I am Vice-President Kamala Harris: 'For the People' - December 08, 2024
At the outset, it must be emphasized that the historical presidential electoral process reveals that on 7 July 1984, the Rev. Jesse Jackson uttered these poignant, monumental but now famous words during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago: "I would rather have (Franklin Delano) Roosevelt in a wheel chair than (Ronald) Reagan on a horse." 
Christopher Columbus Exposed: HIS-STORY - October 24, 2023
As Americans have already celebrated Columbus Day, this article presents the real Afri-centric truth/analysis in regard to the so-called 'Discovery' of the West Indies/ New World by the Euro-centric historical criminal, Christopher Columbus --- real name on his Spanish birth certificate is Cristobal Colon from whose surname are historically derived European systems such as Colonialism, Colonizer, Colonized and Colony. 
Living While Black in America - June 08, 2023
The violent, brutal beating/murder of the 29-year-old black man Tyre Nichols on January 7, 2023 by five black Memphis police officers immediately pushes to the fore the inherent, insecure and dangerous existence of black life in America today. 
To be or not to be a national hero - December 22, 2022
As a new year approaches, it is indeed a sine qua non to delve deeper into history in order to ascertain what it really takes to be a real national hero of T&T. At the outset, a review of the literature indicates that one of the most fundamental, basic inherent qualities/criteria of any nation’s hero is that person’s overt ability to be a dynamic, forceful agent for radical, structural, even violent change in an imposed oppressive system. 
African presence in early England - December 10, 2022
Now that England has ushered in its first modern-day, non-European Prime Minister in Rishi Sunak of Asian-Indian descent and the country’s first Hindu to hold that top office, indeed, it is a sine qua non to reveal and recount the role and presence of Africans in England’s early history. 
First Nations Peoples: Historical Facts - December 06, 2022
Within recent times, there has been much public talk/discussion in regard to the establishment/.erection of a museum to be dedicated to the First Nations Peoples of this country. 
Analyzing Putin's military aggression - September 03, 2022
In 2008, President Vladimirr Putin of Russia invaded Georgia. In 2014, he repeated military history by invading Crimea. Hence, it need occasion no great surprise that on 24 February 2022, the Russian President Putin repeated military history one more time by his unprovoked, illegal invasion of Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin has consistantly argued that it was "an act of self-defense" and "a special military operation" aimed at the "demilitarization" and "denazification" of Ukraine. 
Getting world history right: real African history - June 27, 2022
Years after the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2011 as "The International Year for People of African Descent", it must be realized that the European enslavement of African people or the "MAAFA" ("great disaster") only represents .01 per cent of the history of African people on this planet. Put another way, for the 99.9 per cent of their history, Africans were a free people. 
Anti-colonial Father of the Nation - June 24, 2022
The history of the trade union movement in Trinidad and Tobago would be incomplete and unfinished if the life and times of the man called Tubal Uriah "Buzz" Butler are not the DNA of such a history. Butler was accredited as being the "Chief Servant of the Lord." That was indeed the invisible "Buzz" in his revered personality. Butler believed that man's purpose in life was the fulfillment of God's purpose and as such, his inherent belief system informed him that he owed no obligation to anybody but to God. 
Exposing the danger of cult leaders - December 24, 2021
As the US House of Representatives Select Committee continues to issue subpoenas to former president Donald John Trump's advisers and allies in regard to the endemic dynamics of the historic, violent insurrection on the nation's capital on January 6; plus the stark legal reality that on November 12, a federal grand jury "indicted" one of the former president's advisers, Steve Bannon, "on two counts of contempt of Congress". 
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