March 2003
Latest News Posted: Monday, March 31, 2003
¤ US/UK kill 48 more civilians south of Baghdad ¤ U.S. Using Cluster Munitions In Iraq - HRW ¤ Iraqi villagers capture 'SAS' equipment ¤ Blix doubts Iraq would use banned weapons ¤ Iraq: U.S. jets hit human shields, buses ¤ 11 civilians, mostly children, have been killed ¤ Coalition divided over battle for hearts and minds ¤ US planes strafe 2 passenger buses ¤ Checkpoint death toll mounts ¤ US Killing of Iraqi Women, Children Enrages Arabs ¤ The greatest story never told ¤ Non-Combat Losses Break Records ¤ VICTIM'S DAD HITS AT BUSH ¤ It will end in disaster ¤ US hypocritical human rights report ¤ US press turns on Arnett ¤ U.S. says it's willing to take heavy casualties ¤ Al Jazeera very bloody pictures of war ¤ Arab countries plan anti-war resolution at U-N ¤ Robin Williams blasts Bush ¤ Rummy's Failed War Plan and the Casualties That May Result ¤ The death of America ¤ Current crisis gives glimpses of past ¤ Iraq urges Muslims to join 'holy war' ¤ U.S. officials concede they 'misjudged' Iraqi defections ¤ Iraq's Umm Qasr Still Off Limits to Ships -US Navy ¤ Russian says outcome of Iraq war 'far from certain' ¤ Al-Jazeera site tackles hackers ¤ When in Doubt, Wave the Flag and Wag the Tail ¤ Bombs Won't Win Us Friends ¤ End It Soon To Avoid A Bloodbath ¤ MP urges troops to disobey orders ¤ Baghdad Battle Uncharted Territory; Expect Blood ¤ US Troops Kill Eight Iraqi Civilians at Roadblocks ¤ 'You didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!' ¤ Rumsfeld's Design for War Criticized on the Battlefield ¤ N.Korea didn't test missile: Seoul ¤ The lesson of Lebanon: 'Don't forget to leave' ¤ THIS WAR IS NOT WORKING ¤ U.S., Israel view Assad's acts, words as 'very grave' ¤ Chechnya: Four invaders killed in Jokhar ¤ Chechnya: Maskhadov has not expressed his position on Iraq ¤ This War Is Not Working: Arnett ¤ Iran puts Powell accusations to US failures in Iraq ¤ Indonesia considers switch from dollar to euro ¤ Fresh setbacks on road to Baghdad? It's all part of the plan ¤ US draws up secret plan to impose new regime on Iraq ¤ U.S.: Troops Killed at Least 7 Civilians ¤ Seven women and children shot dead at checkpoint ¤ NBC Fires Peter Arnett After Interview ¤ Air war weapon stockpile runs critically low ¤ Conflict will create 100 Bin Ladens, warns Egyptian president ¤ Iraq is littered with graves of Britons killed in another colonial war ¤ We are damaging our relations with the Middle East for a generation ¤ Afghan clerics call for new holy war ¤ Britain and US in crisis talks over North Korea's nuclear weapons ¤ Rockets fired at UN bases ¤ Troops told to shoot first, reluctantly ¤ Tragedy as troops try to mop up guerilla resistance ¤ Children die as US troops fire on van at checkpoint ¤ We'll finish the job this time, Bush tells Iraqis ¤ Iraqis heading home to fight for their country ¤ Indonesia considers switch from dollar to euro ¤ Powell sounds optimistic note about Middle East ¤ The toll - killed, missing, captured ¤ Polls apart on whether this is a conflict worth waging ¤ Targeted: killers out of uniform ¤ Seoul flags gas-for-peace deal with Pyongyang ¤ Police, army colluded to kill IRA suspects ¤ The added pain of friendly fire ¤ Fleeing families prove useful to Iraqis waging unconventional battle ¤ NBC sacks veteran correspondent Arnett ¤ Britain's Mirror Hires Fired Veteran Arnett ¤ Prisoners of War ¤ Even we surrender-monkeys are confused ¤ If everyone falls into line, who will ask the questions that need asking? ¤ The monster of Baghdad is now the hero of Arabia ¤ Do troops kill each