January 2004
Defending Aggression: The David Kay Report Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004
"We were all wrong"
David Kay
We can finally put Weapons of Mass Destruction issue to rest.
With the publishing of the Kay report it is clear that the entire pretense for the Iraq war was nothing more than a hoax. Kay appeared before a Senate subcommittee to disclose his findings and admitted that he and his team had found no stockpiles of proscribed weapons in Iraq.
At one point he opined, "We were wrong, we were all wrong."
An estimated 8,000 innocent Iraqis died in the invasion, more than 500 American servicemen were killed in action, an entire country was destabilized and plunged into insurgency, and David Kay talks about being wrong like it was some minor miscalculation on the phone bill?
This is the reality of the Bush Administration's new "preemptive" theory; hundreds of billions of dollars are spent, countless lives are lost or ruined, and the world community is thrown into turmoil, and yet, no justification is provided.
Even worse, the head of the weapons inspection team presents his case to Congress as though it was all "just an honest mistake".
So, why did Kay choose to address the Senate in the first place?
After all, Kay has been a reliable Bush loyalist, and that hasn't changed.
Kay's real intention in addressing the Senate was to use the CIA as a scapegoat for the bad information that led to the war. Now, that the election is approaching, the President's chief advisor, Karl Rove, is trying to put as much distance as he can between the White House and the myriad lies about the non-existent weapons.
This is a delicate situation and has to be handled with great subtlety or intelligence agencies will see that Bush is trying to bury them in the media. Hence, the appearance of David Kay is intended to reinforce the false notion that the war was the result of faulty intelligence. Kay's testimony challenged the reliability of intelligence gathering methods and suggested that we may need a "major overhaul" of the intelligence services.
Absent from the testimony was any detailed recounting of the many fabrications that were repeated with propaganda-like precision to support the war. Also, absent was the clear implication that the Administration was directly involved in "cherry-picking" intelligence to suit its own purposes.
Apart from Senator Edward Kennedy, there was no mention of the fact that the Vice President was pressuring the CIA with frequent visits to produce information that was compatible with his own warmongering objectives, or that an Office of Special Plans was developed in the Pentagon for the expressed purpose of selectively manufacturing evidence that Saddam was a threat.
Most of this passed by completely unnoticed. Instead, the Administration has adroitly used its main inspector to "move the shells" one more time, and shift the blame onto the undeserving CIA.
But, the CIA doesn't create policy and it doesn't make the decision to go to war; the President does.
The CIA was skeptical about the Iraq threat from the very beginning. Its reluctance to endorse the Bush preemptive policy was evident in an earlier report that clearly stated that a war in Iraq would increase the likelihood of terrorism in the region and, perhaps, force Saddam to give whatever weapons he had to terrorist organizations. This warning was ignored.
It seems only appropriate that Kay would give his report on a day when six more American servicemen and eleven more Iraqis were killed. His loyalty to the Bush policy of unprovoked aggression provides an interesting contrast to the grim facts on the ground. Men and women are dying every day in what we know now was an entirely avoidable war.
The testimony of David Kay only confirms that point.
This article is published here with permission from the author. It was originally published in counterpunch.org. Mike Whitney can be reached at: fergiewhitney@msn.com
Latest News Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004
Flashback The Definitive List of Lies About WMD. ¤ Remind Us: Why did the United States invade Iraq? ¤ White House withholds notes taken by Sept. 11 delegation ¤ Test of US electronic balloting system finds major security flaws ¤ Bombings in Iraq Kill 12, Including 3 U.S. Soldiers ¤ Two US Soldiers ask: "When will we stop dying so senselessly?"
¤ Wolfowitz says Iraq war justified because Saddam ignored U.N. demands Flashback UN experts inspect palace; Iraq complies Flashback Iraq Pledges to Comply with UN Resolutions Flashback Iraq 'will comply with UN deadline' Flashback Common Myths in Iraq Coverage Flashback UN Inspectors Fear Bush Will Ignore Them Flashback US War Without UN Approval Would Be Seen as Illegal Flashback Bush hands UN an ultimatum on Iraq war Flashback Bush ignores UN call for inspectors Flashback The US advised the UN to remove its weapons inspectors Flashback UN weapons inspectors lobby for more time in Iraq Flashback Blix: 'US undermined UN inspectors' Flashback Bush bars UN weapons teams from Iraq Flashback A List of UN Security Council Resolutions against Israel Flashback UN resolutions Israel has not complied with Flashback U.S. Vetoes of UN Resolutions Critical of Israel Flashback Is the U.N. 'irrelevant' with regard to Israel too?
¤ Now even Bush admits WMD doubts ¥ He lied and keeps on lying ¤ Administration minces words on Iraq ¥ They Lied and keep on lying ¤ White House opts for different war rationale ¤ Our spies were hostage to their mistrust of Saddam ¥ Trying to spin the lies ¤ Iraq Roadside Blast Kills 3 U.S. Troops ¤ Iraq Car Bomb Blast Kills 9, Injures 45 ¤ Car Bomb Explodes at Mosul Police Station ¤ U.S. Airstrike Killed 10 Afghans ¤ Row hits Cheney case judge ¤ Recalling Pol Pot's Terror, But Forgetting His Backers ¤ Five top militants among 13 killed in Kashmir ¤ Russia, US differ over WMD interception ¤ Winner Blair loses public confidence ¤ Guess how much Halliburton paid in taxes ¤ Don't try regime change in North Korea ¤ Nukes: Can US practice what it preaches? ¤ Iraqi Democracy: Not Quite the Cakewalk ¤ Bush to 9/11 families: 'enough already' ¤ Pakistan loses ground in Afghanistan ¤ Failing Grade for Spies ¤ Danger for Bush as doubts grow over prewar intelligence ¤ I want the facts about intelligence on WMDs, says Bush ¤ EXPERTS SAY WMD DOSSIER 'FLAWED' ¤ Iraqi scientists call on Blair to resign over 'arsenal lies' ¤ US Wolfowitz: 'Didn't Mislead The World' On Iraq -CNN ¤ Ad Agency Is Sought To Pitch Elections ¤ Iraq Roadside Blast Kills 3 U.S. Troops ¤ US fiscal deficit forecast at $500bn ¤ Gilligan Resignation Statement in Full ¤ Three down. Only 24,997 to go ¤ Israel attacks Annan's remarks ¤ Fresh carnage in Iraq
Award for Gustavo Cisneros? Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004
Venezuela Ratifies Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism Venezuela ratified yesterday the Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism during the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism meeting in Uruguay. 22 other countries, including the U.S., are yet to ratify it
Women Protest US Award to Venezuelan Coup Leader Gustavo Cisneros Billionaire and media tycoon Gustavo Cisneros will be awarded by the Inter-American Economic Council, in spite of his involvement in anti-democratic activities in Venezuela. Henry Kissinger will present the award
Latest News Posted: Friday, January 30, 2004
¤ Defending Aggression: The David Kay Report ¤ Rice admits US doubts on WMD ¤ More Halliburton News, Brought to You By Halliburton ¤ The case against the Iraq war ¤ What WMD? ¤ The Hypocrisy of Powell's Lecture ¤ Kay-O'd on Iraqi Weapons? ¤ Americans deserve to know ¤ Where's the Apology? ¤ Is David Kay a weapon of mass deflection? ¤ CBS' Blackened Eye ¤ Bush dodges questions over calls for independent intelligence inquiry ¤ The Hutton Inquiry ¤ Hutton a whitewash, say 56% ¤ 'The Public Must Look to What is Missing From the Report' ¤ Poles criticize their leader after he meets with Bush ¤ Several dead in Dominican clashes ¤ Iraq attacks to rise - US general ¤ Bush refuses to call inquiry into WMD ¤ Three Palestinians killed by Israeli troops ¤ White House weighs response to Kay ¤ 11 Killed By Bomb On Bus in Jerusalem ¤ Hill Probers Fault Iraq Intelligence ¤ Rice On Weapons Controversy ¤ Dyke 'does not necessarily accept' findings ¤ We'll get bin Laden this year, vows US ¤ The unjust world order ¤ Turkey today ¤ In CIA debate, new risks for Bush ¤ Four Dead in Dominican Republic Strike ¤ Seven US soldiers killed in Afghanistan ¤ US releases juvenile Guantanamo prisoners ¤ Britain opposes international court review of security fence ¤ Bush, Blair, and WMD intelligence ¤ Bush evades ¤ Bush, Saddam and Dostoyevsky ¤ Bush Expected To Waive Sanctions On Syria ¤ U.S. has quietly expelled dozens of Saudi diplomats
Latest News Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2004
¤ U.S. acknowledges flaws in Iraq intelligence ¤ Bush Calls for Preemptive Attack on Mars & Moon ¤ Afghan Weapons Cache Blast Kills 7 GIs ¤ Ten killed in Jerusalem suicide bombing ¤ The politics of poultry ¤ The great whitewash ¤ Awkward questions still not answered by inquiry ¤ A hollow claim ¤ No mystery to untangling WMD puzzler ¤ Truth on Iraq Begins to Emerge ¥Only in the mainstream media ¤ CBS: The Censor Broadcast System ¤ Why Stop With Iraq? ¤ 'War based on the big lie' ¤ Thanks for the Memories Flash ¤ WMD's Are Overrated as a Threat to America ¤ Mass Distraction ¤ Examine arms data failures, U.S. told ¤ Five Saudi Agents Dead In Shootout ¤ Bush Aide Leads White House Offensive on Iraqi Weapons ¤ In full voice against Bush ¤ British soldier dies in Kabul blast ¤ Brazilians Sent From U.S. on Violations Flashback ¤ Brazil to fingerprint US citizens ¤ The shadow of Iraq ¤ Brussels clears GM maize 'to please US' ¤ Three die in Iraq 'ambulance bomb' kills three hotel ¤ US to engage India, Pakistan on WMD ¤ Six die in Baghdad suicide bombing ¤ UK soldier killed in Afghan attack ¤ Nuclear questions ¤ Discrediting democracy ¤ Hutton is accused of a 'whitewash' ¤ If it went to the West End they'd call it Whitewash ¤ The sexing up of absolutely everything ¤ Kay Blames Weak Intel in Iraq WMD Failure ¤ The GI's weapon of choice in Iraq: dollars ¤ Crying wolf on Iraqi WMD costs US credibility on North Korea ¤ Error in Terror: "Honest Mistake" ¤ Bush waters down Iraq WMD claims ¤ BBC rocked as chairman quits over Kelly affair ¤ Democracy, colonial-style ¤ US draws a line on Pakistan's nuclear program ¤ Suicide bomb kills up to six in Baghdad
American Taliban: Politics of George W. Bush Posted: Wednesday, January 28, 2004
By Manuel Valenzuela, www.axisoflogic.com
It is said that evolution is an unstoppable force, be it biological or societal. Progress seems to be the hallmark of human civilization since the dawn of mankind's birth in the forests of Africa to our eventual Diaspora throughout the globe. Every man, woman and child owes their existence to the first ape-like hominids that, not too long ago in the giant clock of Earth's history, left the trees for the savanna, later to spread to all corners of our only home. Every race, ethnicity and color was at one point primitive, at some time labeled barbarian by more "advanced" civilizations, during the brief domination by our species of this most wonderful home. From barbarians we became "civilized" men and women, escaping our tribal inclinations for the sake of exploitation at the hands of feudal lords, anointed kings, corrupted church leaders and elite capitalists. Full Article
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, January 28, 2004
¤ The First Lie ¤ Under heavy guard, oil fields set to export crude ¤ Car bomb kills 4 in Baghdad as U.N. security team arrives ¤ WMD: Bad Intelligence, But More ¤ Kay: 'We Were Almost All Wrong' ¤ Israeli army says 13 Palestinians dead in Gaza clash ¤ Editorials Question Bush's Role in 'Cooking' Up a War ¤ BBC chairman quits over Hutton ¤ Kay Cites Evidence Of Iraq Disarming in '90s ¤ 13 American soldiers court martialled ¤ Lord Hutton's conclusions ¤ Bush Backs Away From His Claims About Iraq Arms ¤ Bush Tempers Pre-War Stance on Iraqi Weapons ¤ The Evidence Mounts! Another Bush Defector! ¤ Doing Business With The Enemy ¤ The Ignorant and Damaging Politics of George W. Bush ¤ Time to pay the piper, Mr. President ¤ Transcript: David Kay at Senate hearing
¤ US denies 'imminent' threat warning Flashback Bush Calls Iraq Imminent Threat Flashback President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat Flashback Powell Disagrees With Think Tank on Iraq Threat Flashback The Times Misfires (Again) on Bush's "Imminent Threat" Flashback Silly word games and weapons of mass destruction Flashback Transcript of Powell's U.N. presentation Flashback Bush, Powell Defend Remark On Iraq's Weapons Capability
¤ U.S. Intelligence on Iraq: Political Battleground ¤ Car bomb kills 4 in Baghdad as U.N. security team arrives ¤ Bush retreats from WMD claim ¤ CIA in disarray ¤ Israeli army kills at least 8 ¤ Blair cleared of 'dishonourable conduct' ¤ Bush still dodging bullets ¤ Three US soldiers among 13 killed in Iraq ¤ Powell seeks military bases in Eastern Europe ¤ Snowstorm kills 44 people in US ¤ WMD proliferation: the European-US trail ¤ Kay denies evidence of moved Iraqi unconventional weapons to Syria ¤ White House moves to reverse stand on illegal weapons ¤ Powell lets fly with criticism of Russia ¤ Give You Liberty or Give You Death ¤ Will Dubya Dump Dick? ¤ Nukes: Can US practice what it preaches? ¤ Anti-war nations 'took bribes' before war began ¤ United against Dubya ¤ Four Die in Baghdad As U.N. Team Arrives ¤ Afghan suicide bomber kills two in Kabul ¤ Kay to Testify About Iraqi WMD Search ¤ Sharon denies he offered settlers deal for outposts ¤ Last of the believers ¤ He's smiling. And he's read Hutton ¤ Powell says U.S. force won't encircle Russia ¤ Bush Backs Away From His Claims About Iraq Arms ¤ US denies Iraq posed immediate threat ¤ Eight Palestinians killed in Israeli raid ¤ British soldier dies in Afghan blasts ¤ Libya WMD components flown to US
Nearly all WMD claims wrong: Kay Posted: Tuesday, January 27, 2004
By James Risen in Washington, www.smh.com.au
The Central Intelligence Agency's outgoing chief weapons inspector, David Kay, has concluded that the US was almost certainly wrong in its pre-war belief that Iraq had any significant stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.
