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World Focus: Analysts Predict Tougher Line On Chechens After Hostage Crisis Friday, October 25 @ 17:08:33 UTC | By Jeffrey Donovan, www.rferl.org Map of Chechnya
Armed Chechen militants continue to hold some 700 people hostage in a Moscow theater and are threatening to kill everyone unless Russia withdraws from the breakaway North Caucasus republic. How will the crisis affect U.S. policies and attitudes toward the Chechens, especially at a time when Washington wants Russian support at the United Nations for action against Iraq?
Washington, 25 October 2002 (RFE/RL) -- It's too early to say just how the Moscow hostage crisis will affect the U.S. stance on the Chechen conflict. But analysts largely agree that it could tempt Washington to move closer to the Russian view, i.e., that the Chechen war is not about separatism but is a battle against terrorism similar to America's own struggle.
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