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Hysteria over Kim's nukes
Posted: Thursday, February 21, 2013

On February 23, international protests of Bradley Manning's 1,000th day in jail without trial
PFC Bradley Manning has been in jail awaiting trial for nearly 1,000 days for exposing war crimes, corruption, and widespread abuse.

Think there's no alternative? Latin America has a few
Not only have leaders from Ecuador to Venezuela delivered huge social gains – they keep winning elections too

Hysteria over Kim's nukes
ARE we about to be vaporised by North Korea's nuclear weapons? Given all the hysteria last week over its third underground nuclear test, one would certainly think so.

Gallup: Staggering 99 Percent of Americans See Iran's Nuclear Program as 'Threat'
Americans See Civilian Program as a Bigger Threat Than North Korea's Actual Nukes

UN Report: Iran is Diverting Uranium for Peaceful Purposes
But the US still stubbornly insists Iran stop enriching uranium to 20 percent, despite proving good on its promises

Analysis: Iran economy far from collapse as sanctions tighten

Russia, Arab League See Chance for Start to Syria Dialogue

Russian warships head to Syria in show of power

Saudi Arabia, Qatar press for more help to Syrian rebels

Arms and influence
The Obama administration is reportedly rethinking its previous reluctance to send arms to the Syrian rebels.

Collaboration between IDF, settlers reaching point of no return
Israeli democracy is being severely compromised by the army's collaboration with the settlers, and the fact that more and more Israeli citizens now see the occupation as the natural order of things.

Malians Returning to North Face Threats, Bombs, Shortages

French General Urges EU to Arm Impoverished Mali Junta

Hagel called Netanyahu a 'radical,' urged talks with Hamas
In 2010 speech, defense secretary nominee also reportedly warned Israel risked becoming an apartheid state if it blocked Palestinian state

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