Dr Kay, who headed the US search for WMDs after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime until he resigned on Friday, based his views on his team's interviews with Iraqi scientists, reviews of documents and examinations of facilities and other materials.
"I'm personally convinced that there were not large stockpiles of newly produced weapons of mass destruction," he said on Saturday. "We don't find the people, the documents or the physical plants that you would expect to find if the production was going on. I think they gradually reduced stockpiles throughout the 1990s." Full Article
Latest News Posted: Tuesday, January 27, 2004
¤ Six U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq in Two Separate Bombings ¤ Roadside bombing west of Baghdad kills 3 American soldiers, 2 Iraqis ¤ Canadian soldier killed in Kabul ¤ War Coverage's Biggest Lie -- Censoring the Horrors ¤ Expose the Lies from the Inside ¤ Racism 101 All Over Again ¤ "We're All Lied To" ¤ Dennis Miller, Swooning Bush Fan, Launches New Talk Show ¤ 2 CNN employees killed in attack ¤ Oh Kay: Now the truth's out ¤ US president defends Iraq war decision ¤ Sexed up: How London sold its war on Iraq ¤ 'Chirac is out to get you,' UK intelligence told Blair ¤ Experts question Kelly 'suicide' ¤ Three Doctors Dispute How David Kelly Died ¤ 5 IDF troops suspected of taking bribes from Palestinians ¤ Pope Greets Cheney With Message on Iraq ¤ Iraqis snap up US army rubbish ¤ Targeting weak points: Iraq's oil pipelines ¤ The State of the Media Union ¤ The Deceiving of the Union ¤ Media to interview actors posing as troops ¤ Halliburton's Gig Is Up ¤ Cheney adamant on existence of Easter Bunny ¤ What did Big Oil know, and when did they know it? ¤ Another Violation of US Law ¤ War Advocates Need a Good Dose of Humility ¤ Iraqi who gave MI6 45-minute claim says it was untrue ¤ Friendly face of the law gunned down in Iraq ¤ Leak against this war ¤ Powell: U.S. Has No Anti-Russia Plan ¤ U.S. Says More Time Needed on Iraq WMD ¤ Afghan Attack Kills Canadian Soldier ¤ US may pay for Libya to dismantle weapons ¤ Powell's rebuke fails to rile Putin ¤ No humanitarian case for Iraq war, says rights group ¤ Blair, Cheney face no-show-WMD fallout ¤ From Iraq to Libya, US knew little on weapons ¤ Blair faces his toughest week as prime minister ¤ Kinder, gentler Cheney returns to spotlight ¤ In rebuttal, U.S. insists war was justified ¤ Intervention in Iraq Not Humanitarian ¤ Seven Iraqi cops killed in attacks ¤ US troops kill four Afghans ¤ Four killed in held Kashmir violence ¤ Red harvest in Iraq ¤ Troops hope the yen is mightier than the sword ¤ White House retreats on weapons claim ¤ PM defies Iraq weapons claim ¤ White House's WMD retreat weakens Blair ¤ Iraqi who gave MI6 45-minute claim says it was untrue ¤ Nearly all WMD claims wrong: Kay ¤ Iraq's death spiral into corruption killed arms plans, says inspector ¤ Failure to find weapons disappoints Straw ¤ The War on Terror is over ¤ Israel rejects 'insincere' Hamas offer of 10-year truce
Latest News Posted: Monday, January 26, 2004
¤ American Ali Baba ¤ Masterful Machiavellianism ¤ David Kay's Admission Grounds for Optimism? ¤ Cluster Bombs: War Crimes of the Bush Administration ¤ U.S. Is Violating Accord on POWs ¤ Robert S. McNamara, Colin Powell & "The Fog of War" ¤ Weapons hunter faults U.S. agencies ¤ The Lie's The Limit? Where Does It End? ¤ Rumblings From Rummy: Syria And Lebanon Are Next ¤ Jabberwacky Analyzing Lies And Other Nonsense ¤ US abuses human rights in Iraq, useless compensation system ¤ The Iraq Paradigm Flashback ¤ CIA and DOD Attempted To Plant WMD In Iraq ¤ UK and US 'may have been wrong on WMDs' ¤ Dr Kelly 'did not kill himself' ¤ US Faces Record $477 Billion Deficit ¤ US federal deficit to rise by extra $986bn ¤ New study shows Neanderthals were not our ancestors ¤ US must quit Iraq before vote, say Sunnis ¤ Syria Denies Weapons Received Before War ¤ The US is now in the hands of a group of extremists ¤ Blair defiant over WMDs as aides face Hutton censure ¤ Iraq posed less threat but stayed top target ¤ How to Defeat the United States Army ¤ Social Justice ¤ A War Culture ¤ Lighting the Fuse ¤ US helicopter crashes in Iraq ¤ The judgement of history ¤ PM has no regrets over Iraqi war ¤ Insurgents kill 12 in shootings, car bombings ¤ BBC quietly plans shift in its news guidelines ¤ No intention to establish bases in Georgia: Powell ¤ US chopper crashes, soldier killed in grenade attack ¤ America losing world's trust ¤ Handover plan could be scrapped: US ¤ How roadside bombs have become the Iraqi guerrillas' most dangerous weapon ¤ Downer 'doesn't accept' weapons inspector's WMD denial ¤ 1,700 U.S. soldiers quit Iraq ¤ U.S. Has Questions on Russian Arms Sent to Iraq ¤ Illiberal secularism ¤ When it's time to call time ¤ Iran's Council vetoes reform bill ¤ No WMD in Iraq before war, says Kay
Latest News Posted: Sunday, January 25, 2004
¤ Democracy: dollars determine who wins ¤ Twelve dead in Iraq resistance attacks ¤ Army Copter With 2 Pilots Crashes in Iraq ¤ Handover plan could be scrapped: US ¤ US soldier dies in Iraq ¤ Army Copter With 2 Pilots Crashes in Iraq ¤ Wary UN returns to Iraq ¤ Syria rejects accusations it has WMD ¤ Saddam's WMD hidden in Syria, says Iraq survey chief ¤ Powell fudge on Iraqi WMDs ¤ US now hedges on Saddam's banned weapons ¤ UK Author Questions Official Report of Dr. David Kelly Death ¤ Spy chiefs warn PM: don’t blame us for war ¤ U.S. soldier dies after Iraq rocket attack ¤ 5 GIs Killed in Blasts ¤ The 50 lies, exaggerations, distortions and half truths on the way to war ¤ Existence of WMD an "open question": Powell ¤ Powell Voices Doubts About Iraqi Weapons ¤ Stockpile 'never existed' ¤ Iraq's WMD: the big lie? ¤ House still insists arms may be found ¤ US steps back from from WMD claims ¤ Annan Warns of Narrow Focus on Terrorism ¤ US expert says there are no chemical stockpiles to be found in Iraq ¤ 'Little point' in WMD search ¤ Halliburton tells US of suspected Iraq-work kickback ¤ Iraq cleric dashes US plans for transition ¤ Iraq's Shia: "Our Day Has Come" ¤ Cracks in the Foundation? ¤ War Party Puts Syria in Its Sights ¤ Israel's Nuclear Arms and the Bush Administration ¤ Stress epidemic strikes American forces in Iraq ¤ Female GIs reporting rapes by U.S. soldiers ¤ A very destructive American policy
Bushwhacking Mother Nature Posted: Saturday, January 24, 2004
US Environmental Destruction Abroad
Sueddeutsche Zeitung, www.heatherwokusch.com January 14, 2004
While some German politicians are worried about the closing of US military bases in their regions, others fear nasty surprises will surface after the Americans depart. The United States has consistently valued military power more than the environment - but at what price?
Some in the White House argue that US national interests transcend greenie niceties, and this certainly was the case with Bush's 3-day stay at Buckingham Palace last year. US security forces trashed the Royal Gardens, historic statues and even the palace itself in an effort to provide the best environment for the president. The Queen's ensuing outrage didn't seem to bother Washington: if US self-protection mandates despoiling a patch of land far away, then so be it.
The issue of US military bases overseas arouses similar conflicts. According to Gary Vest, an assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for environmental security, "There is not a [US] military base in the world that doesn't have some soil or ground water contamination. That is just a given." Full Article
Latest News Posted: Saturday, January 24, 2004
¤ 5 U.S. Troops, 4 Iraqis Killed in Attacks ¤ Critics blast Cheney for linking al Qaeda to Iraq ¤ Cheney claims al Qaeda link to Hussein ¤ Cheney Rejects Book's Claims on Deficits ¤ Powell: Possible Iraq had no banned arms ¤ Bush Administration Plan to Give Western Arctic to Oil Industry ¤ Halliburton wins Iraq deal despite price gouging ¤ Occupation, Inc. ¤ Blair 'must admit war was mistake' ¤ Iraq weapons report should be taken seriously: Annan ¤ US urges Europe to join war on terror ¤ US soldiers killed in Iraq copter crash ¤ Iraq weapons hunter quits ¤ Saddam's WMD never existed, says chief American arms inspector ¤ No WMD stockpiles in Iraq: ex-weapons inspector ¤ Ex-weapons inspector says no WMDs in Iraq ¤ Arms Hunt In Iraq to Get New Focus ¤ Iraq cleric dashes US plans for transition ¤ Blair's last stand ¤ Germany secures a foothold in Iran ¤ Searching for a 'miserable failure' ¤ Defiant MP sacked in suicide bomber row ¤ Afghan Reconstruction Hinges on Opium Poppy ¤ Two Iraqi communists killed in blast ¤ Iraq Shiites split over UN, report says Halliburton pair took kickbacks ¤ Why the US needs the world ¤ No threat of attack on N-arsenal: Musharra ¤ Of course the White House fears free elections in Iraq ¤ Halliburton staff sacked 'for taking bribes' ¤ Cheney claims al Qaeda link to Hussein ¤ New WMD blow for Bla
Latest News Posted: Friday, January 23, 2004
¤ Helicopter crashes in northern Iraq, killing two pilots ¤ Ex-Arms Hunter Kay Says No WMD Stockpiles in Iraq ¤ Bush Helps CBS, CBS Helps Bush ¤ The States of Iowa and the Union Agree: Bush Can Be Beaten ¤ The Corporate-Military Whiz Kids ¤ When Was Bush Transformed Into the See-No-Evil President? ¤ An Israeli Pilot Speaks Out ¤ Rule by the Capricious and the Corrupt ¤ The Snake of the Union ¤ Royal flush ¤ Who will pay price for Iraq? ¤ US War on Terror May Spread to Syria, Report Says ¤ Powell to pledge US support for Georgia ¤ The 21st century: a time for new oil wars ¤ Halliburton execs accepted kickbacks ¤ Bush's State of the Mess Address ¤ Iraq may be heading toward a civil war ¤ Nine Killed in Surge of Violence in Iraq ¤ Bush bombs as a 'miserable failure' in cyberspace battle ¤ US frailty doesn't just exist in the European imagination ¤ 'He has already lost his halo' ¤ WMD sceptic will head search team ¤ Bush's $5 trillion problem: Rising deficit troubles GOP ¤ Bush takes the swaggering sheriff routine too far ¤ Two US soldiers among 11 killed in Iraq ¤ Sharon refuses to resign over bribery scandal ¤ Sharon aide confers with Rice ¤ Next stop Syria? ¤ Iraq's WMDs may have gone to Syria: US intelligence Flashback Rice: No evidences on transfer of WMD from Iraq to Syria Flashback No Evidence Iraq Moved WMD to Syria Flashback U.S. says no credible evidence Iraq moved weapons to Syria ¤ Terrorism and despotism ¤ Scandal hits promoter that wows US troops ¤ Dead Palestinian Boy Was Hunting ¤ Deep south divided by rape case ¤ Germany secures a foothold in Iran ¤ Bush doctrine
Al-Qaida to Assure Bush is Re-elected Posted: Thursday, January 22, 2004
Al-Qaida will do Whatever it Takes to Assure Bush is Re-elected
by Gwynne Dyer
Most analysts outside the United States long ago concluded that that was the principal motive for the 9-11 attack. They would add that by giving the Bush administration a reason to attack Afghanistan, and at least a flimsy pretext for invading Iraq, al-Qaida's attacks have paid off handsomely. U.S. troops are now the unwelcome military rulers of more than 50 million Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq, and people there and elsewhere are turning to the Islamist radicals as the only force in the Muslim world that is willing and able to defy American power.
It is astonishing how little this is understood in the United States. I know of no American analyst who has even made the obvious point that al-Qaida wants Bush to win next November's presidential election and continue his interventionist policies in the Middle East for another four years, and will act to save Bush from defeat if necessary.
