taxes will go to prison … for years, people have grown accustomed to not paying taxes." MORE

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