other by mistake because we trained them too hard? ¤ US, Iraqi forces clash in central Iraq ¤ Faux pas cost Arnett, Rivera reporting jobs ¤ 14 gunned down in Kashmore ¤ Pakistan backs French opposition to Iraq war: Faisal ¤ Fighting escalates against foreign troops in Afghanistan ¤ British public support for war has fallen ¤ Bombs not hitting targets: NY Times ¤ Anti-US sentiment among China's Muslims growing ¤ Arraign the emperor ¤ Mother of all resistance? ¤ Blair has one final chance to break free of his tainted fealty ¤ A national sullenness ¤ It will end in disaster ¤ Nothing justifies valuing one life ahead of another ¤ Saturation bombing by the media breeds boredom ¤ Manufacturing News and Promoting War -- Texas Style ¤ Media monitor attacks Iraq 'show'
Latest News Posted: Monday, March 31, 2003
¤ Rescue effort for Bliss unit left 9 Marines dead, 8 missing ¤ Berating the Generals, The Siege of Washington ¤ U.S. networks tuned to American interests ¤ US Military Moves Reporter Geraldo Rivera from Iraq ¤ From Sands to Quagmire ¤ The News Blackout on What Is Happening in Afghanistan ¤ Propaganda defensive ¤ War Hawks Blinded by Hardened Hearts ¤ A Democratic Iraq? Don't Hold Your Breath ¤ 'Old Europe' and Bush's America ¤ False Claims Litter Iraq Conflict ¤ US Said Prepared to Pay 'High Price' to Oust Saddam ¤ Brits Launch Massive Attack On Besieged Basra ¤ Seven Civilians Dead After Troops Fire On Van ¤ Brit Soldier Killed In Ambush ¤ UNITED STATE OF IRAQ ¤ 4,000 MARTYR SUICIDE ARMY ¤ Iraqi leaders not accepting CIA's bribes ¤ U.S. Tank Falls in Euphrates; Four Marines Dead ¤ Bloodied children's shoes bear witness to deadly strike at Baghdad farm ¤ Britain won't send more troops: Hoon ¤ Scotsman dies serving with US army ¤ How to lose a war in a week ¤ We'll Win War, But Not The Rebuild ¤ Three Lessons for America ¤ This is what happens when you go it alone ¤ Politician Urges Bush War Crimes Trial ¤ We must step up our efforts to stop the war ¤ MINISTERS ORDERED TO KNIFE COOK ¤ Knives come out for Rumsfeld as the generals fight back ¤ Iraqi resistance 'restores Arab honour' ¤ U.S.-U.K. alliance shows strains ¤ An Army of Propaganda ¤ Donald Runs out of Steam ¤ Frontline report: What's gone wrong, and who's to blame ¤ Undercutting the 9/11 Inquiry ¤ Ground war began at time ripe to save oilfields ¤ Read the small print: the US wants to privatise Iraq's oil ¤ Video Suggests U.S. Hit Useless Decoys - Analyst ¤ You've got propaganda! ¤ British backtrack over Iraqi general capture ¤ Not a Pretty Picture ¤ In Iraq, solar storms play havoc with communication ¤ 100,000 in Germany demonstrate for an immediate end to the war ¤ International protests against Iraq war continue over weekend ¤ Antiwar protests across Britain ¤ Thousands rally in Melbourne protest against war ¤ US-UK conflict over the spoils of war ¤ Another market massacre in Baghdad ¤ The battle between Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon ¤ Calls grow for UN verification if Iraqi arms found ¤ U.S. expels Israeli reporters from Iraq ¤ Cheney's Halliburton ties come under increasing scrutiny ¤ The Miscalculations of Yes-Men ¤ Heavy price for victory in Iraq ¤ American Peace Activists Confirm Iraqi Hospital Bombed ¤ Mubarak Says Iraq War Will Produce "100 bin Ladens" ¤ Global antiwar protests continue; some call for trial of Bush, Blair ¤ Japanese public opinion in anti-war swing ¤ US takes hardline on Syria's Iraq support ¤ 3 US Marines Die in Copter Crash ¤ Twenty civilians killed when raid hit farm ¤ US Lacks Force for Baghdad Street Fight - UK Source ¤ Suicide bomber injures 