Certainly another attack on the scale of 9-11 would risk producing that result, even if al-Qaida had the resources for it. But a simple truck bomb in some U.S. city center a few months before the election, killing just a couple of dozen Americans, could drive voters back into Bush's arms and turn a tight election around. Al-Qaida is clever enough for that. Full Article
Latest News Posted: Thursday, January 22, 2004
¤ Bush Changes His WMD Claims ¤ Jury still out on WMD, says Cheney ¤ Guerrilla Attacks in Iraq Sunni Triangle Kill Nine ¤ Lost in Space ¤ Dry Drunk Confirmed? ¤ Bush's Iraq: An Appointocracy ¤ The New American Century ¤ O'Neill's Failed Bid for African Relief ¤ Al-Qaida will do Whatever it Takes to Assure Bush is Re-elected ¤ How Many Degrees of Separation Between Bush and the People ¤ Bush Act Starts to Wear Thin ¤ State of the Union 2004 Myth and Reality ¤ Powell rebukes Democrats for criticising Bush ¤ U.S. made Iraq a hotbed of terrorism: Russia ¤ The Sorry State of the State of the Union ¤ Protester=Criminal? ¤ Powell Says No Hard Evidence Iraqi WMD Hidden in Syria ¤ Mad As Hell ¤ How Much Democracy Should Iraqis Have? ¤ 'Bush has created new axis of evil' ¤ Bush switches focus to economic battles ¤ Killing the king ¤ Turkey to Press U.S. on Kurds in Iraq ¤ Veiled threat ¤ Bribes claim threatens to bring down Sharon ¤ Turkey promises to compensate Kurds after years of terror ¤ Next stop Syria? ¤ Canadian Deported to Syria to Sue U.S. ¤ Occupational hazards ¤ Pentagon Stands by Internet Voting System ¤ Belligerent Bush takes anti-terror message to US heartland ¤ Whose democracy? ¤ 'The Word of America' ¤ BBC details its errors in prewar Iraq stories ¤ What The Terrorists Want ¤ Bush thinks God gave him right to punish ¤ Bush seeks $40m for new ME democracy projects ¤ International peacekeepers in Afghanistan call for more support ¤ Blair’s 24-hour test ¤ Bush's New Middle East ¤ 9/11 is low on White House priority list ¤ Bush's foreign failures ¤ Europe shouldn't compete with the U.S. ¤ Sinking Ship ¤ Losing battle in war on terror finances ¤ India caught in Washington's political mangle ¤ Terror ties: Turkey and Pakistan join forces ¤ Record deficit limits new initiatives from Bush ¤ Bush stakes his re-election on Iraq ¤ Bush bangs on the war drum to orchestrate re-election ¤ Iraqi women killed in attack ¤ Japan to cut UN contribution ¤ Bush chided for ignoring peace process ¤ Why the BBC Ducks the Palestinian Story
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2004
¤ American Terrorist ¤ Bush style: Ignore the facts, tout the conclusion ¤ It's about money ¤ Rigged Votes and Puppet Governments ¤ Bush's Defiant State of the Union ¤ Code Pink says "Give Bush a Pink Slip!" ¤ Bush is Way Off Course ¤ New song blames U.S. for 9-11 ¤ President Bush Falls Off Mark With Speech ¤ Defending the Undefendable ¤ China's growth hits six-year high ¤ Shift in U.K. paper's loyalties? ¤ Two post-Iraq suicides not listed by Army ¤ In tough Iraqi conflict, civilians pay high price ¤ Why Do Iowans Like To Caucus But Iraqis Don't? ¤ Whose democracy? ¤ Israel kills Palestinian woman in Gaza ¤ Free and Green ¤ Still brooding ¤ Bush to WHO: Junk food is good for you ¤ As Bush outlines goals and themes, analysts question his record ¤ Kerry bounces back and seeks to turn Iowa victory into springboard ¤ Guantanamo families to take fight to US ¤ Putin: Russia Ready for Global Finances ¤ Haitian Opposition, Caribbean Leaders Meet ¤ Trinidad Singer Pressed on 'Kidnap' Song ¤ Kurds turn against US after losing control over oil-rich land ¤ Flashback Yes, our government lied about causes of Iraq war ¤ The devil and L Paul Bremer ¤ Japan muzzles the nosy media on Iraq ¤ Back to the United Nations ¤ UN hampered efforts to prevent Rwanda genocide ¤ THE STATE OF THE UNION ¤ I believe in conspiracies ¤ The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has only one solution. ¤ Bush delivers muscular message ¤ Missile Lands in U.S. Compound in Iraq ¤ Wife overthrows husband as head of Liberian rebels ¤ US seeks global aid for Iraq ¤ Seoul's new envoy may not please US ¤ The Iowa surprise ¤ Text of President Bush's State of the Union speech
Latest News Posted: Tuesday, January 20, 2004
¤ Iraq's Ex-U.N. Envoy: U.S. Sowing Chaos ¤ George W Bush and the real state of the Union ¤ George W. Bush a Divider After All ¤ Addressing Bush's State of Disunion ¤ Israeli bulldozers flatten 30 houses in Gaza refugee camp ¤ Israeli Jets Bomb Lebanon ¤ Japan's Iraq deployment gets little airtime at home ¤ Japan eyes $1 bil. in grants for infrastructure rebuilding in Iraq ¤ Coalition to create 50,000 jobs in Iraq ¤ Unjust War is the Only Issue ¤ Give Iraqis the Election They Want ¤ He May Be A Tyrant But At Least He's Our Tyrant ¤ Bad Advice And The Hapless Victims ¤ My, how those dam cracks have grown ¤ Going for broke ¤ A false U.S. recovery ¤ Either You are WIth Us or Against Us ¤ The State of the Union Address Drinking Game ¤ When is a Democracy Not a Democracy? ¤ UN mulls Iraq return as Shia protest again ¤ 5 million on terrorism list ¤ O'Neill's book forces Bush to lie...again ¤ Bush should make Israel ditch its nukes ¤ 'No 10 spin machine has eroded public trust' ¤ Kerry takes Iowa as Dean trails and Gephardt quits ¤ US bombing kills 11 Afghans ¤ Are You Going To Get Mad? ¤ U.S. asks UN to send advisers to Iraq ¤ Taking look back at the 'axis of evil' ¤ Hussein's trial: Make it an unabashed media event ¤ George W Bush and the real state of the Union ¤ Shia protesters step up demand for Iraq elections ¤ Threat of Terrorism ¤ UN May Side With Iraqis Over US on Early Elections ¤ In the Mideast, TV, Internet Spur Change but Losses Stalk Newsroom ¤ How to watch Bush's lips ¤ Israel scrambles to defend fence ¤ Annan stalls on sending UN mission to Iraq ¤ 'He might feel a chill of recognition' ¤ Kerry Wins Iowa Caucuses ¤ Iraqi Shia march to demand polls ¤ Hundreds rally in Tokyo, Okinawa against Iraq deployment ¤ Americans' historic choice ¤ Critics want Israel to admit, abolish its nuclear program
Latest News Posted: Monday, January 19, 2004
¤ Cheney defends Iraq WMD claims ¤ Arms issue seen as hurting U.S. credibility ¤ Everything Is Hyped ¤ Sell oil for gold, Mahathir says ¤ Iraqis protest at handover plan ¤ 100,000 demand Iraqi elections ¤ 24 Killed in Suicide Bombing ¤ Bush's rhetoric rebound? ¤ Humility or More Hyperbole? ¤ Managing mission impossible ¤ Afghanistan: US raid 'kills 11 innocents' ¤ Israelis shoot deaf Palestinian woman ¤ Fly Me to the Moon, Too ¤ Why the US is Running Scared of Elections in Iraq ¤ Today Iraq, tomorrow Mars ¤ The Currency War ¤ Black students walk out on Jeb Bush's MLK day speech ¤ US military will stay in Georgia ¤ The George Bush Ongoing Assault On Women! ¤ Blair is on his way out, but will he jump or will he be pushed? ¤ Blood in the water ¤ First look: Bush's State of the Union Address ¤ Monstrous beyond belief ¤ Americans need to question their style of democracy ¤ Martin Luther King in the American Psyche ¤ Bush and MLK ¤ Suicide bomb at US headquarters kills 20 and injures more than 100 ¤ 25 killed in Baghdad suicide bombing ¤ Major among nine killed in held Kashmir gunbattle ¤ Israeli envoy snub to British Jews ¤ Lakes of Sewage in the Streets ¤ Stable Iraq not in US interest, says al-Douri ¤ Afghanistan: victim of false beliefs ¤ Car bomb kills 25 at coalition's Iraq HQ ¤ Musharraf jeered for criticising extremism ¤ Bomb attack shows capture of Saddam Hussein has done little ¤ Shells found near Basra were not chemical weapons ¤ Top US military man says terror top priority ¤ Sharon praises envoy for exhibit attack ¤ French fury over US treatment of air staff ¤ George Orwell and deaths of the innocents ¤ Farce to tragedy in one act of US folly ¤ The US has no idea what it has gotten itself into ¤ Oil: The illusion of plenty ¤ Blair faces new 'war crimes' accusation
Blacks protest Bush's MLK photo-op Posted: Sunday, January 18, 2004
By BILL MAXWELL, Times Staff Writer Published January 18, 2004
Many white Americans have dismissed black demonstrations against President Bush's wreath-laying trek to Martin Luther King's grave site in Atlanta as nonsense and an insult to the nation's leader.
Approximately 700 protesters converged on the site, and Bush was met with drumbeats, angry chants and placards with slogans such as "War is not the answer," "Peace, not war," "Bush go home," and "It's not a photo-op, George." Full Article
Latest News Posted: Sunday, January 18, 2004
¤ At least 23 reported killed in huge suicide blast ¤ Powerful car bomb kills 25 in Baghdad ¤ Iron Hammers in Iraq How to Destroy Democracy ¤ U.N. Prepares for Meeting About Iraq, Wary of U.S. Motives ¤ Air Marshals Or Cowboys? ¤ Red Cross pushes Pentagon on Guantanamo prisoners ¤ Lebanon: Israel exploiting US elections ¤ Times/CBS poll show Bush ratings down ¤ Bush Popularity Rate Dips to 50 Percent ¤ 'I have changed my mind on Blair: he's worse than I thought' ¤ The Use and Abuse of Martin Luther King Jr. by Israel's Apologists ¤ Bush's pipe dreams for reconstructing Iraq ¤ 'Smoke, mirrors and elitists' ¤ Behind the Bush protest ¤ 'Space case' ¤ Suicide Bombers ¤ Falling dollar overseas may affect tourism, U.S. economy ¤ Arnold and Bush's Numbers Don't Add Up ¤ US stars hail Iraq war whistleblower ¤ We're winning, says Bush. ¤ Suicide Bomber Kills 18 in Iraq ¤ 18 killed in suicide strike at US-led coalition HQ ¤ Two Killed in Tikrit Car Explosion ¤ Bomb takes US toll in Iraq war to 500 ¤ Scientists pour scorn on doctor's human clone boast ¤ Two Americans Killed in Iraq Car Blast ¤ Bush Speech to Frame Re-Election Agenda ¤ The overruling of the President ¤ 18 killed in Iraq blast ¤ Bush Tells Canadian P.M. Scott that He has a Prettier Face Than Bush's Scott ¤ CBS Cuts MoveOn, Allows White House Ads During Super Bowl ¤ One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's... Intelligence Agent ¤ Anti-Semitism: A Practical Manual ¤ 23 killed in car bomb blast ¤ Bowing to the Mighty Ayatollah ¤ Israel vows to 'liquidate' Hamas leader
Latest News Posted: Saturday, January 17, 2004
¤ Saddam was a threat to the world: Powell ¤ The real 'imminent threat' ¤ With US help, Israel may boost missile production ¤ Israel answers to no one on nuclear weapons ¤ We're winning, says Bush, as three more soldiers die ¤ Bushing the Limits ¤ War protesters proud they got to jeer Bush ¤ Are You Going To Get Mad? ¤ Is Bush Doomed? ¤ Arabs shun Bush: poll ¤ WMD: Goodbye to all that ¤ U.N. Return To Iraq 'Terrible Mistake' ¤ V is for victory — and for vagina ¤ Teenager killed, five wounded in Baghdad bomb blast ¤ Martin Luther King: Terrorist ¤ Bomb kills three U.S. soldiers and two Iraqis ¤ Hecklers drown out Musharraf debut ¤ Twelve people killed in two separate clashes in Kashmir ¤ U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 500 ¤ Israeli ambassador kicked out of Swedish museum after vandalizing art ¤ Iraqi Oil Gets Its Own Police Force ¤ Rockets Hit Near U.S. Base in Afghanistan ¤ Continuing slaughter of Iraqi civilians, police, and US soldiers ¤ The Decline And Fall Of The White House Press Corps ¤ Economic crisis, threats of Jihad, and more violence in Iraq ¤ World press pans US Mars shot ¤ U.S. Joins Iraqis to Seek U.N. Role in Interim Rule ¤ Us Enemies Strengthened By Overthrow, Capture Of Saddam Hussein ¤ Propaganda And Secrets ¤ Masterminds of terror ¤ U.S. war on Iraq was unnecessary ¤ Everything Is Hyped ¤ Iraq's Shiites warn of fatwa over US handover ¤ EU threatens US ¤ Repackaged after 100 years, Sambo still causes offence ¤ Crackdown on Isreli soldiers questioning occupation ¤ Halliburton unit may be subject of criminal probe ¤ Halliburton Gets More Iraq Work ¤ Iraq Oil Abuses Alleged ¤ US warns its citizens in Venezuela ¥ Probably the U.S is instigating another Coup? Flashback ¤ Angry Chavez asks US to back off ¤ US, Iraqi soldiers killed in bomb attack ¤ Lebanon executes three despite objections ¤ Place in the sun for everyone - except George Bush, Coke and Windows ¤ 3 U.S. Service Members Die in Iraq Attack ¤ Abuses force America to end aid to Uzbekistan ¤ Bremer tries to salvage appointed-government plan amid Shia opposition
Latest News Posted: Friday, January 16, 2004
¤ Hallucinations of grandeur ¤ Bush Booed at Martin Luther King Gravesite ¤ Bush May Alter Iraq Handover Plan But Not Timeline ¤ In denial of danger ¤ Democrat Challenges Bush on Iraqi Intelligence Lapse ¤ Tourists opt for Canada ¤ Iraq weapons hunter steps down ¤ TV ban on women singers reinstated ¤ Three killed as landmine hits university bus near Saddam's hometown ¤ Iraq Aide Brands U.S. Formula As 'Hasty' ¤ Fighting for a job in Iraq ¤ Thousands march in Iraq to demand early elections ¤ Dr. King's Dream: Freedom, Not Space Travel ¤ Bush meets angry opposition as he plants wreath on King's grave ¤ O'Neill Has Done His Country a Favor ¤ Trust O'Neill, Not His Critics ¤ King's Legacy Lives on - in Venezuela ¤ Masters of Deception ¤ 'US lied about deaths of journalists in the Palestine Hotel' ¤ Damning evidence against leaders who don't give a damn ¤ One killed, five injured in Baghdad blast ¤ Iraqi protesters demand election as ayatollah threatens fatwa ¤ Cleric Warns of Rejecting U.S. Iraq Plan ¤ Israel to Resume Targeted Hamas Killings ¤ 'Criminal neglect' led to media deaths ¤ The Guardian profile: Paul O'Neill ¤ Arrest Links Pakistan to Nuke Black Market ¤ Israel Considers West Bank Wall Euphemism ¤ President 'dumps' pro-US minister ¤ The failure of intervention demands a new modesty ¤ 16 hurt in Karachi bomb blasts ¤ 10 killed in Iraq blast, firefight ¤ This is your captain speaking ... his mind ¤ Democrats' dream has become Blair's nightmare ¤ The equation between power, parliament and patriotism ¤ Implications of a partnership ¤ America, Iraq, and Presidential Leadership ¤ Kurds Head Towards Separation Up North ¤ I believe in conspiracies ¤ Scared, Trigger-Happy Young Males ¤ Children still held at Guantanamo: Pentagon ¤ Bid to train US troops ¤ Bush's self-serving Iraqi timetable ¤ Forget the moon - go directly to Mars ¤ The Martin Luther King Jr. America has ignored
Venezuela Decriminalizes Drug Possession Posted: Thursday, January 15, 2004
Venezuela Decriminalizes Drug Possession Today's neo-libertarians, if they truly believe what they claim to believe about freedom, really need to take a second look at Venezuela and it's president Hugo Chávez.
