Ancient Egyptians wrote the Holy Bible
Posted: June 19, 2002
An analysis by
Dr. Kwame Nantambu
"And ye Shall know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free." Holy Bible, John 8:32.
According to Ghanian writer and researcher Nana Banchie Darkwah, "Black Afrikans of ancient Egypt wrote the Holy Bible and the Catholic Church is hiding and supressing this truth."
In his book titled, The Africans who wrote the Bible-Ancient secrets Africa and Christianity Have Never Told, (2002), the author emphatically states that, "the worst lie and sin of the church was the premeditated transformation of the racial and ethnic identities of Jesus Christ, his mother and the entire people of the Bible from the Black people they were to White people, to satisfy emerging European racist sentiments against Black people."
First of all, for one to understand the truth of the above statement and accept it as a fact, that Black Afrikans of Ancient Egypt wrote the Holy Bible, thus, one must dispel the erroneous notion and fabricated lies that Christian Europe, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, have done in painting the ancient Egyptians as pagans, devils, and heathens.
Also, one must understand that Christian Europe's and the Catholic Church's motives for attacking Ancient Egypt in such negative vein, is due to the fact that Ancient Egyptian High priests were the Scribes who wrote what we come to know today as the Holy Bible. As a master-teacher H.M. Maulana points out: "Ancient Egypt from its pre-dynastic period up to its Golden Age of Pyramid building was an unadulterated predominantly Black race of people (3500-2100 B.C.E.).
The descendants of these Ancient Egyptians are living throughout Sub-Saharan Afrika, today, particularly in the nations of Ghana, Nigeria, and Cote d'Ivoire." The very first "Bible", or "Scroll" on record produced by man, with regards to paying honour and divine respect to a "Creator of all Mankind" was that of the Afrikan people of the Nile Valley in Ancient Kemet (Egypt) and Great Lakes regions of Central, East, and Northern Afrika.
The book was called by its Afrikan Creators and developers, The Book of the Coming Forth by Day and Night. It was translated from its original Medu Netcher text into the English language by several Europeans since the latter part of the 19th century A.D. The easiest one to read is called, The Egyptian Book of the Dead. This work was translated by British Egyptologist, Sir Ernest A. Wallis Budge. This original Bible was produced by Black Afrikans approximately 3,400 years before the Old Testament and more than 4,200 years before the New Testament, and countless versions of it have been written and published. According to Darkwah, the "Ancient Egyptians cross is the earliest and most sacred symbol of religion.
Egyptologists who believe they have successfully deciphered Ancient Egyptian Medu Netcher say it is called the Ankh, which means 'Life'." The meaning is correct, however, that is not what the Ancient Egyptians called it. The language from which this word originated is Akan and it actually means Life. This symbol was the Ancient Egyptians' sacred religious symbol that reinforced the cross on which Jesus was crucified,as a sacred Christian symbol. How did this happen?
The early Christian Church of Ancient Egypt adopted the Nkwa symbol as the symbol of their Church and called it Crux Ansata. From here, it was taken to Rome and there it became a Christian symbol with only a slight variation in design. The symbol of Nwka was excavated from the tomb of the Akan King Tutu Ankoma, the boy King of Ancient Egypt, whose name Europeans have corrupted to Tutankhamun or King Tut.
He ruled from 1336-1327B.C.E. Nana Darkwah suggests that the intelligentsia of Ancient Egypt was headed by such ethnic groups as the Akan, Ewe, Ga-Andangbe, Hausa, and Ibo. However, he asserts that the Akan was the main ruling class in Ancient Egypt sincethe majority of Ancient Egyptian Kings had Akan names. He also asserts that, "the early apostolic fathers of Christianity and the Church knew of many things they did not want the Christian masses to know about the background history, content, and people of the Bible."
As a result, the very design of Christianity was based upon protecting the Holy Bible from the lay masses. Until the reformation in the 15th century A.D., therefore, the Holy Bible was secretly guarded and its content was known to only a few in the Church. Because of the perceived need to protect the Holy Bible from the masses, the earliest design and practice of Christianity was based upon placing a cadre of priests between the Holy Bible and the people.