26 in Israeli cafe ¤ Suicide squads flock to Saddam ¤ Israeli tactics will not work in this conflict ¤ Old Europe and Bush's America ¤ Don't mention the V-word ¤ Hand of Taliban feared after series of deadly attacks ¤ Tribal chiefs vow to fight to the death for Saddam ¤ Pakistan's nukes should defend Muslim world ¤ In this cat-and-mouse war, the sniper is king ¤ Baghdad assault 'delayed for up to 40 days' ¤ Powell Gives Warning to Iran and Syria ¤ He had absolutely no regard for human life ¤ Shooting from the hip with Syria ¤ For the Arab rich, uncertain times ¤ Cook in clumsy retreat over call to withdraw troops ¤ Dozens killed as US special forces overrun 'terrorist' camps ¤ Three British soldiers sent home after protesting at civilian deaths ¤ American advance slowed by surrender of Iraqis ¤ They screamed over the radio: Stop the friendly fire ¤ War or no war, I refuse to be blackmailed ¤ Search for smoking gun draws a blank ¤ Read the small print: the US wants to privatise Iraq's oil ¤ 'Iraq Freedom'? ¤ Mr Bush should heed the humble words he spoke in his election campaign ¤ Wave of U.S. Bombers Strikes Baghdad ¤ Significant Protests Around the World ¤ Egyptian driver runs down US troops in Kuwait ¤ Baghdad ablaze after raids ¤ A quiet Baghdad night of occasional air raid sirens and mysterious explosions ¤ War tactics split is denied by US ¤ Beginning of the end of Pax Americana ¤ Why I made that speech ¤ Civilised savages ¤ Inside Europe ¤ Bombs and biscuits ¤ President Bush's sums do not add up ¤ Sergeant's suicidal act of war has struck fear into Allied hearts ¤ Growing resentment at British 'liberators' in Basra ¤ Thousands ready for suicide attacks: Iraq ¤ Iran not to support US-installed regime in Baghdad ¤ 20 hurt in Israel suicide bombing ¤ Future options for US ¤ Voyeurs of violence ¤ It's ugly now and it promises to get uglier
Latest News Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2003
¤ Blueprint for war was drafted by team of experts in 1998 ¤ ISRAEL'S WAR ON HUMANITY ¤ Special Search Operations Yield No Banned Weapons ¤ 2 Americans Killed in Ambush in Afghanistan ¤ Bush's Miscalculations Turn Saddam Into Heroic Figure ¤ 'I Would Cut Bush To Pieces With My Teeth' - Iraqi Rage ¤ The "Shock and Awe" Photo Gallery ¤ No joy to greet allies in Iraq ¤ Ugly tactics will only get worse ¤ Bush Given Invasion Plan Two Days Before 9/11 ¤ Senior CNN Executive Admits News Media Distorted Afghanistan War ¤ Syria Joins Battle Of Words ¤ Concern as five helicopters crashed in one week ¤ Truck attack reported at U.S. military camp in Kuwait ¤ US may face Soviet type Afghan misadventure in Iraq ¤ Send Rumsfeld, Cheney and hawks to Iraq war: Robin Cook ¤ Wolfowitz denies authorship of controversial Iraq memo ¤ COOK: 'BRING OUR TROOPS HOME' ¤ He Ain't Heavy... He's My Brother ¤ WHO LIED TO WHOM? ¤ Stray Bomb In Kuwait City? ¤ Hundreds Protest BBC's Coverage Of Iraq War ¤ Swiss protest for peace under a rainbow banner ¤ 100,000 in Pakistan anti-war demo ¤ Outrage Spreads in Arab World ¤ Over 100,000 Indonesians protest Iraq war ¤ Thousands turn out for anti-war protests in New Zealand ¤ Dignity isn't all that Blair may be losing ¤ Intellectuals Turn Down US Envoy's Invitation ¤ Rumsfeld 'wanted cheap war' ¤ Clear evidence that Market Massacre was a coalition weapon ¤ The majority of the America people have no political voice ¤ U.S. President. 