Real Truth about Jesus' Birth
By Dr. Kwame Nantambu Posted: April 05, 2007
Updated: March 21, 2008
As Trinbagonians celebrate the Christian religious event of Easter, it is apropos to disseminate the truth that surrounds the birth of Jesus.
At the outset, it must be stated that it was out of the metaphysical, religious and symbolic creations of Afrikan/Kemetic people of ancient Kemet (Egypt) in the Nile Valley that the later revealed religions, of which Christianity is the most remarkable one, developed and/or evolved.
In fact, if one looks at the first three hundred years of Christianity, it was in many aspects, a derived Afrikan/Kemetic religion.
Now, on the walls of the Temple of Dendera in ancient Kemet(Egypt), there are four scenes dated 1700 B.C. that depict the birth of the royal Pharaoh. In the B.C. era, the Kemites considered their Pharaohs divine, that is, Gods incarnate. These scenes depict the divine birth as is known today.
In the first scene, God Thoth, messenger of the Gods and the God of science, writing, knowledge, comes to the Divine Mother, wife of the Pharaoh, and announces to her the impending birth of the divine child, who is descendant from the God Amun-Ra in the personification of Heru (Horus). This represents the Annunciation event in Christianity.
In the second scene, God Kneph, personification of the Holy Spirit, holds the symbol of life to the mouth of the Queen/Mother. This scene shows that the Queen is conceiving by the power of the Holy Spirit.
God Kneph is the personification of breath, air and spirit. In this ancient Kemetic spiritual belief system, spirit was synonymous with breath. Hence, it need occasion no great surprise that in the Christian gospel, Mary conceives by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In the third scene, the Divine child is born. This is equivalent to the nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem.
In the fourth scene, all the Gods in the ancient Kemetic pantheon gather around this divine child to sing his praises and adore him - just as the angels gathered around the infant Jesus to sing his praises and to adore him.
In other words, 1,700 years before Jesus was born, there existed the Annunciation, Immaculate Conception, Birth and Adoration of the Divine child, that is, the complete, derived Christian nativity scene as described in the gospel, but already occurring and depicted in ancient Kemet (Egypt).
It is also very interesting to note that all the Sun Gods of ancient Kemet in the B.C. era, particularly Heru (Horus), had their birthday celebrated on 25th December.
By way of elucidation, 21st December marked the winter solstice and at that time, the sun was at its lowest ebb. According to Dr. Charles Finch, the ancient Afrikans/Kemites used to describe natural phenomena in very poetic terms. So, the winter solstice was often described as the "sun in its cave."
For three days, the sun remains in its cave. The first day when the sun begins to rise again is at midnight on 25th December; so, midnight 25th December can be said to be the birth of the sun in a cave. This is equivalent to the Christian derivative of the birth of Jesus, son of God, in a cave. In ancient Kemet, sun was synonymous with son. In other words, the worship of the Sun God under Afrikan spirituality in the B.C. era has now become the worship of the son of God under the Christian religion in the A.D. era.
At midnight on 25th December 3,000 years ago, when the sun comes up on the eastern horizon, the constellation Virgo is sitting on the horizon so that the sun can be said to be born in a cave of the virgin.
Also, Sirius, is the brightest star in the heaven at that time. Sirius is a very important ancient Kemetic star because it arose it such a way to announce the flooding of the Nile River. Indeed, it is universally accepted that it was the star Sirius that led the so-called three wise men to Jesus, to the sun/son.
In other words, if one looks at Sirius on the night of 25th December in the southerly latitude, it is directly overhead on the meridian; thus, when the sun is born in the cave, Sirius is right directly overhead.
In addition, adjacent to Sirius is the constellation of Ausar (Osiris), the hunter. Now, there are three stars in the belt of Osirian that point directly to Sirius as if they are following Sirius. Those three stars in the belt of Osirian are called the three kings in Christianity.
So, one sees that much of what is called Christian gospel has direct correlation with ancient Afrikan/Kemetic/Egyptian astronomical facts that are represented mythologically and allegorically.
The fact of the matter is that in orthodox Christianity, the birthday of Jesus was originally celebrated on 6th January. However, in the third and fourth centuries when Christianity began to expand all over the Mediterranean world, it ran up against centuries of sun worship whose birthday was celebrated on 25th December.
So, for political reasons and power control intent, the birthday of Jesus was changed from 6th January to 25th December at the Council of Nicea, May-August 325 A.D. This geopolitical power control-religious decision is the origin of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" carol.
This Council was convened by Roman Emperor Constantine and it was at this crucial juncture in Christian religious belief system that Jesus was decreed "saviour of the world" who "washed us from our sins in his own blood."
Truth Be Told: It must be clearly understood that the Christian Holy Bible says that He was not born "Jesus Christ". This prima facie evidence is presented in the Gospel of St. Matthew 27:17 when Pontius Pilate, governor of Galilee, gave the people a choice as to whom he should set free. He asked: "Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas or Jesus, which is called Christ?". In 27:22, Pilate further asked: "What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?." They all say unto him: "Let him be crucified."
Translated, this biblical information speaks volumes to the stark reality/truism that the name "Christ" only represents Jesus' title or sobriquet; it is not his real name given to him at birth. It's a title given to him --- the Holy Bible confirms this historical fact.
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
Dr. Kwame Nantambu is a part-time lecturer at Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operative Studies and University of the West Indies.
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