The Afrikan origin of Christianity was common knowledge among western scholars and early apolistic fathers of the Church long before the European Renaissance. This was common knowledge known by the Aryan-Whites in the past and is still known, today.
There have been numerous European scholars who have known and written about the falsehoods, fabrications, and false assumptions in the foundations of Christianity. One such European-American researcher and writer was Gerald Massey, who in his book titled The Natural Genesis: A Book of the Beginnings(1883), called the story and practice of Euro-Christianity: "the legendary lying love." Moreover, in The Aryan Myth: A History of Racist and Nationalistic Ideasin Europe, Leon Poliakov revealed that, "knowledge of the people of the Bible as Black people was common in Europe and in early European scholarship. "James Cowles, by far the most popular anthropologists of the first half of the19th century, elaborated around 1810 implying that "Adam and Eve were Black." And in 1836 a renowned British orientalist, Sir Godfrey Higgins, wrote, The Anaclypsis. Or an inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions.
He pointed out that the people of the Bible were Black and that in all early Catholic Churches of Europe: "the God Christ, as well as His mother, are described in their old pictures to be Black (peoples). The infant God in the arms of His Black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly Black." In 1875, Kersey Graves wrote a book titled The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" in which he pointed out from clear evidence in Europe that" Jesus was Black and the people of the Bible were originally Black people."
He wrote as follows: There is as much evidence that the Christian Savior was a Black man, or at least a dark man, as there is of him being the son of the Virgin Mary or that he once lived or moved upon the earth. And that evidence is the testimony of his disciples, who had nearly as good an opportunity of knowing what His complexion was as the evangelists who omit to say anything about it. In the pictures and portraits of Christ by early Christians, He is uniformly represented as being Black." Furthermore, he continues: "The statue of St. Peter inside St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy is a Black man. St. Peter was a Black man.
Thus, Jesus' last words before His execution was that a Black man has the keys to Heaven." According to H.M. Maulana, the aristocracy of Europe has always shown their hatred against the so-called Jewish people, since it was well known in their socio-political and economic circles that these people were of a Black Afrikan origin, who migrated out of Ancient Egypt up into Europe. Due to the negative anthropological ideas and theories of early European scholars against Black Afrikans, thus, the knowledge and reality that theosophy and philosophy, has surely been a major source of social-political embarrassment for Europeans.
The fact of the matter is that the racist and extremist European has always seen the so-called Jewish people with suspicion and contempt vis-à-vis their same contempt and ill-feelings they had towards Sub-Saharan Afrikans. That is to say, historically, the Europeans had no genesis of religion to claim as their own other than what came up "out of Afrika", Christianity, which was brought to them by the so-called Jews. This fact has left the European (Aryan-Whites) with bitterness, enmity, and jealousy against the so-called Jewish people and Afrikans.
Also, this fermented ill-feelings among Europeans that the so-called Jewish people had deliberately deceived them so that the Jews would dominate Europe. According to Darkwah: "This is also the reason no credible reason has been given for the most atrocious massacre of Blacks and Jews in human history." In the final analysis, Afrikan people must know that the "Aryan-White (European) tradition, Apolistic fathers of the Church, theosophical teachings and writings, as well as the Arabs, have all laboured over the past 500years, trying to disconnect Black Afrikans from Ancient Egypt, in order to hide the true identity of the original authors of the Bible and the origin from whence the Bible originated, which was Ancient Egypt."
In essence, then, and in the tradition of European supremacy, "what the Aryan-White race has attempted to do by high-jacking Ancient Egypt is as follows: Kill the Messenger (Black Ancient Egyptians), but save and embrace the 'Message' of the messenger for themselves"-that is, the Holy Bible. The main purpose of European scholarship supremacy is "to destroy the Black Afrikan genesis of Ancient Egypt and give the world a counterfeit analysis of this great civilization as being a creation of the Aryan-White race."
However, the late Dr. Chekh Anta Diop (the modern-day Imhotep), capsulises the dire attempt by the Aryan-White race to "white-wash" Ancient Egypt as follows: "Mankind trying to destroy the Black Afrikan genesis of Ancient Egypt is like trying to drown a fish in the ocean."
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
Dr. Nantambu is an Associate Professor, Dept. of
Pan-African Studies, Kent State University, U.S.A.
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