10-2-1989. Presidential Directive 26. ¤ The resemblance to Vietnam War can't be overlooked ¤ Sickened by civilian deaths, Algerians start to side with Iraq ¤ Gaby Rado found dead at hotel in northern Iraq ¤ Hollywood and politics have been in bed for a long time ¤ Mass opposition grows in Europe ¤ All that is required for evil to flourish... (Video) ¤ U.S. Land Advance Could Pause for Weeks-Military ¤ Living through the bombing of Baghdad ¤ It's clear this war will be ... No Pushover ¤ Once more into the swamp ¤ The big gun takes a pop-shot at peace ¤ Back Off, Syria and Iran! ¤ Support Troops, Not Politicians ¤ US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush ¤ War without end Pt II ¤ In Baghdad, blood and bandages for the innocent ¤ We see more and more of the conflict, but we know as little as ever ¤ 'Why give out food and then bomb us?' ¤ First 'shock and awe', now 'operational pause' ¤ They do not know what they are doing or why they are doing it ¤ The good, the bad and the propaganda ¤ Chirac demands France creates a rival to CNN ¤ Has Tony Blair made Britain a pariah state? ¤ The tragedy of this unequal partnership ¤ Iraqis mistrust the intentions of the West ¤ Atrocity heightens tension in Kashmir ¤ Don't Mention the W** ¤ Iran and Syria hit back over Rumsfeld threat ¤ 200 Baath Party men killed in Basra attack ¤ Powell wants UN legitimacy for Iraq occupation ¤ Musharraf stresses increased production of nuclear power ¤ Worldwide protests against war ¤ Identifying a terrorist state ¤ Frustration is showing ¤ The seven hurdles Blair must pass to save his premiership ¤ Insects thrive on GM 'pest-killing' crops ¤ US forces' use of depleted uranium weapons is 'illegal' ¤ 1,000 Brits Could Die ¤ Troops Who Won't Fight Sent Home ¤ Basra's endless human tide ¤ Grief and confusion as troops come to terms with 'friendly fire' ¤ Gruesome toll grows as army grinds to a halt ¤ Four miles into Basra, angry Iraqis stare at me in disbelief ¤ Rumsfeld ignored Pentagon advice on Iraq, says magazine ¤ Even in war, Iraqi truckers stay at the wheel ¤ Bombardments of the mountain regions of Chechnya ¤ Invaders Can Not Take Baghdad: German Military Experts ¤ Raw, devastating realities exposes the truth about Basra ¤ The day of the dead ¤ Colonization in the 21st century ¤ Iraq threatens more suicide missions ¤ Bloodied but still unbowed, Baghdad prepares to fight ¤ Saddam: I'll hit UK with terror squads ¤ I would cut Bush to pieces with my teeth ¤ Shi'ite foils advance, so hungry troops wait for supplies ¤ Game plan based on a 'fantasy' that resistance would crumble ¤ Israeli-Palestinian violence flares up ¤ Gruesome toll grows as army grinds to a halt ¤ The Gulf War: Secret History ¤ Oscar winner targets Bush and bin Laden ¤ US Special Forces take fight to fundamentalist terror group ¤ The reality of war
Latest News Posted: Saturday, March 29, 2003
¤ When 'Precision' Bombing Isn't ¤ Teach history as we make it ¤ Exclusive: Is it Acceptable to Show Iraqi Captives? ¤ Why al-Jazeera was right to show those terrible pictures ¤ In bed with the Army: why the media is a hit with the military ¤ Iraqi civilians feed hungry US marines ¤ Bombing of phone system another little degradation ¤ Does the West understand how this hated war is altering the Arab world? ¤ Why al-Jazeera was right to show those terrible pictures ¤ Some Tomahawks Fell on Saudi, U.S. Suspends Routes ¤ Saddam Appears on Television, Chairing Meeting ¤ US accused of using cluster bombs ¤ Baghdad, the Second Pillar ¤ Bodies of U.S. troops found in shallow graves ¤ Iraq: Suicide Attacks Are Military Policy ¤ Baghdad under intense attack ¤ Shi'ite resistance foils advance, so hungry troops ¤ Iran Dismisses U.S. Warnings as Propaganda ¤ U.S. Central Command Says No Battlefield Pause ¤ 40 Copters Act as