The democratically-elected government of Venezuela has survived attempted coups - military, economic, and mediatic - and keeps moving forward with the most sweeping reforms and advances in democracy and human rights in the hemisphere today.
"As personal dose for consumption, the (allowable) quantity of the drug substance is extended to that which is necessary for average individual consumption for no more than five days; and as a provisional dose, the quantity of the substance that is employed for average individual consumption (according to forensics experts) for no more than ten days."
In sum, the drug addict or user no longer faces prison or penalty in Venezuela if he possesses small amounts of his drug of choice (specifically mentioned by the law are marijuana, hashish, cocaine and its derivatives, opium and its derivatives, and synthetic drugs). Full Article
Sweeping Reform Posted: Thursday, January 15, 2004
Demystifying Africa's Absence in Venezuelan History and Culture When I began to understand the nature of this hegemonic position in Venezuela's historical discourse, a perspective imposed in compulsory school curricula, and became aware of how this point of view negatively affected Afro-Venezuelans, I felt obliged to deconstruct and reconstruct the discourse, or really the absence thereof, about the Africanity of Venezuela's national formation. This meant that my version of Afro-Venezuelan history would have to serve to combat both the racism expressed in schoolbooks and the trauma of internalized racism for the Afro-Venezuelan community. Full Article
Venezuela Decriminalizes Drug Possession Today's neo-libertarians, if they truly believe what they claim to believe about freedom, really need to take a second look at Venezuela and it's president Hugo Chávez. The democratically-elected government of Venezuela has survived attempted coups - military, economic, and mediatic - and keeps moving forward with the most sweeping reforms and advances in democracy and human rights in the hemisphere today.
Latest News Posted: Thursday, January 15, 2004
¤ President from Podunk Drilling, Inc. ¤ Reality Disappears Down the Spider Hole ¤ Cheney's grim vision: decades of war ¤ A matter of decency ¤ POTUS in orbit! Plans revealed ¤ More deceptions to justify war actions ¤ US consumer debt reaches record levels ¤ Condi's werewolves: More deceptions to justify war ¤ FBI Chief Says Tribunals May Try 9/11 Suspects ¤ French Judge Wants Cheney to Testify in Halliburton Scandal ¤ Venezuela Decriminalizes Drug Possession ¤ Protests grow against US-led occupation of Iraq ¤ Violence across Iraq costs more lives ¤ U.S. should get out of Iraq now ¤ Hutton report out on January 28 ¤ Hundreds Protest As Bush Visits MLK Tomb ¤ Car Bomb Hits India-Controlled Kashmir ¤ Human-bomb mother kills four Israelis at Gaza checkpoint ¤ Mugabe arrest bid fails ¤ A rebel Republican ¤ Damned Yankees ¤ Bush promises trips to other worlds as he embraces space statement ¤ No oil on Mars ¤ Gangsters operate own prisons as kidnapping soars in Iraq ¤ Price of International Law ¤ Finally, Bush Admits It: He Lied ¤ Hutton poll heaps pressure on Blair ¤ US considering armed intervention in Syria ¤ World must oust Syria from Lebanon ¤ Rumsfeld exerting pressure on Bush to launch military strike against Syria ¤ White House's 'rush to war was reckless' ¤ U.S. Journalist Quits Pentagon Iraqi Media Project Calling it U.S. Propaganda ¤ US dollars shape Iraq's media ¤ Space vision: Americans divided ¤ Wanna be president? Send your head shot here ¤ US: a bigger stick - and no longer speaking softly ¤ Mass Demonstrations by Women, Others, Against Islamization of Iraqi Law ¤ Last Copter Out of Baghdad ¤ Two Pakistanis among 14 killed in Iraq violence ¤ Blair defiant on comments over Kelly ¤ China, Russia to enhance strategic ties ¤ Emerging triangles: Russia-Kazakhstan-China ¤ The perils of presidency in Afghanistan ¤ 'Not so much a constitution as an aspiration' ¤ Officials identify instrument that closed airport ¤ Surreal moments serving a mythological president ¤ Insider tells of fear and comfort food ¤ Bush bid to promote traditional marriages ¤ Bush to push couples to altar ¤ Bush urges other nations to join his new push for space exploration ¤ War-Weary Sean Penn Reports on Iraq 'Powder Keg' ¤ How the Iraq war harmed the UN ¤ Iraq war a product marketed by Bush to win elections ¤ 2 Halliburton subcontractors killed in Iraq ¤ Syria: No peace with Israel under Sharon
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, January 14, 2004
¤ The oil coup ¤ O'Neill's Claims Supported by 1998 Memo ¤ Corroborating O'Neill's Account ¤ Lies of Omission Can Still Stink Up the Joint ¤ Rush, George, Paul, Ariel, together at last ¤ Bush, Oil & Iraq: Some Truth at Last ¤ Danish Tests Show Arms Found in Iraq Not Chemical ¤ "Al-Qaeda" passenger an innocent Indian leather-garment exporter ¤ Israeli goes free on bail ¤ The O'neill Factor ¤ The Only Mystery About Mars Is Why We Should Go There ¤ NASA Ames Center looks at problem of drilling on Mars ¤ To The Moon On A Magic Carpet ¤ G.W. Bush: International Racketeer ¤ Two killed as guards fail to stop suicide car ¤ Two Pakistanis, one Turk killed in Iraq ¤ Over 60 Bulgarian Soldiers Quit Iraq-Bound Unit ¤ Army's Suicide Rate in Iraq Higher Than Usual, Official Says ¤ Pentagon: Suicides of U.S. Troops Rising in Iraq ¤ US offer for Russian base exit ¤ 'The U.S.-U.K. Alliance' ¤ Five civilians die as troops open fire ¤ Car Bomb Blows Up Outside Police Station in Iraq ¤ OPEC mulls move to euro for pricing crude oil ¤ A War in Search of a Reason ¤ Bush: Go Fetch Me A Burger ¤ Sean Penn returns to Iraq and files a personal, candid report ¤ Iraq's Right to Resist ¤ Foreign policy ugliness ¤ Foreign nationals killed in Iraq ¤ Four dead in suicide bombing ¤ Bush critic fights on as treasury investigates use of documents ¤ Where minorities are the majority ¤ Iraqis shoot down third American helicopter ¤ US ’copter shot down, troops kill four Iraqis ¤ Muchas Gracias, El Presidente Bush ¤ Memorial Madness, Ad Nauseum ¤ Neocons: Don't stop now ¤ Ancient & Modern ¤ Woman suicide bomber kills four ¤ Car Bomb Explodes in Central Baghdad ¤ White House rethinks Iraq plan ¤ British peace activist shot by Israeli soldier dies ¤ USA Today apologises to readers ¤ Sharon linked to party funding scandal ¤ Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone ¤ Corruption: symptom, disease or epidemic? ¤ The Crumbling Case for War Flashback Rumsfeld links Iraq war to 9/11 terror attacks ¤ Damaged credibility ¤ Duds of mass destruction ¤ The wrong war: Why Iraq was a mistake ¤ Iran's reformers threaten to resign from cabinet in row over banned candidates ¤ US concocts a recipe for unrest ¤ Lift ban on reformers or I quit, says Iran's president ¤ US military lawyers challenge legality of terror trials ¤ Downing of chopper part of a worrying trend for US ¤ O'Neill faces probe over 'secret' papers ¤ Lockheed Martin Tests Israeli Weapons For U.S. ¤ Five Afghan soldiers die in Taliban attack ¤ Rumsfeld warned of US war crimes ¤ Left-leaning Argentine challenges U.S. role ¤ Powell sings Bush's praises, ignoring jarring discordance ¤ Two Dead in Iraq Bomb Attack; U.S. Hunts Saddam Aide Flashback Iraqi U.N. envoy: 'Enough is enough'
Latest News Posted: Tuesday, January 13, 2004
¤ America And the International Criminal Court ¤ Blair-faced lies? ¤ Bush Legacy on Iraq: Misinformation and False Pretense ¤ Iranian government members threaten to resign ¤ Iraq to wait for 3 years before full power supply restored ¤ Israel goes ahead with plans for border changes ¤ Anger at leaked secret Bush dossier ¤ Bush admits he targeted Saddam from the start ¤ Bush deceit on Iraq exposed ¤ Bush: 'Iraq was Clinton's idea' ¤ Anti-Bush ad contest enrages Republicans ¤ U.S debt mounts to $7 trillion ¤ Mars: What’s $600 billion between friends? ¤ Nine Iraqis, US soldier killed ¤ Afghanistan's Growing Security Concerns ¤ Argentine challenges U.S. role ¤ Bush: Canada eligible in Iraq reconstruction contracts ¤ O'Neill Denies Charge Over Book Documents ¤ War's Preachers ¤ Well, Let Them Eat Mad Cows ¤ Where's the Outrage? ¤ The Awful Truth ¤ US military 'brutalised' journalists ¤ U.N. Anti-Terror Sanctions Face Struggle ¤ Syria rejects Israeli invitation to talks as a media manoeuvre ¤ Price of International Law ¤ Pending Regime Change in Iran ¤ Afghan progress undermined by drugs ¤ More votes for Bush than help for immigrants ¤ Worshipping War ¤ Terrorist speed traps? ¤ Treasury demands investigation into O'Neill's 'secret papers' ¤ Troubling U.S. debt ¤ Israel goes ahead with plans for border changes ¤ Global fears as US goes into the red ¤ State Dept.: Attack on U.S.S. Liberty was act of negligence ¤ US to colour-code visitors' risk level ¤ Bush admits he wanted regime change before 11 September ¤ US army college attacks Bush terror policy ¤ G.I.'s Fire on Family in Car, Killing 2, Witnesses Say ¤ Taliban kill 10 soldiers ¤ Three killed in held Kashmir ¤ Oil prices hit post-Iraq war high ¤ Bush Disputes Ex-Official's Claim That Iraq War Was Early Goal ¤ Apparently, 'Dubya' wanted war all along ¤ Which country poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003? ¤ Bush critic faces investigation ¤ Russia to close Chechen refugee camps ¤ Cleric dents Washington's transition poll plan
U.S. Seeking Chavez's Overthrow Posted: Monday, January 12, 2004
Venezuela's Chavez Says U.S. Seeking His Overthrow CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused the United States on Sunday of plotting his overthrow through a coup or assassination should his opponents fail to secure a referendum vote against him this year. Speaking on the eve of a regional summit in Mexico, the left-wing leader, for the second day running, delivered a furious tirade against senior U.S officials who have criticized his five-year presidency. Venezuela is a major supplier of oil to the United States. Chavez tells U.S. to stop meddling in Venezuela's affairs Following a week of tense exchanges with Washington, President Hugo Chavez on Saturday said American officials should not "stick their noses" in Venezuela's affairs. U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Friday that Chavez should show "that he believes in democratic processes" by allowing the recall referendum on his administration to take place. The comments followed a week of back-and-forth comments that began when U.S. officials accused Venezuela and Cuba of co-operating to undermine democratic governments in the region.
