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    World Focus: America's Addiction to Waging Illegal Wars
    Sunday, June 05 @ 12:21:01 UTC
    BombingBy Stephen Lendman
    June 04, 2011

    With regard to war, international and constitutional laws are clear. Under the Constitution's Article I, Section 8, only Congress may declare war, not the president. That, in fact, last happened on December 8, 1941 after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. As a result, all subsequent US wars have been illegal, including Obama's against Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya.

    Moreover, the UN Charter explains under what conditions violence and coercion (by one state against another) are justified.

    Article 2(3) and Article 33(1) require peaceful settlement of international disputes. Article 2(4) prohibits force or its threatened use. And Article 51 allows the "right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member....until the Security Council has taken measures to maintain international peace and security."

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    Latin America: Militarizing Latin America
    Wednesday, September 16 @ 07:27:34 UTC
    BombingBy Noam Chomsky
    September 16, 23009 - inthesetimes.com

    The United States was founded as an “infant empire,” in the words of George Washington. The conquest of the national territory was a grand imperial venture. From the earliest days, control over the hemisphere was a critical goal.

    Latin America has retained its primacy in U.S. global planning. If the United States cannot control Latin America, it cannot expect “to achieve a successful order elsewhere in the world,” observed President Richard M. Nixon’s National Security Council in 1971, when Washington was considering the overthrow of Salvador Allende’s government in Chile.

    Recently the hemisphere problem has intensified. South America has moved toward integration, a prerequisite for independence; has broadened international ties; and has addressed internal disorders—foremost, the traditional rule of a rich Europeanized minority over a sea of misery and suffering.

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    Invasion of Iraq: New Year Resolution: Shock and Awe to Replace Troops in Iraq
    Tuesday, January 03 @ 12:16:57 UTC
    Bombingby Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com

    As the new year unfolds, our war crimes complicit corporate media will tell us Bush is "drawing down" the number of troops in Iraq. In fact, the tempo and frequency of mass murder will increase, as the Straussian neocons have no desire to abandon their plan to decimate Muslim society. "Major U.S. news outlets are dodging the extent of the Pentagon's bombardment from the air, an avoidance all the more egregious because any drawdown of U.S. troop levels in Iraq is very likely to be accompanied by a step-up of the air war," writes Norman Solomon for the MediaChannel. "Caught between the desire to prevent a military defeat in Iraq and the need to shore up Republican prospects at home in the face of an unpopular war, President Bush is very likely to keep escalating the U.S. air war in Iraq while reducing U.S. troop levels there." In short, the increased mantra to "bring the troops home" will result in an escalation of Iraqi death and suffering.

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    Invasion of Iraq: Attack Dogs
    Friday, December 09 @ 17:01:39 UTC
    BombingBy Stephen Gowans, gowans.blogspot.com
    November 24, 2005

    "Mr. Bush was said to have referred to the idea of bombing Al Jazeera's studios in Qatar, a close Western ally, according to a document quoted...in The Daily Mirror. The tabloid said it was quoting from a leaked government memo said to contain a transcript of a conversation by Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair." (New York Times, November 23, 2005.)

    More evidence of just how far off the "is there no end to this madness?" meter Bush is?


    This isn't peculiar to Bush. While Bill Clinton was president, NATO not only talked about bombing an overseas TV network – it did so.

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    Invasion of Iraq: The War Rolls On
    Friday, December 19 @ 06:49:11 UTC
    BombingSteven Rosenfeld is a senior editor for TomPaine.com.

    Editor's note: Chris Hedges is a New York Times reporter and author of War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. He is currently on leave from the paper and writing a book on the Ten Commandments. He was interviewed by TomPaine.com's Steven Rosenfelld

    TomPaine.com: I'd like to talk about the portrayal of Saddam Hussein's capture and display. What's your reaction to the media coverage? Is it fair? Is it sensational? Is it nationalistic?

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    Invasion of Iraq: Gag Rule
    Saturday, November 22 @ 20:06:51 UTC
    BombingBy Chris Floyd
    November 21, 2003, www.moscowtimes.ru

    Although the "conquest" of Iraq has unraveled into murderous chaos, at least the Bush Regime is winning its ferocious battle against another dangerous foe: American soldiers who were captured -- and tortured -- by Saddam Hussein's forces in the first Gulf War.

    The Bushists' relentless fight to block the American captives from receiving any compensation from Iraq has eerie echoes of a similar move, more than 50 years ago, to prevent American victims of Japanese torture from filing legal claims against their tormentors. The two cases seem tied by a common ulterior motive: protecting war booty used as slush funds for "black ops" and crony kickbacks.

    (Read More... | 15552 bytes more | Invasion of Iraq | Score: 0)

    A Look at the 1953 US-Backed Coup in Iran
    Friday, August 29 @ 09:12:29 UTC
    Bombing50 Years After the CIA's First Overthrow of a Democratically Elected Foreign Government, We Take a Look at the 1953 US-Backed Coup in Iran

    by Amy Goodman and Democracy Now

    Transcript of Democracy Now! radio program, August 25, 2003

    This month marks the 50th anniversary of America's first overthrow of a democratically-elected government in the Middle East.

    In 1953, the CIA and British intelligence orchestrated a coup d'etat that toppled the democratically elected government of Iran. The government of Mohammad Mossadegh. The aftershocks of the coup are still being felt.

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    War and Terror: Victory aside, the invasion was a bad idea
    Wednesday, April 16 @ 16:56:17 UTC
    BombingBy Arianna Huffington, Los Angeles Times

    The Bible tells us that pride goeth before the fall. In Iraq, it cameth right after it.

    From the moment that statue of Saddam Hussein hit the ground, the mood around the Rumsfeld campfire has been all high-fives, I-told-you-sos and endless prattling about how the speedy fall of Baghdad is proof that those who opposed the invasion of Iraq were dead wrong.

    What utter nonsense. In fact, the speedy fall of Baghdad proves the antiwar movement was dead right. The whole pretext for our unilateral charge into Iraq was that the American people were in imminent danger from Hussein and his mighty war machine. Well, it turns out that, far from being on the verge of destroying Western civilization, Hussein and his 21st century Nazis couldn't even muster a halfhearted defense of their own capital.

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    War and Terror: Pearl Harbor And America At War
    Wednesday, December 11 @ 11:11:50 UTC
    BombingWas It A 'Just' War?' Or Was It Just Another War? by Jim Haber, Dec 06 2002, www.tompaine.com

    Saturday is the 61st anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. World War II is held up as the most just of wars, and many say similar humanitarianism is echoed in our war on Afghanistan and the enlarged war on Iraq.

    But there are many reasons that even World War II could not be considered a just war. Yes, the Nazis were genocidal, and in fact killed many of my own family. But that is not why the United States entered the war. By 1935 there were demonstrations and letter-writing campaigns exposing religious persecution in Germany and calling for boycotts. The economic interests of rich industrialists and the absolute opposition to anything smacking of "communism" stifled United States opposition to Hitler despite his murderous despotism.

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