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War and Terror: Rumsfeld Filled His Pockets with Pyongyang's Nuclear Loot Friday, March 07 @ 14:50:03 UTC | By Chris Floyd, www.counterpunch.org
It's a well-known fact--oft detailed in this column--that the boys in the Bush Regime swing both ways. We speak, of course, of their proclivity--their apparently uncontrollable craving--for stuffing their trousers with loot from both sides of whatever war or military crisis is going at the moment.
That's why it came as no surprise to read last week that just before he joined the Regime's crusade against evildoers everywhere (especially rogue states that pursue the development of terrorist-ready weapons of mass destruction), Pentagon warlord Donald Rumsfeld was trousering the proceeds from a $200 million deal to send the latest nuclear technology--including plenty of terrorist-ready "dirty bomb" material--to the rogue state of North Korea, Neue Zurcher Zeitung reports.
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War and Terror: Throwing Stones: Bush and Northern Korea Tuesday, November 05 @ 14:23:46 UTC | by Ron Jacobs, (Map of N Korea)
The United States has no legitimate business threatening northern Korea. The Pyongyang government may represent a threat to Washington's plans, but for Bush and his crew to provoke war is irresponsible and wrong. Since the fall of the Stalinist bureaucracies in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe over a decade ago, northern Korea has been left holding the bag.
During the cold war, Korea's southern half sold itself to the highest bidder (not without plenty of internal opposition) as the north solidified its ideological and economic ties to its allies in the ongoing struggle against Japan and the U.S.. Since those allies disappeared from the globe, the Pyongyang government has found itself the target of stepped up attacks. Unfortunately, as testimony from non-governmental workers and others has revealed, it has often done so at the expense of the civilian population.
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