Latest News Posted: Monday, January 12, 2004
¤ Missing From the Axis of Evil? ¤ Will Anyone Hold Bush Accountable? ¤ Where's the Outrage? ¤ Truth About Iraq Known; Fallout Isn't ¤ Syria rejects Israeli offer of talks ¤ U.S. Firm to Run Iraqi TV ¤ 'Up to 10 killed' in Afghanistan attack ¤ 8 Iraqis, US Soldier Killed in New Violence ¤ U.S. toll in Afghan military campaign hits 100 ¤ Caspian Region Likely to Remain Critical for Foreseeable Future ¤ Bomb Kills One U.S. Soldier, Wounds Two in Iraq ¤ The wheels have come off the Bush war wagon ¤ Bush Speak: a Weapon of Mass Destruction ¤ Same war, new excuse ¤ Murder Inc ¤ Guantanamo Bay: A Global Experiment In Inhumanity ¤ Bombing at Bangladeshi holy shrine Flashback The Man Who Knew ¤ WMD: He Was So Sure Flashback Blair: Iraq weapons threat growing ¤ Pilger punctures 'war on terror' lies ¤ IMF delivers strong warning on growth of US debt ¤ Georgian election worsens Russian-US tensions ¤ Study Published by Army Criticizes War on Terror's Scope ¤ Baker Backed Loans That Added to Iraq Debt ¤ U.S. Callous in Hearing Iraqi Claims, Rights Group Says Flashback Invading Iraq not a new idea for Bush clique ¤ Bush's WMD Case Weakens Further ¤ Bush decided to remove Saddam 'on day one' ¤ British troops under attack after six Iraqis shot dead ¤ Blair admits weapons of mass destruction may never be found ¤ Latin America squares up to US ¤ Beyond the ballot box ¤ Bush was demanding excuse to invade Iraq in January 2001 ¤ Blair: I don't know if we'll find WMD ¤ five Iraqi demonstrators are killed, MoD examines role of 'trigger-happy' police ¤ The risky business of security ¤ 3,000 soldiers desert Afghan army ¤ Iraq war-dejected UK colonel to quit ¤ Questions raised over Bush’s grand space plans ¤ How was the U.S. so misled? ¤ Iraqis protest after five shot at demo ¤ Iraqis suspicious about POW status for Saddam ¤ In Blow to U.S. Plans, Top Shiite Demands Direct Elections ¤ Tehran rejects U.S. overture for dialogue
Latest News Posted: Sunday, January 11, 2004
¤ A Legacy Hidden in Plain Sight Iraqis of African Descent Are a Largely Overlooked Link to Slavery ¤ The barreling Bushes ¤ Bush's dismal record speaks for itself ¤ I don't know about WMD, admits Blair ¤ Bush and Blair behind Khadaffy's WMD sham ¤ Most think PM lied over Kelly - poll ¤ Powell withdraws al-Qa'ida claim as hunt for Saddam's WMD flags ¤ Neo-Cons and the greatest con of all ¤ Bush Sought 'Way' To Invade Iraq? ¤ Us Gov't Informed Nations Of Plan To Invade Afghanistan Before 9/11 ¤ Orange Jumpsuits for the Bush Clan ¤ Random Notes From a Third World War ¤ How 'Bout Dem Bushes? ¤ Miracles take a little longer ¤ U.S. shares Israel's concerns about Hague fence talks ¤ 9/11 - Are Americans The Victims Of A Hoax? ¤ What's The Deal Mainstream Media? ¤ Russia will experience "economic wonder" in foreseeable future ¤ Russia upstages U.S. in Caspian oil game ¤ U.S State Department claims Russia provided Iraq with war aid ¤ Palestinian teenager shot dead near Nablus ¤ Nine killed in southern Afghanistan clashes ¤ US navy bombs Iraq ¤ Guantanamo challenged two years on ¤ Chavez tells U.S. to stop meddling in Venezuela's affairs ¤ Iraqi Kurds scorn US autonomy offer ¤ Hutton: spy chiefs face reform over Iraq fiasco ¤ Afghan Rocket Attack on U.S. Troops Fails ¤ Iraqi protesters killed in clash with UK troops ¤ Powell withdraws al-Qa'ida claim as hunt for Saddam's WMD flags ¤ Peace scarier than terror ¤ Blair 'Failed to Hand Briefing Transcript to Inquiry' ¤ The truth is he lied ¤ Masters of war ¤ M'learned friends ¤ N Korea shows off its 'nuclear deterrent' ¤ Blair presses Bush to act on global warming ¤ Iraqi Kurds scorn US autonomy offer ¤ Six Iraqi protesters gunned down ¤ The world’s true rogue states ¤ US plan: be nice to Saddam ¤ Blair comes under pressure for Commons vote on Hutton inquiry ¤ US plotted Iraq invasion long before 9/11 ¤ MoD investigates nine more deaths of Iraqi civilians ¤ Pakistani soldiers attacked on Afghan border, 4 killed ¤ Bush began Iraq plan pre-9/11, O'Neill says ¤ Two Palestinians killed in West Bank incidents ¤ Syria must ''disarm terror groups'' before any negotiations with Israel ¤ Iraqi police, British kill 6 protesting lack of jobs
Latest News Posted: Saturday, January 10, 2004
¤ Cultural Void ¤ America, Bastion of White Supremacy ¤ Saddam's Ouster Planned In '01? ¤ US military kill Iraqi policemen ¤ Canadian killed in possible ambush ¤ CNN's Novak under fire for calling American Indians election thieves ¤ A map to Disaster, Texas ¤ Good riddance to a miserable 2003 ¤ 'The devil made him say it' ¤ The Year of the Fake ¤ More Hawaii troops might be Iraq-bound ¥ Hawaii is a U.S state. So it is more U.S troops ¤ Red Cross pushes for Saddam visit ¤ Halliburton Subsidiary Serves Unsafe Food In Iraq ¤ Shutting Up Saddam to Save Bush's Ass ¤ At record levels, euro up, dollar down ¤ Oil, gas prices shoot up ¤ Bush advisers debating what to do about Syria ¤ Exports and weak dollar lift China trade surplus ¤ The New York Times will print almost anything ¤ Earthquake hits Iran, but fault lines run elsewhere ¤ Despite report, Cheney says war was justified Flashback ¤ Dick Cheney's slimy business trail ¤ The "clash of civilizations": An alternative understanding ¤ US withdraws Iraq weapon-hunters as WMD lies crumble ¤ Palestinian twins died at isreali checkpoint ¤ Halliburton Subsidiary Serves Unsafe Food In Iraq ¤ Bush administration expands police spying powers ¤ Israel: Sharon reiterates threat to annex West Bank territory ¤ Colin Powell Today And 11 Months Ago ¤ Our "Blind" Leader ¤ Venezuela Rebuffs U.S. Referendum Support ¤ Former treasury chief exposes 'disengaged' Bush ¤ Guantanamo families accuse Blair of blocking release ¤ US relaxes terror alert after three weeks of tension ¤ Six killed in bicycle bombing at mosque ¤ Rice: No Evidence Iraq Moved WMD to Syria ¤ Syria hiding Iraqi WMD ¤ U.S. says no credible evidence Iraq moved weapons to Syria ¤ Fear of flying ¤ It wasn't the BBC or even Blair, whatever Howard says ¤ How to Lose Your Job in Talk Radio ¤ Bringing peace to Iraq ¤ What They Don't Want You To Know ¤ Five impolite questions for the president ¤ The Story Behind Saddam's Arrest ¤ Report Rebuts U.S.' Prewar WMD Claims ¤ Four soldiers killed in Wana rocket attack ¤ Six die in Iraq mosque blast ¤ Nine killed, Jammu mosque attacked ¤ Israeli troops arrest 15 from West Bank ¤ Vive La Brazil! ¤ US soldier 'killed taxi occupants for passing convoy' ¤ Stretched US pilots may quit military ¤ Bush campaigns on Mars ¤ US plans moon settlement before heading on to Mars ¤ Cry for US as it heads down the Argentinian road ¤ AIDS figures in Africa exaggerated: report ¤ Phew! U.S Back into the Yellow ¤ 4 Pakistani Soldiers Killed in Border Clash ¤ The Taliban may be gone but their terror remains ¤ US not sure of Syria hiding WMD ¤ Soft treatment fails to get Saddam to talk
AIDS figures in Africa exaggerated: report Posted: Saturday, January 10, 2004
Millions of Africans believed to have HIV/AIDS are free of the disease, according to new research.
The preliminary report of the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey - funded and backed by a US agency, the Centres for Disease Control - suggested that HIV has infected about 1 million adults in the country.
Previous estimates put the number at up to 3 million.
The findings will dismay those who claim the West is ignoring a pandemic so acute that it could wipe out the populations of whole African states.
Scientists said the report would force a rethink in the way the UN measures AIDS prevalence in Africa.
Earlier surveys in Mali, Zambia and South Africa hinted that AIDS might not be as widespread as believed, but scientists said the new data was conclusive.
It would allow them to extrapolate findings across the continent, reducing infection estimates by at least a quarter.
Reproduced for fair use only from: www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/01/09/1073437471292.html
Africa isn't dying of Aids The headline figures are horrible: almost 30 million Africans have HIV/Aids. But, says Rian Malan, the figures are computer-generated estimates and they appear grotesquely exaggerated when set against population statistics
Venezuela Rebuffs U.S. Posted: Saturday, January 10, 2004
Venezuela Rebuffs U.S. Referendum Support Venezuela's foreign minister rejected Bush administration support of a referendum seeking to recall the South American nation's left-wing populist president.
Latest News Posted: Friday, January 9, 2004
¤ Media AWOL ¤ No camouflage will work ¤ It's time to stop crying wolf ¤ Colin Powell and CNN: misleading the public of the world ¤ Syria and Turkey defy the United States ¤ A year all out of lies, lies and more lies ¤ Is the US military torturing Iraqis with electricity? ¤ US to defend WMD assessments Flashback What Wolfowitz Really Said Flashback Al Qaeda, Iraq partners in terror -- Powell ¤ Time for Bush to check Israel's nuclear facilities ¤ Iraq Mosque Blast Leaves 5 Dead, 37 Hurt ¤ Five dead in Iraq mosque blast ¤ US think tank report comes down hard on administration ¤ Iraqi WMD: Myths and ... more myths ¤ US troops on the march - out the army ¤ The weapons that weren't ¤ US arms search team withdrawn from Iraq: report ¤ Questions About Iraq Weapons Haunt U.S. Election Year ¤ White House misled public on WMD ¤ US 'exaggerated Iraqi WMD threat' ¤ White House 'Systematically Misrepresented' Prewar WMD Claims ¤ US disbands Iraq team looking for WMD's ¤ US plays down withdrawal of Iraq weapons team ¤ Those WMDs: Bush's Case Weakens Further ¤ No proof links Iraq, al-Qaida, Powell says ¤ Chances of WMD find slipping ¤ Brazil Seeks U.S. Fingerprint Exemption ¤ Nine GIs Killed in Iraq Copter Crash ¤ Nine killed as Black Hawk helicopter is downed in Iraq ¤ No war makes rich gloomy ¤ US climate policy bigger threat to world than terrorism ¤ Nuclear Attack! Nuclear Earthquakes! Mad-Cow Disease! ¤ Israel to Request Billions from the U.S. ¤ US Rejects IMF Warning that Debts Could Affect Global Economy ¤ American invasion plan stirs fierce Saudi debate ¤ Appetite for Destruction ¤ 'The Great Expectations' ¤ Arabs don't want Democracy for themselves? Since when? ¤ US misrepresented weapons danger, report says ¤ Twin girl terrors trouble first family ¤ U.S. leaves Syria track to Israel's discretion¤ Soviet 'spies' to sue CIA ¤ US moves in as Russia retreats from Caucasus ¤ Soldier killed by own rifle on firing range ¤ Weapons hunters pulled out of Iraq ¤ Open Door Policy ¤ Powell Refutes Think-Tank Report on Iraq ¤ Jeers greet Bush's migrants plan ¤ Jewish leaders' criticism angers EU Flashback ¤ potentially dangerous food being served to U.S. soldiers ¤ Pipe Dreams ¤ Toxins Cited in Farmed Salmon ¤ DRUDGE REPORT - DANGEROUS & DASTARDLY ¤ France: No Link to Passenger, al-Qaida ¤ Five killed in Iraq mosque bombing ¤ Deadly raid on Pakistan army camp
The truth is they lied and keep on lying! Posted: Thursday, January 8, 2004
 Remind Us: Why did the United States invade Iraq? (FLASH)
Blix: Iraq Worse Off Now Than With Saddam Published on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 by the Associated Press
"(US President George W.) Bush has claimed that this war was part of an American fight against terrorism. But instead of limiting (the phenomenon), the war has generated more terrorism... This conflict has led to more instability."
COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Iraq is worse off now, after the U.S.-led invasion, than it was under Saddam Hussein, Hans Blix told a Danish newspaper Tuesday.
"What's positive is that Saddam and his bloody regime is gone, but when figuring out the score, the negatives weigh more," the former chief U.N. weapons inspector was quoted as saying in the daily newspaper Jyllands Posten. Full Article
Iraq on the records www.house.gov
A Vindicated Hans Blix Returns to U.S. Tuesday March 16, 2004 NEW YORK (AP) - President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair have lost credibility, the world isn't safer now that Saddam Hussein is out of power and it was clear 10 months ago that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, according to Hans Blix, the former U.N. weapons inspector who returned to New York on the one-year anniversary of the war. Full Article
Blix: Iraq war was illegal Blair's defence is bogus, says the former UN weapons inspector
By Anne Penketh in Stockholm and Andrew Grice 05 March 2004, news.independent.co.uk
The former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has declared that the war in Iraq was illegal, dealing another devastating blow to Tony Blair.
Mr Blix, speaking to The Independent, said the Attorney General's legal advice to the Government on the eve of war, giving cover for military action by the US and Britain, had no lawful justification. He said it would have required a second United Nations resolution explicitly authorising the use of force for the invasion of Iraq last March to have been legal.
His intervention goes to the heart of the current controversy over Lord Goldsmith's advice, and comes as the Prime Minister begins his fightback with a speech on Iraq today. Full Article
January 28, 2003
Kay Cites Evidence Of Iraq Disarming in '90s
Kay denies evidence of moved Iraqi weapons to Syria
US denies 'imminent' threat warning Flashback Bush Calls Iraq Imminent Threat Flashback President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat Flashback Powell Disagrees With Think Tank on Iraq Threat Flashback The Times Misfires (Again) on Bush's "Imminent Threat" Flashback Silly word games and WMD's Flashback Bush, Powell Defend Remark On Iraq's Weapons Capability Flashback Transcript of Powell's U.N. presentation
Oh Kay: Now the truth's out With United States Secretary of State Colin Powell now admitting that the regime of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein may not have possessed the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that Washington had claimed as justification for invading Iraq last year, the spotlight once again falls on the ability of US intelligence officials to collect valid and truthful information. The Deceiving of the Union It seems that President Bush cannot deliver a State of the Union address without deceiving the American people. Or, at the least, trying to deceive them.
Nearly all WMD claims wrong: Kay
Sexed up: How London sold its war on Iraq Aside from jointly invading another country, it appears that the United States and Great Britain have another thing in common as a part of their "special relationship". They both twisted and distorted intelligence to suit their political needs.
"We're All Lied To" We were all lied to. The Iraqi people were all lied to. And I guess we're still being lied to. I mean, Tony Blair is still trying to say there were weapons of mass destruction even when the Bush administration is admitting little by little that there weren't.
Blair defiant over WMDs
Flashback CIA and DOD Attempted To Plant WMD In Iraq
No WMD in Iraq before war, says Kay
The Lie's The Limit? Where Does It End? Those Americans not dumbed-down by media propaganda are already more than up to speed regarding the extracurricular activities of the Bush administration and the lies told by President George W. Bush to engineer an unnecessary war against a defenseless Third World dictatorship. If human rights are an issue, where was America relative to the cause for world justice as regards Rwanda?
