No Euro-Aryan Race Model in TnT
May 11, 2004
By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
Within recent times, "race matters" issues have attempted to dislodge TnT
from its pillar of a polyglot, multi-racial society, where "every creed
and race find an equal place"; at least, so the theory of the national
anthem suggests.
Opposition politicians have publicly accused the ruling government of
overt racial discrimination and by extension, outright racism.
This article seeks to examine the race question in TnT not in terms of
political grandstanding, psychological warfare tactics or bouts of
altruistic ego-tripping but facing historical reality in time and space.
In 1950, the London-based grandmaster Lord Kitchener wrote in a calypso
titled "If you're not black, white" as follows:
"Your father is an African Your mother maybe Norwegian You pass me, you wouldn't say goodnight Feeling you are really white Your skin maybe a little pink And that's the reason why you think Dat de complexion of your face Can hide you from the Negro(Black) race No! you can never get away from the fact If you not white then you considered Black"
The salient point made by Kitch is very clear and plain: even if you are a
"mixed" or "Red-man" Trinbagonian, then, you are considered Black as in
non-white. You are not White. A "Trini White" or "Red-man" only pertains
to small, micro TnT. To the larger. Outside world, such Trinbagonians are
Black, non-White people period.
The people whom the Europeans involuntarily brought from Africa to be
enslaved as dentured servants in TnT are African, Black, non-White.
And even if their descendants are now thin and light or red-skinned with
straight nose and bleached blonde/brunette hair, they are not White; they
may be so in thought and desire but in the real world, they are definitely
not White.
The people whom the Europeans voluntarily brought from India to be
enslaved as indentured servants in TnT are a people of colour; they are
not White.
And even if their descendants are now thin or light-skinned with straight
nose and long-flowing hair, they are not White; they may be so in thought
and desire but in the real world, they are definitely not White.
Ergo, in terms of historical reality, the majority population in TnT is
Black, non-White and a people of colour.
The poignant question that immediately arises is: how can one group shout
"racism" among non-white peoples?
If none of us is white, then how can one group be racist? This is all a
massive game-plan and ploy by some people in TnT. This master-plan must be
exposed for what it really is.
Indeed, C.L.R.James has cleared up this cobweb by concluding that:
"The race question is subsidiary to the class question in politics and to think of imperialism in terms of race is disastrous. But to neglect the racial factor as merely incidental is an error only less grave than to make it fundamental."
In other words, since Africans and Indians were both victims of European
enslavement and colonialism then the "race question" must give way to the
"class question". The latter is the real, endemic and intractable
problem in TnT today.
TnT has a class cum ethnic problem not a race problem.
However, in order to cloud this historical reality, it seems as though one
ethnic group of colour is bent on assuming and/or copying the successful
15th century European modus operandi of Divide and Rule(Conquer).
In the very same way the policy of European racial superiority (racism)
towards Africans came subsequent to the financial and economic gains of
the slave trade, it seems as though one ethnic group of colour in TnT is
attempting to wield and direct its financial and economic gains in the
same direction a la European.
This ethnic group is, therefore, surreptitiously trying to recreate,
reactivate and retool a new, improved, home-grown European Aryan
superior-inferior race model in TnT.
The covert attempt at repeating this Euro-centric history is per the slick
guise or politrick of accusing the other ethnic group of racism.
Truth be Told: One thing a racist never, never, never wants to be accused
of and that is in being called a racist.
What such a person does instead is to accuse the other person of being a
racist; in that way, the true racist deflects, camoflagoues and concedes
his real intention. mind-set and inner feelings towards the other person
or ethnic group. It is all a mind-game.
The fact of the matter is that historically, Africans never said or wrote
that they are superior to the Indians or anybody else, period.
Europeans are the real culprits who have said and written that they are
superior to Africans; at the end of the day, let us hope that some
Indian-Trinbagonians are not of similar Euro-elk, mind-set and world-view.
The Euro-centric, supremacist concepts of etnocentrism(lack of tolerance
of other cultures), ethnocentrism ( lack of tolerance of other races) and
xenophobia (fear of other races) have absolutely no place in TnT politics
and way of life today.
Hence, all the more reason why no ethnic group of colour in TnT must be
allowed and/or permitted to clandestinely expouse, vent or parley such
diabolical belief-systems in TnT.
In this specific case, since the two major ethnic groups in TnT are of the
same racial hue, that is, people of colour, non-white and Black, then
ethnic supremacy seems to be the hidden agenda and real-targeted goal.
As such, one must " neglect the racial factor" in C.L.R. James' assertion.
However, in another social milieu as in the United States of America, "to
neglect the racial factor as merely accidental" is not only "an error"
but also fundamentally insane and devoid of any societal reality.
Now is the time for the "emancipated" and "freed"Afican and Indian to heed
the poignant but apocalyptic admonition of the slain African-American
Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King as follows:
"Now the judgement of God is upon us and we must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools."
The time is now to prevent the slightest intrusion of any violent and/or
political bigotry, divisiveness, prejudice, enmity and internecine carnage
into our daily lives. This can be done by not only diffusing the race bomb
but also by strongly vilifying, denouncing and castigating its carriers.