Lures; Kill 55 Iraqis in Airstrikes ¤ Iraqis Delirious with Grief After Missile Attack ¤ Powell Sees Major Role for U.N. in Postwar Iraq ¤ U.S. eyes wide shut to real-life gore and guts ¤ Gulf War II : U.S. And Britain Defy International Law ¤ Dennis Miller rants - Rich Procter counter-rants ¤ Brauchli: Who will profit from war in Iraq? ¤ The siege of Baghdad ¤ Dead people: Don't go there ¤ Washington's use and abuse of the Geneva Conventions ¤ Commanders admit unexpected resistance ¤ Attacks and storms stretch 350-mile supply line to breaking point ¤ Bush and Blair hold crisis summit ¤ Kucinich: This War is Wrong And Must End ¤ Two Israeli journalists detained by U.S. troops in Iraq ¤ Lahoud affirms opposition to war in talks with Battle ¤ Russia: Putin condemns Iraq war as an "error" ¤ Anti-war protests in Turkey ¤ Blair caught lying about soldier's "execution" ¤ Hinchey cheered for war stance ¤ Human Decency ¤ Defense Policy Board Members With Ties to Defense Contractors ¤ Bush Gets Graphic in War of Words ¤ Several UK Soldiers Captured not 'Kidnapped' in Basra ¤ Missing Italy Journalists Moved to Baghdad - Union ¤ Virus may have crossed species barrier ¤ U.S. Government Surveillance of Band and MTV Self-Censorship ¤ Photos of inside Saddam's bunker ¤ British MP Sees Catastrophe Ahead ¤ New Fear Dawns over Baghdad ¤ Another Blunder? ¤ US turns sights on Syria and Iran ¤ Rumsfeld raises stakes with warning to Syria ¤ Battle of Baghdad could turn into a nightmare if Saddam wins his bet ¤ Iraq Suicide Bombing Kills Four US Soldiers ¤ Missile Strike At Shopping Mall In Kuwait ¤ Errant U.S. Missile Hit Kuwait City ¤ U.S. Pilot Kills Brit ¤ 52 die in Baghdad market blast ¤ Takoma the dolphin is Awol ¤ Iraqi Kurd group ejects alleged al-Qaeda-linked Islamists ¤ Israel coalition threatened over Sabbath ruling ¤ Even if he wins the war, Blair has been humiliated ¤ The uprising that wasn't, mythical chemical weapons ... ¤ Israelis trained US troops in Jenin-style urban warfare ¤ The Blair-witch project ¤ Anti-war protesters rally outside US Embassy in T&T ¤ Iraq war worst crisis since Cold War: Putin ¤ UN accuses Israel of illegal land grab ¤ Move in US to cancel $881m deal with France ¤ Assault on Baghdad set to be another 'Beirut': experts ¤ Bush administration frustrated by war doubts ¤ The worst is yet to come ¤ Russia to 'lose out on Iraqi oil' ¤ Syria toughens pro-Saddam stance ¤ US troops send Turkey a blunt message: keep out ¤ Why Bush faces terrible choices ¤ War must end immediately: Putin ¤ Even if he wins the war, Blair has been humiliated ¤ Time to settle an old score ¤ Chemical-Warfare School Is Found in Iraqi Barracks > Could also be educational materials on how to defend from a chemical attack ¤ Storm in a port: British chief opposes American muscle ¤ The worst is yet to come ¤ Rebirth of the dictator as Arab hero ¤ Turkey likely to be a major casualty ¤ Marines on the move, and it's nothing like the movies ¤ Storm in a port: British chief opposes American muscle ¤ Rebirth of the dictator as Arab hero ¤ UN revives oil-for-food scheme It really is a scheme ¤ Oz PM may send fresh troops ¤ 55 killed in Baghdad bombing ¤ Pakistan to send aid for Iraqis: Jamali ¤ N Korea says it will be next US target ¤ Israeli troops kill Palestinian in West Bank ¤ Anti-war protesters attack British embassy in Iran ¤ Six Muslims slain in held Kashmir ¤ Regional hegemony real objective in Iraq: poll ¤ Pacific islanders angry at war sarcasm ¤ Death of a democracy ¤ The loss of innocence ¤ Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? ¤ Whose war is it anyways?