The 50 lies, exaggerations, distortions and half truths that took this country to war
25 January 2004, Independent UK
Whatever the outcome of the Hutton inquiry and the vote on top-up fees, the central charge this paper has consistently made against Tony Blair is that he took this country to war in Iraq on a false pretext. Raymond Whitaker and Glen Rangwala list 50 statements on which history will judge him and his US partners. Full Article
Iraq's WMD: the big lie? By Neil Mackay, January 25, 2004 www.sundayherald.com
The justification for war With the resignation of David Kay from the Iraq Survey Group, the pressure could not be greater on Blair to explain where he got the idea that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Full Article
Bush, Oil & Iraq: Some Truth at Last Here we have former US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill disclosing that George Bush came into office planning to overthrow Saddam Hussein, and MSNBC polls its audience with the question, Did O'Neill Betray Bush? Is that really the big question? The White House had a sharper nose for the real meat of Leslie Stahl's 60 Minutes interview with O'Neill and Ron Suskind, the reporter who based much of his expose of the Bush White House, The Price of Loyalty, on 19,000 government documents O'Neill provided him. What bothers the White House is one particular National Security Council document shown in the 60 Minutes interview, clearly drafted in the early weeks of the new administration, which showed plans for the post-invasion dispersal of Iraq's oil assets among the world's great powers, starting with the major oil companies. Full Article
Damaged credibility The secretary of state put his reputation on the line when he made an exaggerated case for a war in Iraq that has violated the tenets of his own doctrine. A Times Editorial Published January 13, 2004 No one's reputation has suffered more damage than Secretary of State Colin Powell's as a result of the Bush administration's misrepresentations of the threat posed by Iraq in the months leading up to war. Other administration officials, such as Vice President Dick Cheney, were more reckless than Powell in making allegations that turned out to be exaggerated or untrue, but none of them enjoyed Powell's reputation for careful language and prudent action on matters of war and peace. In fact, Powell's seemingly meticulous presentation at the United Nations of Iraq's illegal weapons programs was a turning point in marshaling domestic and international support for the White House's decision to go to war. Full Article
The Crumbling Case for War It is a little frustrating to write that the main hope is that the American people will be more vigilant the next time a president and his administration put on a full court press on behalf of a dubious war. At this time, however, it is probably the best we can hope for. It is fine to entertain the distant hope that various scandals and evidence of untruths will lead to the downfall or even the widespread discrediting of the Bush administration and its decision to invade Iraq. It is more likely, however, that the effect will be more subtle and cumulative – and it might not happen at all.
Bush admits he wanted regime change before 11 September THE United States president, George Bush, yesterday appeared to support claims made by one of his former advisers that he was intent on invading Iraq long before the 11 September attacks triggered a more aggressive focus to US foreign policy, saying his administration was "for regime change". Speaking during a visit to Mexico, Mr Bush said that, while US policy altered after the terror attacks on New York and Washington, his government had inherited plans to remove Saddam Hussein as leader of Iraq from the previous Clinton administration.
The Awful Truth January 13, 2003 - nytimes.com I was one of the few commentators who didn't celebrate Paul O'Neill's appointment as Treasury secretary. And I couldn't understand why, if Mr. O'Neill was the principled man his friends described, he didn't resign early from an administration that was clearly anything but honest. But now he's showing the courage I missed back then, by giving us an invaluable, scathing insider's picture of the Bush administration.
WMD: He Was So Sure
The wheels have come off the Bush war wagon If there is anyone out there who still believes any of the Bush administration's rationales for a U.S. invasion of Iraq, they are either hopelessly stupid or working for President Bush. Or both.
Bush Speak: a Weapon of Mass Destruction
Bush's WMD Case Weakens Further When will George W. Bush say, "We were wrong on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction"? The evidence--or lack of evidence--continues to mount suggesting that Bush and his aides made false statements about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction before the war. Remember all that alarmist rhetoric? In an October 2002 speech, Bush said Iraq had a "massive stockpile" of weapons of mass destruction. Vice President Dick Cheney claimed "there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction...that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." In his famous presentation to the United Nations Security Council, Secretary of State Colin Powell declared, "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq, today, has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent."
Bush decided to remove Saddam 'on day one' Former aide says US president made up his mind to go to war with Iraq long before 9/11, then ordered his staff to find an excuse.
Bush was demanding excuse to invade Iraq in January 2001, says ex-treasury secretary
Bush's deception on Iraq Most Americans have never heard of the Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Group. Let me bring them up to speed: It is the 400-member military team whose job was to search every inch of Iraq for any and all military equipment. Well, guess what? The Bush administration has quietly pulled the team out of Iraq.
Bush and Blair behind Khadaffy's WMD sham Khadaffy, in fact, had no viable WMD, contrary to fevered claims by neo-con propagandists.
I don't know about WMD, admits Blair
The truth is he lied
Powell withdraws al-Qa'ida claim as hunt for Saddam's WMD flags news.independent.co.uk
The faltering American and British case for war in Iraq has suffered another blow with an admission by the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, that there was no hard proof of links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa'ida, contrary to his claims before the invasion. "I have not seen smoking-gun, concrete evidence about the connection," Mr Powell said last week. Almost at the same moment, the assertion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction - another crucial aspect of the Secretary of State's presentation to the UN Security Council last February - was being further discredited. As recently as his Christmas message to troops in Iraq, Mr Blair said weapons hunters had unearthed "massive evidence of a huge system of clandestine laboratories" in Iraq, only for the claim to be dismissed by Paul Bremer, America's most senior official in Baghdad, before he knew who had made it. Full Article
Colin Powell's Credibility Gap Surprise, surprise! Out of the blue, and in remarkably synchronized unity, the American media has awakened from a deep sleep to discover that the President of the United States lied to the nation in his State of the Union Speech. The pundits suddenly are astounded by what alternative sources on the Internet have known for months: documents "proving" uranium purchases by Iraq were known forgeries.
White House 'distorted' Iraq threat By Stephen Fidler in London Bush administration officials "systematically misrepresented" the threat from Iraq's weapons of mass destruction in the run-up to war, according to a new report to be published on Thursday by a respected Washington think-tank. These distortions, combined with intelligence failures, exaggerated the risks posed by a country that presented no immediate threat to the US, Middle East or global security, the report says. Full Article
WMD IN IRAQ Evidence and Implications ceip.org
Media AWOL Hans Blix, the former United Nations chief weapons inspector, believes the Bush administration may "have given up on [finding] the weapons." Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair still claims the WMD exist and insists that they'll be found, and in a television interview, President Bush claims that there's no difference between weapons of mass destruction and weapons of mass destruction "programs."
A year all out of lies, lies and more lies The year 2003 started with a hoax about weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq. It ended with a bogeyman in Libya. But still, both the US and the world are not any safer because of it.
Empty handed: U.S. withdraws a team of weapons hunters from Iraq The Bush administration has quietly withdrawn from Iraq a 400-member military team whose job was to scour the country for military equipment, according to senior government officials. The step was described by some military officials as a sign that the administration might have lowered its sights and no longer expected to uncover the caches of chemical and biological weapons that the White House cited as a principal reason for going to war last March.
US disbands weapons team Friday January 9, 2004 The Guardian
The Pentagon has pulled out a 400-strong military team which was searching Iraq for weapons of mass destruction, but US officers insisted yesterday that the hunt would go on. The disbanded multinational team was known as the Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Group (JCMEG) and its job, according to a Pentagon official who confirmed its withdrawal, had been to "scavenge the battlefield for military equipment".
It was an important element of the CIA-led Iraq Survey Group (ISG), which has spent seven months hunting for the arsenal that was the justification for the invasion.
Over the past few months the ISG has been stripped of translators, special forces troops and other specialists.
The continuing questions about the justification of the Iraq war are President George Bush's principal weakness as he faces re-election in November against the backdrop of a steadily rising death toll of US troops there. Full Article
America: The real danger lies within The so-called "war on terrorism" was a hoax used to mask and justify the long-planned expansion of U.S. military power around the globe. What were in reality a series of police actions waged against tiny anti-American groups was no more a war than the farcical "war on drugs." But invoking war trumped criticism and dissent - and justified a real war of aggression against oil-rich Iraq. Full Article
¤ The weapons that weren't ¤ US arms search team withdrawn from Iraq: report ¤ Questions About Iraq Weapons Haunt U.S. Election Year ¤ White House misled public on WMD ¤ US 'exaggerated Iraqi WMD threat' ¤ White House 'Systematically Misrepresented' Prewar WMD Claims ¤ US disbands Iraq team looking for WMD's ¤ US plays down withdrawal of Iraq weapons team ¤ Those WMDs: Bush's Case Weakens Further ¤ No proof links Iraq, al-Qaida, Powell says ¤ Chances of WMD find slipping
Anti-Empire Report: Code Orange, Code Orange! Posted: Thursday, January 8, 2004
Page one headlines in The Washington Post, Los Angles Times and New York Times of December 20 about Libya "vowing to give up its banned weapons!" ... Bush and Blair -- in a "choreographed sequence" as the Post called it -- hailing Qaddafi's seeing the light! What's that? You didn't know that Libya was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction and was the newest Danger To The Civilized World? Think Iraq. That's what Bush and Blair have been thinking -- What can we do to regain our credibility as saviors, as the good guys? If only we could remove "another" imminent WMD threat. Perhaps it might come out sounding believable this time. Full Article
Latest News Posted: Thursday, January 8, 2004
¤ Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon ¤ Ohio Woman Admits Lying in Lottery Case ¤ Empty handed: U.S. withdraws a team of weapons hunters from Iraq ¤ New think tank report concludes that White House distorted Iraq threat ¤ The Lie Factory ¤ Anti-Empire Report: Code Orange, Code Orange! ¤ With Friends Like These, U.S. Enemies Don’t Seem As Bad ¤ Whither America's homegrown terrorists ¤ 9 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraqi helicopter crash ¤ Travellers face embassy chaos as US imposes security curbs ¤ Tactical Evolution, or Tactical Desperation? ¤ Regime change in Iran ¤ Never mind the quality, read the totality ¤ US marines anger army over Iraq tactics ¤ "Extraordinary rendition" and other terms of our times ¤ U.S. Withdraws WMD Search Team From Iraq ¤ US pulls out Iraq arms search team ¤ Carnegie group says Bush made wrong claims on WMD ¤ The totality is - the Prime Minister lied Flashback Lying for a Living ¤ U.S. Soldier Dies in Iraq Mortar Attack ¤ Rebels injure 35 US soldiers in attack ¤ Baghdad US chopper crash kills eight ¤ US helicopter comes down in Iraq, eight dead ¤ Five killed in Iraq violence ¤ 12 gunned down in Afghan ambush ¤ U.S. soldiers turn down $10K to stay in Iraq ¤ The domination effect ¤ He won the battles, but lost the wars ¤ Bush: Let illegal aliens work in U.S. ¤ Bush's bullies at the border ¤ Costs Mounting From Terrorism Alert ¤ More Deadly Than Gas ¤ Indiana soldier dies from burns suffered in Iraq ¤ Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces ¤ President Wavers on Pledge to Help Find Leaker Flashback Generous new tax break for Bechtel and Halliburton? ¤ How global warming will cause extinction of a million species ¤ Britons will need visas to visit US ¤ Argentina and US row over Cuba ¤ US 'endangering world economy' ¤ US set to back state control of Iraqi oil ¤ US frees Iraqis after British protest ¤ Amnesty confusion angers relatives in Iraq ¤ Case Yields Chilling Signs of Domestic Terror Plot ¤ US extremists to be sentenced over bomb plot ¤ Is American culture really superior to all others? ¤ Time Travel ¤ Syrian Truths ¤ Israel Kills Three Palestinians In West Bank ¤ Libya denies high-level talks with Israel ¤ My fellow columnist, Osama ¤ Osama: Resist the new Rome
The S factor explains Bush's popularity Posted: Wednesday, January 7, 2004
By Neal Starkman seattlepi.nwsource.com
Millions of words have been written as to the motivations of voters. Particularly in close elections, as in the 2000 presidential contest, pundits and laypeople alike have speculated on why people voted for whom. The exit poll has been a major tool in this speculation.
But the speculation misses the mark by far. It's increasingly obvious, for example, that none of the so-called theories can explain President Bush's popularity, such as it is. Even at this date in his presidency, after all that has happened, the president's popularity hovers at around 50 percent -- an astonishingly high figure, I believe, given the state of people's lives now as opposed to four years ago. Full Article
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, January 7, 2004
¤ Syria has no WMDs - Arab League ¤ Iraq's Arsenal Was Only on Paper ¤ US official stands by Iraq WMD report ¤ The Bush Administration's Ongoing Intelligence Problem ¤ CIA misinformed about Ansar ¤ Generating fear has always been a factor for the U.S ¤ Bechtel Wins Iraq Contract For $1.8 Billion ¤ Considering the source, why should we trust 'alerts'? ¤ GIs in Iraq Scoff at Re-Enlistment Bonus ¤ That Pesky Bush-Hitler Thing ¤ Blair pledges to quit if proven a liar ¤ Israeli refuseniks begin prison sentence ¤ Leave Iraq? Hell No, We Won't Go! ¤ Mad Politician Disease ¤ The S factor explains Bush's popularity ¤ Haiti-A Call For Global Action ¤ No respite in sight for diving dollar ¤ US and Britain get tough with Syria over arsenal ¥ What about Israel? ¤ Ya'alon: we may have to attack Syria again ¤ Chilling signs of a far-right domestic terror plot, ignored ¤ Resolution #1: Oust BushCo For 2004 ¤ The Access of Evil ¤ Only Those Who Sacrificed Cartoon ¤ WMD search ends ¤ Saddam captured by Kurds? ¤ US ignores fears over Kurdish autonomy ¤ Firms Tied to Officials Win Iraq Deals ¤ Protests widen over sky marshals ¤ Terrorism alerts 'no-win' for Bush ¤ Bicycle bomb kills 11 children in Afghanistan ¤ Kandahar Bomb Was Hidden in Apple Cart ¤ Flawed charter for a land ruled by fear ¤ Pakistan rubbishes claims it gave nuclear equipment to Libya ¤ French workers shot in Iraq ¤ Former Iraqi soldiers demand pay ¤ There are dangers in hyperbole ¤ MoD pays out for Iraqi civilian deaths ¤ Assad given weapons ultimatum ¤ A hell of a coup ¤ Is the US ready for democracy? ¤ 15 die in Kandahar blast ¤ Georgia: A small pawn in the Great Game ¤ Moscow wary over Georgia's new leader ¤ Syria asserts its right to chemical weapons ¤ There's no partner for Syria ¤ Pakistani experts helped Libya with nuclear weapons ¤ Occupation case studies: Algeria and Turkey ¤ Saddam Hussein? Saddam Hussein who? ¤ Kurds start to rock the boat
US privatises its military aid to Georgia Posted: Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Nick Paton Walsh in Tbilisi Tuesday January 6, 2004 The Guardian
The Pentagon is to privatise its military presence in Georgia by contracting a team of retired US military officers to equip and advise the former Soviet republic's crumbling military, embellishing an eastward expansion that has enraged Moscow.
After a Georgian appeal for support to the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, during a visit last month, a team of 20-30 private defence consultants are already in Tbilisi. Their employer, a Washington security firm, Cubic, has a three-year $15m contract with the Pentagon to support all aspects of the Georgian ministry of defence.
