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Imperialists back Venezuelan lockout/coup attempt
Posted: Thursday, October 17, 2002

by Jose G. Perez

Stripped of all the rhetoric, the message from American big business is: overthrow the Chávez government already. Like, if the United States can figure out a way to get the *right* president despite its vaunted "democratic" traditions and his having lost by a half million votes, what's the matter with these Venezuelans that they can't get rid of Chávez?

It is especially touching to see such nice rhetorical flourishes like saying "their employees can join the strike...". When was the LAST time your boss told you it was okay to strike?

And the reference to "democratic values and freedoms" and "nations where those values are firmly defended," needless to say, nations like Amerikkka. The English and the Nazis and Fascists and the Falangists other European scum, oops, did I say scum, I meant "representatives of Western Civilization" may have punked out, but the descendants of Custer, Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee stand fast to defend the privileges of the White Race.

Next thing you know, when these jerks succeed in convincing the big majority of Venezuela's working people that they have *no choice* but to expropriate the foreign bosses in self-defense, the United States will say it's "terrorism"

Venezuela's largest foreign business chamber endorses general strike

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