Latest News Posted: Friday, March 28, 2003
¤ Rumsfeld pressures Franks to take Baghdad quickly, sources say ¤ Baghdad faces intense daylight bombing ¤ Kowtowing to Israel, again ¤ Eliminating Truth: The Development Of War Propaganda ¤ Sharon's Plans For A New Electrified Fence In Palestine ¤ Civillian Casualties, Censorship, and Patriotism ¤ Liberating the people of Iraq by massacring them ¤ Crimes Of War: How The U.S. Will Remain 'Unaccountable' ¤ Delusions of Power ¤ Taleban 'aims to regain power' ¤ The priority here is clear: Oil comes before people ¤ Why did the Admin endorse a forgery about Iraq’s nuclear program? ¤ Global Eye -- Blood on the Tracks ¤ Conservatives Tailor Tone to Fit Course of the War ¤ Some ask whether plan underestimated Iraqis ¤ How the Pentagon's promise of a quick war ran into the desert sand ¤ George Bush's human shields ¤ The history behind the invasion of Iraq ¤ Don't touch that dial ¤ Richard Perle - The Enterprising Hawk ¤ Welcome to Iraqland, or not ¤ Hidden US Losses In Afghanistan Continue To Mount ¤ Will The Iraq War Spark World War III? ¤ Behind the lines, the body bags arrive ¤ US marines 'running out of food' ¤ Iraq Says It Detains Three Alleged U.S. Spies ¤ Russian weapons inspector: US will find anthrax ¤ US launches Afghan air assault ¤ U.S. Lands in Middle of Afghan Feuding ¤ Dozens of civilians died in coalition attacks: Iraq ¤ US seizes $US1.62b in Iraqi assets ¤ Washington's hypocrisy over Iraqi "war crimes" ¤ Iraqis vow fight to death as Baghdad is bombarded ¤ Film of PoWs within Geneva rules ¤ Journalists disappear in Iraq ¤ It's all about dirty secrets and hidden agendas, mate ¤ Signs of U.S. POWs found at hospital ¤ Congratulations on Your Liberation (flash) ¤ BBC boss admits 'daily' mistakes in Iraq ¤ Worse Than Clinton ¤ New Marine casualties, MIAs ¤ Al-Jazeera tells the truth about war ¤ Coalition 'heading for disaster' ¤ UN accuses Israel of illegal land grab ¤ Huge anti-war march in Iran ¤ Iraq: Coalition may use WMD ¤ Riding alone into the sunset ¤ Rumsfeld Warns Syria: Stop Assisting Iraq ¤ British'Nowhere Near' Capturing Basra ¤ Oil And Israel Prompt Washington To Invade Iraq ¤ Critical Supplies...Are Unaccounted For ¤ General: A longer Iraq war is likely ¤ From "Plain Sailing" to "Where the Hell Are We?" ¤ UN Says: We Will Not Be US Subcontractors ¤ Media War: Obsessed with Tactics and Technology ¤ Standing Up to Uncle Sam ¤ A 'Turkey Shoot,' but With Marines as the Targets ¤ 'Civilians killed' in Mosul raid ¤ A War in Which Everybody Appears to Be Under Fire ¤ Iraq statement to UN Security Council ¤ Raw, devastating realities exposes the truth about Basra ¤ US troops attack another bus ¤ Allies drop 'bunker-busting' bombs ¤ Basra 'Nowhere Near' Under Allied Control ¤ Iraq claims 7 dead in Baghdad bombing ¤ UK Luke Was Not Executed ¤ Hungry Villagers Praise Saddam ¤ Bush, Blair Post-Saddam Iraq Talk ¤ Blair, the War Criminal, Should Be Sent to The Hague ¤ A War in Which Everybody Appears to Be Under Fire ¤ Pentagon Ignored CIA Warnings on Irregulars ¤ Iraqi power structure seems to remain intact ¤ Resistance on 'every inch' of road to Baghdad ¤ Israelis fear Blair's influence over Bush ¤ US to send 100,000 more troops ¤ Left-wing conflict and Conservatives should not support it ¤ No 10 backtracks on claim that two British soldiers were executed ¤ Baghdad dilemma faces US ¤ France pushes for UN aid resolution ¤ Saddam preparing to flee Iraq ¤ More than 50 civilians killed in Mosul raid ¤ US envoy walks out of UNSC session ¤ Whoever wins the war, the US has lost the peace ¤ Shock and awe tactics that are employed on home soil ¤ Al-Qaeda fighting with Iraqis, British claim ¤ US soldiers 'are using Jordan to enter Iraq' ¤ US loses hearts and minds amid suburban hell ¤ We'll fight to death, say Iraqis ¤ Baghdad Horror Fuels Propoganda Mill ¤ It May Take Months ¤ Coalition Casualties, POWs, MIAs ¤ US seizes nearly $3 billion in Iraqi assets ¤ Powell crimps UN role in rebuilding ¤ Nightmare of telling friend from foe ¤ The truth is out there, under the shifting sands ¤ Wounded US soldiers shocked at Iraqi resistance ¤ The crusade has begun ¤ Iraq war: the Iranian perceptions ¤ Walking into a quagmire? ¤ Sioux and Iraqis ¤ Politics of control ¤ Osama must be laughing ¤ UK commander steps up war of words with Al Jazeera ¤ Saddam learns wiles of the underdog ¤ The question remains: what did Mr Blair achieve by going to America? ¤ Heading for a sticky end