A senior western diplomat said: "One of the goals is to make the army units capable of seizing and defending a given objective. The consultants will work with US defence liaisons in the US Tbilisi embassy and the European command in Stuttgart." He said the programme could continue for much longer than three years.
About 60 US military trainers arrived in Georgia in the summer of 2002 to help the dilapidated military deal with the perceived threat of terrorists linked to al-Qaida hiding in the Pankisi gorge, on the border with Russian Chechnya.
The "train and equip" programme, which left the Kremlin silently fuming at a Pentagon presence on its southern border, was supposed to end this year. Full Article
US to fingerprint millions of foreign visitors Posted: Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Britons and citizens of 27 other countries who do not need visas - mainly Europeans but also Japanese, Singaporeans and Canadians - will be exempt from the procedure if they are tourists. But at 115 airports, Britons with student, work or business visas are subject to the measures. Full Article
Latest News Posted: Tuesday, January 6, 2004
¤ Changing Arguments in Midstream ¤ A Fistful of Kryptonite Against SuperGeorge... ¤ The Politics of the Iranian Earthquake ¤ RNC Plays the Hitler Card ¤ Hashish & the War on Terror ¤ Leave Iraq? Hell No, We Won't Go! ¤ Anthropological Notes on Occupation ¤ Assad given weapons ultimatum ¤ AP Kills Limbaugh Painkillers Story ¤ AP Kills Limbaugh Painkillers Story Photo of original page ¤ Bomb blast kills at least 15 ¤ French nationals killed in Iraq ¤ Delay on Kelly report pressures Blair ¤ U.S. Army Gives Halliburton Waiver for Oil Deal ¤ How the war machine is driving the US economy ¤ Interrogation, Torture, the Constitution, and the Courts ¤ Empire of lies ¤ Iraq Police Fire on Protesting Ex-Soldiers ¤ Twenty Questions ¤ Pound breaks $1.80 as greenback sinks again ¤ Bush Cartel Feigns Outrage In Order to Smear MoveOn.org! ¤ Syria Says Having WMD 'Natural' to Counter Israel ¤ Report: Syria hiding Iraqi WMD ¤ Israel Develops Chemical Super-Laser ¤ U.S. Decries Venezuela's Ties to Cuba Flashback George W. Bush: Words vs. Deeds ¤ US 'regrets' Brazil's tit-for-tat move ¤ US to fingerprint millions of foreign visitors ¥ Guilty until proven innocent ¤ Passport to America ¤ Many killed in Afghanistan bicycle blast ¤ 10 Dead After Bomb Rocks Kandahar ¤ Powerful Bomb Rocks Kandahar and Kills 10 ¤ US ignores fears over Kurdish autonomy ¤ Syria warns against Kurdish entity in Iraq ¤ US sticks with Musharraf ¤ Pakistan's nuclear dilemma ¤ Pakistan Angrily Denies Nuclear Report ¤ Pakistan caught out by its own publicity on nuclear technology ¤ Jeers and scuffles as Sharon defends settlements plan ¤ Israeli troops kill Palestinian teenager in West Bank camp ¤ Israeli 'water for arms' deal with Turkey ¤ U.N. Envoy to Afghanistan Steps Down ¤ Syrian President Makes Visit to Turkey ¤ Assad: Syria will only abandon WMD stockpile if Israel does ¤ Syrian president rejects calls to renounce WMD ¤ Bush renews US sanctions on Libya ¥ Dammed if you do dammed if you don't ¤ US renews sanctions against Libya ¤ Back into the fold ¤ US soldiers sent home for beating prisoners of war ¤ America's Abominable Record in Okinawa ¤ US, British experience different realities in Iraq ¤ How Ethiopia's cooking-oil industry got burned by US aid ¤ Russian-US Victory in Georgia ¤ Russia must forgo hopes of 'eternal presence' in Georgia' ¤ US privatises its military aid to Georgia ¤ Don't Let Them Catch You Reading! ¤ Chatter, chatter everywhere ¤ Letter bombers target European Parliament ¤ Airline rejects guns on flights ¤ US soldier handed over to Seoul police ¤ Odd couples in space: Israel, Russia
On the 45th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution Posted: Monday, January 5, 2004
Many of us who had the privilege of witnessing that exciting day are still alive; many others are deceased. On January 1, 1959 the overwhelming majority of those here tonight were less than 10 years old or had not been born or there were still many years to go before they would be born.
It was never our purpose to attain individual or collective glory, honors or recognition. However, those of us who today have a legitimate right to call ourselves Cuban revolutionaries found ourselves obliged to write what has turned out to be an unprecedented page in the annals of history. Unhappy with the social and political situation in our country, we simply resolved to change it. This was not something new in Cuba; it had happened many times for almost a century.
We believed in the rights of the peoples, including the right to independence and to rise up against tyranny. It was from the exercise of such rights in this hemisphere, conquered by European powers by fire and the sword, mass slaughter of indigenous peoples and the enslavement of millions of Africans, that a group of independent nations emerged, one of which was the United States of America.
When, on July 26 1953, the Cuban Revolution fought its first battle against an illegal, corrupt and bloody regime, 8 years had not yet gone by since the end of World War II unleashed by fascism in 1939, which took the lives of more than 50 million people and brought about the destruction of the economies of all the then industrialized countries, with the exception of the United States, which was out of reach of enemy bombs and guns.
The fascist ideas that were the cause of that colossal conflict were in total contradiction with the principles proclaimed by the 13 former British colonies in America on July 4, 1776 in their Declaration of Independence, which literally read: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. [...]That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness".
The French Declaration of the Rights of Man, which resulted from the 1789 French Revolution, carried this point even further when it proclaimed: "When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties".
The fascist ideas also clashed head on with the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter after the gigantic battle that was World War II. Among the principles the Charter proclaimed to be essential prerequisites of a world political order are respect for the rights of the people to sovereignty and independence.
Actually, the rights of the peoples have never been respected throughout humanity's brief known history, so full of wars of conquest, empires and an infinite variety of forms of plunder and of ways for human beings to exploit other human beings. Nevertheless, at that historic point in time and despite the reality that the victorious powers imposed a world political order with privileges for a minuscule group of the most powerful states that became ever more irritating, many nations, institutions and people were hopeful that a new and promising stage for humanity was beginning. More than 100 nations or groups of nations, including human groups that still lacked a national identity, were formally recognized as independent States. It was a time that greatly favored illusions and deception.
The overwhelming majority of countries that formally received the status of independent states was made up of former colonies, dominions, protectorates and other forms of oppressing and controlling countries that the most powerful nations have used for centuries.
Their dependence on the former colonial powers was almost total; their struggle to attain greater sovereignty and act on it has been difficult and often heroic. The dreadful harassment to which they are submitted in Geneva to get them to support the US resolutions or, as a last resort, to abstain from voting against them is proof of this. The way these states behave in the United Nations General Assembly is admirable. An expression of this is the growing and almost unanimous support for Cuba against the blockade.
The worst of all is that a considerable number of those countries that were supposedly independent before that conflict was unaware of just how little independence they really had, and Cuba was one of them. Almost all of the Latin American countries were on that sorry list, as would become blatantly clear. As soon as our heroic people achieved real and full independence, almost all of their governing elites joined with the United States to destroy the Revolution and prevent the social and political accomplishments we were rapidly achieving.
The aggression began as early as 1959 with the use of all possible economic and political measures, including violence, terrorism and the threat of the massive use of US military might.
What happened to Cuba would help showing all of the illusion and deception contained in those elegant texts about principles and rights proclaimed by the United Nations Organization.
Might and not rights would continue to be the basic fact of human life, as it has been the case through the millennia.
All that has happened up until the present, since the first known historical facts were registered, is the result of the natural and spontaneous, torpid and disorderly evolution of human society. Nobody can be blamed for the various economic and social systems that have followed one another over the course of five thousand years.
The different civilizations which arose in the most distant regions of the world: China, India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Central and South America obviously were, to a greater or lesser extent, ignorant of the others' existence, were independent, although many things attest to the extraordinary range of their knowledge. Some are amazing like, for example, the Greek civilization with its art, philosophy, literature, its knowledge of history, physics, mathematics, astronomy and other subjects.
Our knowledge of Mayan and other pre-Incan civilizations is growing, and this knowledge shows that human beings, even when separated by tens of thousands of years in time and tens of thousands of kilometers in space were already creators and capable of extraordinary works. Yet, in all the civilizations that preceded us and even today, empires, wars of conquest, different kinds of slavery and feudalism, rich and poor, privileged, ruling social classes and exploited, marginalized and excluded classes have existed in one form or another. To ignore this fact would require enormous ignorance.
I must admit that Marx was right when he sketched out the idea that only when a truly rational, just and equitable social regime exists on this earth, will humankind have left prehistory behind.
If the whole development of human society has inevitably been chaotic, disorderly, unpredictable, extremely cruel and unjust, the struggle to create a different and truly rational world, worthy of our species' intelligence is, at this moment in its history, which bears no resemblance to any of humanity's previous stages, something that was not possible or even imaginable in other circumstances: an attempt by human beings to plan their own destiny for the first time.
Dreaming of impossible things is called utopia; struggling for goals that cannot only be reached but which are essential if the species is to survive, is called realism.
It would be wrong to assume that such an aim would be motivated by ideology alone. We are talking about something that goes beyond the noble and completely justifiable whishes for justice, beyond the deep desire that all human beings can live a free and decent life: we are talking about the survival of the species.
The big difference between the age of the Greeks and our age lies not in the intellectual capacity of our species but in the exponential and seemingly infinite development of science and technology that has taken place in the last 150 years, and which completely eclipses the negligible and ridiculous political capacity we have shown for facing up to the risk of perishing as a species, a risk which really is threatening humanity.
Less than 60 years ago, when the first nuclear device equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT exploded over Hiroshima, it became clear that technology had created a tool which, if developed, could bring about the obliteration of human life on this planet. From that day on, the development of such new weapons and weapons systems, hundreds of times more powerful, varied and accurate has not ceased, not for one day. Today, there are tens of thousands of them. Actually, very few have been destroyed under deceptive and limited covenants.
A small group of countries that have a monopoly over such weapons have taken upon themselves the exclusive right to produce and improve them. Meanwhile the contradictions and interests of its members change and humanity develops under a web of nuclear weapons that threaten its very existence. Someone could say something similar to what that Persian emperor said as he and his huge army closed in on the 300 Spartans defending the pass at Thermopiles: "Our nuclear weapons shall hide the sun".
The lives of the billions of human beings who inhabit this planet depend on what a few think, believe and decide. The worst of it all is that those who wield such great power do not have psychiatrists to look after them. We cannot just accept this. We have the right to denounce it, to exercise pressure and demand changes and an end to such an absurd, unheard of situation, which makes hostages of us all. No one should ever have such powers or else no one on this earth will be able to talk of civilization again.
There is another lethal problem as well: nearly 40 years ago some people began to voice their concerns over what has come to be called the environment, because a barbarous civilization was destroying the natural conditions for life. This extremely sensitive issue was then put on the table for the first time. Quite a few people thought it was just some alarmists exaggerating, a kind of neo-Malthusianism, like in previous centuries.
They were, in fact, well-informed and intelligent people who took to building a public awareness on this issue, at times worried sick that it was too late to take useful measures. Regrettably, those who due to their great political responsibilities should have shown greater concern, showed only ignorance and disregard.
More than ten years have passed since the UN-convened Rio de Janeiro Summit and despite the usual proliferation of speeches, pledges and promises, very little has been done. Nevertheless, there is a growing awareness of the mortal danger. And the struggle must grow and will grow. There is no option.
Recently, a conference was held in Havana on desertification and climate change, which was also convened by the UN. It was an important effort to inform, raise awareness and call people to join the struggle.
In Rio de Janeiro, I was a witness to the deep concerns and fear of representatives from small islands in the Pacific and from other countries threatened by the risk of being either partially or totally submerged by the seas because of climate change. This is sad. The first to suffer the consequences of environmental damage are the poor. They do not have cars, or air conditioners; it is possible they do not even have furniture, if they have houses, that is. The effects of huge emissions of carbon dioxide causing atmospheric warming and the destructive effect of the ultra violet rays that pass through the damaged ozone layer filter have a greater impact on them. When they fall ill, it is common knowledge that there are no hospitals, doctors or medicines for them or their relatives.
A third problem: according to the most conservative estimates possible, world population took no less than 50,000 years to reach one billion. This happened around 1800, just as the 19th century was beginning. It reached two billion 130 years later, in 1930. It reached 3 billion in 1960, thirty years later; 4 billion in 1974, fourteen years later; 5 billion in 1987, thirteen years later; 6 billion in 1999 only 12 years later. Today, it stands at 6.3 billion.
It is really amazing that in just 204 years world population increased by 6.4 times from the figure of one billion reached in 1800, after no less than 50 thousand years, calculated in a relatively arbitrary and conservative way so as to have a point of reference, but that should be further analyzed. It could have taken many more years, if we limit ourselves only to the time it took to reach its current capacity.
At what rate is it growing now?
1999: population 6,002 millions; growth 77 millions.
2000: population, 6,079 millions; growth 75 millions.
2001: population, 6,154 millions; growth 74 millions.
2002: population, 6,228 millions; growth 72 millions.
2003: population, 6,300 millions; growth 74 millions.
2004: estimated population, 6,374 millions; growth 74 millions.
What will the world population be in the year 2050?
The lowest estimates say it will be 7,409 millions; the highest say 10,633 millions. According to many experts, there will be around 9 billion inhabitants. The enormous alarm generated by this colossal demographic explosion plus the accelerated degradation of the natural conditions needed for our species' survival have caused people to react with true dismay in many countries, since almost one hundred per cent of the growth I mentioned will take place in Third World countries.
Aware of the growing deterioration and reduction of land and water resources, of the famines in many countries, of the indifference and wastage in consumer societies and the educational and health problems facing the world population, one could imagine that if all of these problems are not solved our human society might become one where its members devour each other.
