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War and Terror: Copycat Killers: Jakarta Does the Bush Walk in Aceh Tuesday, June 03 @ 12:59:54 UTC | By Chris Floyd
"This is a blessing of September 11!" exclaimed the president's top adviser, as tanks rolled across the border and paratroopers blackened the sky above the enemy's land--an outlaw state seething with "terrorists" and run by "international criminals." With embedded media breathlessly narrating the action, the president launched the greatest display of military might the nation had seen in more than a generation, an earth-shaking blitzkrieg that the generals like to call "Shock and Awe."
That was the scene in Indonesia last week, as the military force responsible for two of the most horrendous campaigns of genocide in the last 50 years stormed into the rebel province of Aceh, vowing to crush a 27-year-old independence movement in just six months. The Indonesian militarists--who killed more than 500,000 people (a conservative estimate) in a CIA-assisted coup in 1965, then slaughtered more than 250,000 East Timorese in an American-backed invasion in 1975 (not to mention the mere thousands they and their paramilitary fronts killed in East Timor in the 1990s)--were back in the saddle and loaded for bear.
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War and Terror: Bali Disco Bombing - Another US ''Inside Hit.'' Friday, October 25 @ 15:51:49 UTC | by voxfux
Introducing the "Link" and "Pivot" bombs
or Looks like another US Military/Intelligence Black Op
It's not hard to find pieces of the puzzle that just don't fit. That's why the dark force spent years obliterating American's critical capability. So that the pieces that just don't fit - don't even get noticed.
Here's a piece that doesn't fit.
They expect us to believe that the same Islamic Terrorists who supposedly masterminded the Sept. 11th attacks, (Arguably the most significant MILITARY strikes in the history of empires, shaking the very roots of the globe's preeminent empire.) would blunder and bomb the disco containing Australians when a disco full of juicy Americans is probably just a few doors down the road?
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War and Terror: Indonesia: They lied to put a killer in power Wednesday, October 23 @ 18:09:08 UTC | By Paul Lashmar and James Oliver
16 April 2000, Independent UK
The world's press was systematically manipulated by British intelligence as part of a plot to overthrow Indonesia's President Sukarno in the 1960s, according to Foreign Office documents. The BBC, the Observer and Reuters news agency were all duped into carrying stories manufactured by agents working for the Foreign Office.
Last night, Denis Healey, Labour's defence secretary at the time, admitted the intelligence war had spun out of control in Indonesia. At one point the British were planting false documents on dead soldiers. Lord Healey even had to stop service chiefs from taking military action. He said: "I would not let the RAF drop a single bomb although they were very anxious to get involved."
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War and Terror: Australian governments and state terrorism in Indonesia Sunday, October 20 @ 18:21:43 UTC | by John Pilger, Oct 17, www.pilger.carlton.com
For 40 years, Australian governments have colluded with state terrorism in Indonesia. Now, the Bali outrage allows John Howard to distract attention from his hypocrisy
The Australian prime minister, John Howard, says the atrocity on the island of Bali is "proof" that "the war against terrorism must go on with unrelenting vigour and with an unconditional commitment". What he means is that he will continue to perform his holier-than-Blair role as George W Bush's most devoted, if not universally recognised, foreign gang member.
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