Key Dates in Grenada's People Revolution
Compiled by Dr. Kwame Nantambu October 24, 2005 Updated: November 21, 2014
- On 11 March 1973, the New Jewel Movement (NJM) was formed, primarily
through the merger of the Movement for Assemblies of the People (MAP) led
by Maurice Bishop and Kenrick Radix and the Joint Endeavour for Welfare,
Education and Liberation (JEWEL) led by Unison Whiteman.
- In 1974, the NJM "began to develop along Marxist lines, when (it) began to study the theory of scientific socialism." On 21 January 1974, "Bloody Monday", Rupert Bishop, father of Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, was brutally shot and killed by Eric Gairy's Royal Police Force when they "unleashed a reign of terror" against innocent, unarmed demonstators, including children, on St.George's Carenage.
- On 13 March 1979, while the neo- colonialist , "criminal dictator"
Eric Gairy was out of the country, the real revolutionaries of the NJM
organized "a successful armed takeover of the True Blue army barracks and
of the island's sole radio station." The PRG of
Grenada was born.
- On 15 June 1979, the PRG proclaimed the principles of "equal pay for
equal work" and "maternity leave" and established a Woman's Desk in the
Ministry of Education and Social Affairs "to monitor and organize improved rights for our women."
- In 1980, the PRG established the Center for Popular Education (CPE)
based on the principle that "education is the right of all of our people,
the responsibility of our revolution and a key to the development of our
- In 1981, the PRG launched the National In-Service Teacher Education
Programme (NISTEP) as "a fundamental departure from the tradition of
teacher education that we have inherited in the English-speaking
- In 1982, the PRG declared it as the "Year of Economic Construction."
- In 1983, the PRG designated it as the "Year of Academic and Political
Education." Just as it took Fidel Castro two years to debrainwash the Cuban people of Euro-Spanish mis-education before he declared Cuba a "Communist State" in 1961. Castro wanted to create a "New Cuban." Similarly, Maurice Bishop took four years to debrainwash the Grenadian people of Euro-British mis-education. Maurice Bishop also wanted to create "Education for a New Grenada" a la Fidel Castro in Cuba.
- On 12 October 1983, Prime Minister Maurice Bishop was placed under
house arrest "at the orders of a clique of army, government and party
officials organized by Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard."
In the same way, Prime Minister Dr. Eric Williams put C.L.R. James under house arrest in 1965. C.L.R. James was Dr. Williams' school teacher when Eric Williams was a student Queen's Royal College (QRC). When Eric Wiliams received the "Island Schol" award, C.L.R. James accompained him to Britain.
- On 19 October 1983, --- Bernard "Coard's Bloody Wednesday"--- (i)
Grenadian "demonstrators went to Bishop's residence and managed to free
him"; their battle cry was: "No Bishop, No Revo" and (ii) (namely, Norris Bain, trade union leader, Jacqueline Creft, Minister of Education and Sports and who was pregnant, Fitzroy Bain, trade union leader, Unison Whiteman, Minister of External Affairs and Vincent Noel, trade union leader) were murdered in cold blood at the orders of Coard's clique. The massarce took place at Fort Rupert. The historical significance of this Fort is that when Maurice Bishop came to power in 1979 through armed revolution, there was only one casualty in that exercise, namely, his father Rupert. Bishop then named the Fort after his father who gave his life for his son's successful revolution. In 1983, his son, now Prime Minister Maurice Bishop was brutally assassinated in the same Fort he dedicated to his father.
- On 23 October 1983, US President Ronald Reagan "claims" to have
received an "urgent, formal request" from five members of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) along with Barbados and Jamaica that the United States should join with them in an effort "to restore order and democracy on the island of Grenada." These governments expressed deep concern to the United States about the "perceived" threat to their national security caused by the Cuban military build-up in Grenada.
- On 25 October 1983, under the code-name "Operation Urgent Fury", the
United States invaded Grenada with thousands of marines and army
rangers in collusion with the neo-colonialist, contemporary geo-political
house-servants, as in Prime Ministers, of Barbados, Dominica and Jamaica plus OECS members, who collectively sent 300 soldiers to kill fellow Caribbean peoples in Grenada.
A Luta Continua.
Dr. Kwame Nantambu is a part-time lecturer at Cipriani Labour College
and University of the West Indies.
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