It would be a good idea to ask the Olympic champions of human rights in the West if they have ever used a single minute to reflect on these realities, which to a very large degree are the result of the current economic and social system. It would be worth asking them how they feel about a system that, instead of educating the masses as a fundamental element for making progress in the search for urgently needed, viable solutions, with the support of science, technology and culture, spends one trillion dollars every year on alienating consumerist advertising. With the money spent in just one of those years to spread this peculiar poison, all the illiterate and semi-illiterate people in the world could be taught to read and write and even reach ninth grade in less than ten years and no poor child would have to go without schooling. Without education and other social services, crime and drug abuse can never be reduced or eradicated. This we proclaim from Cuba, a country blockaded for 45 years, accused and condemned more than a few times in Geneva by the United States and their closest allies but which is about to provide health, education and cultural development services the like of which the developed and rich West has never even dreamed of and, what is more, these are absolutely free for all citizens, with no exceptions whatsoever.
The neoliberal globalization imposed on the world, designed to facilitate greater looting of the planet's natural resources, has, in the wake of the fateful "Washington Consensus" led most of the countries in the Third World, and especially those in Latin America, into a desperate and unsustainable situation.
The first fruit of this disastrous policy was the "lost decade" of the 80s during which economic growth in the region only reached 1%; it rose to 2.7 % between 1990 and 1998, much lower than false hopes and pressing needs, to drop again to 1% between 1998 and 2004.
The foreign debt, which in 1985, the year of that treacherous "consensus", was $300 billion, today stands at more than $750 billion.
Privatizations wiped out hundreds of billions of dollars worth of national assets that took many years to create but which evaporated with the speed at which capitals flee from those countries to Europe and the United States.
Unemployment reached record heights. Of every 100 new jobs created, 82 are in the so-called "informal sector" which includes a long list of those who earn their living any way they can without any kind of social or legal protection.
Poverty has grown alarmingly, especially extreme poverty; it has grown by 12.8 % involving 44 % of the population. Development is stagnant and social services are deteriorating by the day. Neoliberal globalization, as was to be expected, caused a veritable disaster in these services, first and foremost health and education.
If old and new forms of looting, such as unequal terms of trade, the unceasing, forced flight of capital, the brain drain, protectionism, subsidies and the WTO's edicts are added to this, then no one should be surprised by the crises and other developments in South America.
Latin America is the world region where neoliberal globalization was applied most rigorously and exactingly. Now it is facing the challenge of the FTAA which will sweep away national industries and turn the MERCOSUR and the Andean Pact into appendages of the US economy: it is a last assault on the economic development, the unity and the independence of the Latin American peoples.
But, even if this attempt at annexation is successful, this economic order will still be unsustainable, both for the Latin American peoples and for the people in the United States whose jobs are threatened by plentiful cheap labor recruited by the maquilas from among those who were prevented by the existing poverty, educational disaster and unemployment from getting properly trained. Cheap, unskilled labor is something that the Latin American oligarchies can offer on a grand scale.
A summary of all that I have said shows my profound conviction that our species, and with it each one of our peoples, are at a turning point in their history: the course of events must change or else our species shall not survive. There is no other planet we can move to. There is no atmosphere, no air and no water on Mars, neither is there any transportation for us to emigrate there en masse. Either we save this what we have, or many millions of years will have to go by before another intelligent species arises that can start all over again the adventure we have gone through. Pope John Paul II has already explained that the theory of evolution is not irreconcilable with the creation doctrine.
I must draw my talk to a close. There is much work awaiting us in 2004.
I want to congratulate our people for everything it has done over all these years, for its heroism, its patriotism, its fighting spirit, its loyalty and its revolutionary fervor.
I want to offer special congratulations on this 45 anniversary to those who took part in glorious internationalist missions, today epitomized by the exemplary behavior of the five heroes imprisoned by the Empire who, with impressive dignity, have withstood the unjust, vengeful, cruel actions of the enemies of their homeland and their people; epitomized too by the 15,000 doctors who, making great sacrifices, taking risks and dangers carry out their internationalist duties anywhere in more than 64 countries, a human feat that the United States and Europe could never accomplish as they lack the human capital to demonstrate which human rights they are really defending.
Nobody can prevent with threats or aggressions that our doctors, teachers, sports instructors or any other collaborator show their solidarity; nobody can hold back the bravery of our sons and daughters because many are ready for the honor of taking the place of those who might fall victims of terrorist actions encouraged and promoted by extremist officials in the US government.
I congratulate all those who struggle, those who never give up in the face of adversity; those who believe in humanity's capacity to create, sow and cultivate values and ideas; those who bet on humanity; all of those who share the beautiful tenet that a better world is possible!
We shall fight hand in hand with them and we shall overcome!
Latest News Posted: Monday, January 5, 2004
¤ Israel to reject the Hague court's authority on fence ¤ Dollar falls to record low vs euro ¤ We Shall Overcome ¤ North Korea for Dummies ¤ Iraq Police Chief Says U.S. Army Gunned Down Family ¤ How Will Bush Deal With the Deficits? Connecting the Dots to Iraq ¤ The Search for Iraqi WMD has Become a Public Joke ¤ Tape 'probably Bin Laden' - CIA ¤ UK "assumes" latest tape is voice of Osama - Straw ¤ Flashback Voice Cloning - Software Recreates Voices Of Living & Dead ¤ How the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech ¤ Bush and democracy hypocrisy, part 1 ¤ Bush and democracy hypocrisy, part 2 ¤ Private agendas provide distraction from world's real priorities ¤ Two loud words: 'Bush Knew' ¤ The Exploitation of the American Soldier: Part I ¤ The exploitation of the American soldier, part 2 ¤ Washington's Past Relationship with Saddam Hussein Worth Looking At ¤ A regime targeted for change? ¤ Protect us from the protectors ¤ Crying Wolf On Terrorism? ¤ Terror still a no-show on US soil ¤ 'Bin Laden tape' urges uprising against US troops ¤ Al-Qaeda plots new air attacks ¤ Air travellers 'face years of terror checks' ¤ Terror Alert based on Fabricated Intelligence ¤ Flashback Osama: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government ¤ Terror threats cloud air-travel recovery ¤ The search for Iraqi WMD has become a public joke ¤ Iraqi 'died after beating by British' ¤ Blair defends Iraq invasion ¤ One Killed, Others Hurt in Thailand Blast ¤ Jewish women fight holy war ¤ Fence could lead to SA-style boycott of Israel ¤ Israel faces SA-style boycott ¤ Palestinian PM slams world 'silence' over ongoing Israeli operations ¤ Israeli forces invade Tulkarem ¤ Palestinians killed in day of violence ¤ U.S. Looks at Cuban-Venezuelan Leftists ¤ Landslide poll win for pro-US Georgian firebrand ¤ Pakistan and Indian leaders meet at summit ¤ Saddam in the Slammer, so why are we on Orange? ¤ Misquoted Iraq rape tales arouse Turks' fury ¤ Secret police force to be set up in Iraq ¤ Washington begins handover without firm plan ¤ In Bush's America, Rules of War Trump Civil Law ¤ Iranians See Tricky Questions in Trial of Saddam ¤ Credibility and Virginity ¤ Vajpayee meets Musharraf today ¤ US has full confidence in Musharraf,says Powell ¤ Nuclear weapon 'brochure' adds to US dilemma over Musharraf ¤ Afghanistan adopts new constitution ¤ Distrust of U.S. foils effort to stop crippling disease
Predictions for the US in this 'crucial year' Posted: Sunday, January 4, 2004
People say it every December but for once it's true: the year ahead will be a crucial one for America. The 2004 elections will offer voters a discrete choice between two possible futures, each offering benefits and pitfalls. Should the Republicans and Bush prevail, the radical reforms enacted under his first term - a shift of power away from Congress toward an increasingly imperious presidency, the transition from European-influenced secular democracy to Third World-style theocratic police state, perpetual war - will take on an air of institutional permanence. Full Article
Latest News Posted: Sunday, January 4, 2004
Flashback Mandela: U.S. wants holocaust ¤ America: The real danger lies within ¤ Going After the Left, Not al-Qaeda ¤ At What Price Security ? ¤ Blair's Visit to Troops Choreographed Ahead of Hutton Report ¤ The truth about WMD lies beyond Hutton ¤ An Australian Answers An American Critic ¤ Some suspicions refuse to be resolved away ¤ 9-11 Made Simple ¤ Identifying the enemy before starting a war Flashback Bush's Worst Enemy ¤ Iraq Has Made us Safer From Terrorism My Ass ¤ Predictions for the US in this 'crucial year' ¤ Another crisis, Mr Annan ¤ A Nation Gripped by Paranoia ¤ U.S. Troops Kill 4 Iraqis, U.K. Soldiers Kick Fifth To Death ¤ Dutch marine charged with murder of Iraqi civilian ¤ BA will refuse to fly with armed guards ¤ An Arsenal of Evidence on U.S. Weapons Sales to Iraq ¤ U.S. intelligence used for propaganda ¤ Saddam's capture: was a deal brokered behind the scenes?
¤ Orange Code Terror Alert based on Fabricated Intelligence ¤ FBI agents say White House scripting 'hysterics' for political effect Flashback Bogus Terror Threats and Bush's Police State Flashback Bush's Christmas Terror Alert
¥ U.S Terrorism 101: Constantly Instill fear in public ¤ 2004 begins with massive military mobilization in US cities ¤ Al-Qaeda exodus triggers panic ¤ Hazardous Material False Alarm Evacuates U.S. Capitol ¤ Airline groundings linked to al-Qa'eda shoe-bomb threat ¤ New York Times' Safire predicts "major terror attack in the US" > on eve of 2004 election
¤ Blair rallies troops on surprise Iraq visit ¤ Bomb kills eight in Philippines gym ¤ U.S. Wants Libya Discussed in Private ¤ Fidel Castro Celebrates 45th Anniversary ¤ Even with Iraq, Iran, Libya defanged, Israel still prepare for war ¤ Selling Iraqis on benefits of democracy no easy task ¤ Israeli Soldiers Kill Four Palestinians ¤ US troops kill four Iraqis in attack on car ¤ 3 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq Attacks ¤ Regime of werewolves ¤ Too Much Power ¤ US says intelligence justified groundings ¤ British soldiers 'kicked Iraqi prisoner to death' ¤ Anti-fence protesters detained in W. Bank ¤ Iraqi kicked to death by UK soldiers
Terror Alert based on Fabricated Intelligence Posted: Saturday, January 3, 2004
by Michel Chossudovsky www.globalresearch.ca January 03, 2004
On December 21st, the country was put on High Terror Alert by the Department of Homeland Security.
Based on "credible" intelligence sources, presumed Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists were planning to hijack an Air France plane and "crash it on US soil in a suicide terror strike similar to those carried out on September 11, 2001."
Air France Christmas flights out of Paris were grounded. F-16 fighters were patrolling the skies.
Following the investigation by the French authorities, the Al Qaeda terrorists turned out to be a five year old boy, an elderly Chinese lady and a Welsh insurance salesman.
A routine case of "mistaken identity" had contributed to breaking the Spirit of Christmas, across the Land.
Based on erroneous intelligence, an entire Nation had been brought under Orange Code terror alert.
Was it incompetence or was it deliberate? Either way, a public inquiry into the workings of the Homeland Security Department is long overdue. Full Article
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¤ FBI agents say White House scripting 'hysterics' for political effect ¤ Flashback Bogus Terror Threats and Bush's Police State ¤ Flashback Bush's Christmas Terror Alert
Seeing no evil doesn't mean there is no evil Posted: Saturday, January 3, 2004
By Firas Al-Atraqchi
In recent weeks, I have been writing more profusely about the Iraq situation. I have been in touch with various Iraqi groups and individuals, human rights groups, non-governmental agencies, and other independent journalists who have visited Iraq since the capture of Baghdad. The news from all is absolutely dismal; Iraq has disintegrated into a ruthless avenue of rogue militias serving one cleric or another, various business interests of some foreign-based Iraqi corporations competing against other Arab enterprises, or a spectacular venue for revenge killing. Full Article
Latest News Posted: Saturday, January 3, 2004
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Latest News Posted: Friday, January 2, 2004
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Congratulations!!! Posted: Thursday, January 1, 2004
Happy New Year
You are a slave.
I know that's not what you want to hear as you hoist your New Year's champagne, but it is the unpleasant truth that we all face going into 2004.
Movies and public school like to portray slaves as bound by chains and beaten with whips, creating a polarized image of slavery that can be pointed to with the comment, "You are not like that, therefore you are not a slave." But history shows that slaves have been treated in all manner of ways, some more cruel than others, yet even with the most kind treatment, a slave remains a slave.
Setting aside the stereotyped image of a slave as a bleeding chain-bound wretch, slaves throughout history are often hard to recognize. In some cases, such as the Medieval Serfs, they were held slaves to the rulers by religious belief, and did not see themselves as slaves even though they were treated as such. The favored slaves of Asian potentates wore jewels to make a movie star gasp, yet were still slaves for all their finery and comfort.
So, what is a slave? How do we define a slave? What test do we use to tell if someone is a slave. What makes them different from free people? Full Article
Latest News Posted: Thursday, January 1, 2004
¤ David Kay leaving Iraq empty handed ¤ A new arena of military refusal jolts Israel Flashback Kissinger and Argentina > A case study in US support for state terror ¤ U.S. considered oil invasion in 1973, Britain says ¤ New Willie Nelson Song Condemns War in Iraq ¤ New Year's Eve Blast in Indonesia Kills 9 ¤ Nine killed in Aceh concert blast ¤ 11 die in Iraq violence on New Year eve ¤ The pitfalls of trying Hussein ¤ Five killed and 25 injured by suicide car bomber at Baghdad restaurant ¤ US has got wrong men, Iraqi families claim ¤ Israel snubs Syria with Golan plan ¤ Bush Brother Makes Big One-Day Profit ¤ Halliburton loses fuel contract in Iraq ¤ More arrests as Parmalat fraud scandal deepens ¤ 2004 – Year of the Slave ¤ Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces ¤ Israelis to double settlers in Golan ¤ Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian teen ¤ Earth-friendly resolution No. 1: Reduce campaign hot-air emission ¤ Who 'Delegitimized' Sharon? ¤ We made foreign policy mistakes: Powell ¤ Hawks demand an end to all evil, and maybe France, too ¤ US eases Iran sanctions for quake relief ¤ Iran dampens US hopes of better relations ¤ Musharraf's sweeping powers enshrined in law ¤ Brazil gives the U.S. a nuclear headache Flashback Tit for Tat: Brazil to Fingerprint US Citizens ¤ Fantasy of the final solution