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Revolutionary Radio in Venezuela
Posted: Monday, June 26, 2006

Over the course of forty years, Venezuela's wealthy oligarchy plundered the nation's wealth and turned a relatively prosperous country into one with 80 % of its people living in poverty. Finally, in 1998 Hugo Chavez was elected president, with a mandate to make big changes. Since then he and his supporters have won solid and consistent majorities in one election after another.

But the oligarchs have not accepted the fact that the majority of Venezuelans do not trust them to run the government. They have used deception, violence, and sabotage to try to destroy the elected government. None of those tactics have succeeded. Now they are carrying on a propaganda offensive, claiming that President Chavez is a "dictator."
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Homepage | U.S. Crusade | News Sources | Zimbabwe | Venezuela

Homepage | U.S. Crusade | News Sources | Zimbabwe | Venezuela