Energies must be mobilized to stymie the rule of the tyranny of any
ethnic-racial majority in TnT.
Energies must be placed on our common, inherited, historical experiences
rather than on our accidental hue and/or ethnic features. They were all
imposed upon us by our various European slave-masters.
The fact of the matter is that Trinbagonians have more in common than we
have in differences---- beat de Tassa, beat de Drum! No budding ,
incipient, supremacist ethnic group must be given the green light in
Integration is our name; polarization is not our game. Trinbagonians are
one former oppressed, enslaved and colonized people from Mother Africa and
Mother India. Case closed, end of discussion.
In this regard, TnT must not become an innocent victim and/or hostage of
those who apparently have mastered the art of the dialectics of division,
derision and diversion.
Let us take a very serious reality check and in the process, come to grips
with some real, global racial facts.
Truth be Told: Within the context of European supremacy, Europeans are
White; Asians are classified as "Honorary Whites" or "Quasi Europeans",
while Asian-Americans are considered "Probationary Whites";
African-Americans (mixed or otherwise) are Black, non-white.
Europeans ( White people) are the global minority, although they comprise
the majority population in the so-callled First World and Second World.
Non-white people and people of colour are the global majority; they
comprise the majority population in the so-called Third World. TnT and
India are in the Third World.
According to the United Nations Population Division : In 2000, Europeans
made up 20 per cent of the world's population; by the year 2020, Europeans
will consist of 16 per cent of the world's population and in 2050,
Europeans will be less than 10 per cent of the world's population.
And according to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2050, America will be a
"Brown" nation with a majority population of non-white people and
European-Americans will be the national minority.
In 2003, Euro-America consisted of less than 5 per cent of the world's
At the local level, according to the 2000 census figures, 40 per cent of
the population has roots that could be traced back to Africa and 40 per
cent has roots that could be traced back to India; the remaining 20 per
cent is primarily made up of people with roots in England, China,
Portugal, Syria, Corsica, Lebanon, etc.
Truth be Told: The general public, including policy-makers in the
government, must cease and desist from using the label "Afro" and "Indo"
to refer to a particular ethnic segment of the population.
The term "Afro" is no longer in vogue in America and the Black population
in that country considers such a label as downright insulting, repulsive
and fighting words.
The label "Negro" is even more insulting, repulsive and derogatory. These
labels must stop being used in TnT.
The racial minority population in America is referred to as
African-Americans. They are not called "Afro-Americans." Let this be
very,very, very clear.
The fact of the matter is that this segment of the U.S. population was
brought involuntarily from the Continent of Africa to be enslaved on the
plantations in the American South from 1619-1865.
This population, these people, did not come from the Continent of "Afro";
no such Continent exists nor ever existed.
These people are Africans living in America, hence their proper,
historical, ancestral and geographic designation is African - Americans.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Likewise, Africans were involuntarily brought from the Continent of Africa
to be enslaved on the plantations in the Caribbean, including TnT, from
These people also did not come from the Continent of "Afro" to TnT, hence,
their descendants today are African-Trinbagonians, whether they like it
or not. That is totally immaterial and irrelevant. We are an African
people, period. We are not "Afro-Trinbagonians" and this writer hopes that
this Euro-centric, ahistorical and dysfunctional term/label will no longer
find its way in official government policy-documents.
Similarly, Indians came voluntarily from a country called India to endure
"semi-servitude" in TnT from 1845-1917.
These indentured servants did not come from a country named "Indo"; no
such country exists nor ever existed; hence, their descendants today are
Indian-Trinbagonians. They are not "Indo-Trinbagonians."
The time is now to put our common history back on its proper, geographic,
ancestral, ethnic and cultural footing and locus.
The two major ethnic groups in TnT are African - Trinbagonians and
TnT needs to go back to the good-ole days when it was considered " such a
conglomeration of racial and cultural mixtures that each group has to some
extent internalized or learned to appreciate the way of life of several
other groups and thus, through this process of ' plural acculturation', a
fluid yet stable system of inner-group relations is maintained."
However, "something happen along de way" to completely mess-up things;
such that what now exists in TnT is "madness, total madness" and the dire
strive to achieve ethnic supremacy.
Truth be Told: TnT must not be transformed into a society that is
"separate but equal.
Public policy and governance must be fashioned and tailored such that all
Trinbagonians, We the people, "are judged by the content of our character
rather than the colour of our skin."
In today's real world, although you "Don't Haffi Dread to be Rasta", you don't have to be dark-skinned to be considered African (Black); you can be thin, light-skinned with a straight nose and thin lips and still be considered African ( Black); whether you like it or not is totally immaterial and irrelevant.
African peoples come in different shapes, sizes, features, hair-styles, colours and appearances.
Likewise, you may be light-skinned with long-flowing bleached blonde/brunette hair and even thin ( as in size ten) with a thin nose but
those features do not make you an equal, White European person. You are
NOT White, period. You are or maybe every and anything else but you are
Not White. This is the reality of today's outside world, my fellow
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