Latest News Posted: Thursday, March 27, 2003
¤ How war distracts from outlandish Bush policies ¤ Haiti and the US Game ¤ Commentary: Neither clean nor swift ¤ Banned Weapons Remain Unseen ¤ Going to war with Iraq was described it as a 'cakewalk' ¤ Dissidents Say Its A 'War of Conquest' ¤ Wounded U.S. troops say resistance surprised them ¤ Deal Reached on Iraq Oil-for-Food Effort ¤ PM says 'it's possible' Canadian soldiers in Iraq ¤ U.S. Media Applaud Bombing of Iraqi TV ¤ Of Lies, Liberation and American Self-Delusion ¤ The Corporate War Press: Onward Embedded Soldiers ¤ U.S. Advance Leaves Iraq Bus Full of Corpses ¤ Russia to defend post-war Iraq oil interests ¤ Wounded U.S. Soldiers Shocked at Iraqi Resistance ¤ US troops open fire on each other - 30 wounded ¤ Iraq denies US marines wounded in friendly fire ¤ UK Claims WMD-Related Find in Iraq ¥ The suits could be present to ward off a US chemical attack ¤ Iraqi chem war protection doesn't mean WMD: Blix ¤ US diplomat resigns over Iraq ¤ Bush: however long it takes ¤ Would the real George Bush please stand down ¤ What racist arrogance! ¤ Scores arrested at anti-war "die-in" in New York ¤ Dozens of US marines injured by 'friendly fire' ¤ Iraq accuses U.S. of targeting civilians ¤ UN member states line up to condemn war against Iraq ¤ Invasion architect in hot water over conflicts of another kind ¤ First girl lost in the war ¤ International protests continue against US war in Iraq ¤ Israeli Helicopter Kills Two Palestinian Policemen ¤ Washington Can Win the War But Has Already Lost Its Authority ¤ Blair plays down the UN's role in rebuilding Iraq ¤ Invoking international law—when it suits us ¤ Liberian leader accuses US of supporting rebels ¤ George's little antics ¤ Where Did They Go Wrong? ¤ Accidental deaths exceed those in combat ¤ Baghdad carnage more than 'collateral damage' ¤ Witnesses to War Hear Talk of Revenge ¤ This is the Bush Cartel's Perfect War ¤ Anti-Hussein Officials Rebuke Unilateral U.S. Battle Strategy ¤ Ladies' Tea Boils Over as Saudis Rail at US ¤ US Pays a Price for Living Like an Empire ¤ What You Aren't Being Told About Iraq ¤ Tribes, women and sand come to Saddam's aid ¤ Third stray coalition missile lands in Iran ¤ International Law a la Carte ¤ Wave of fury sweeps Middle East ¤ Crises deepen in India and North Korea ¤ North Korea raises arms spending ¤ Preventive War Opens Way to New Rules on Conflict ¤ Reinforcements add weight to criticisms ¤ Jubilation turns to hate as aid arrives ¤ Drowned Marines in full gear ¤ Saddam sends out his tanks ¤ Soldiers build secret camp to intern thousands of Iraqi captives ¤ Tanks head out of Basra to take on British troops ¤ Caricom states not among supporters of War ¤ Bush and Rumsfeld Had Better Watch Their Back ¤ McCarthy's ghost ¤ Can US and UK Avoid a Battle of Berlin? ¤ 'It was an outrage, an obscenity' ¤ Coalition of the Willing? Not us, say Solomon islanders ¤ Stay out of Iraq, Nato warns Ankara ¤ McCarthy's ghost ¤ UN big four baulk at renewing oil for food ¤ Tit for tat, India and Pakistan test-fire missiles ¤ War far from over, warns Rumsfeld ¤ Invasion architect in hot water over conflicts of another kind ¤ From Germany to Indonesia, anti-war consumers bite back ¤ Kashmir massacre escalates tensions ¤ Pyongyang warns Tokyo over plan to launch spy satellites ¤ Bloodied hands confront Australian PM ¤ When we become the bad guys ¤ Shock and awe are not enough ¤ Mesmerising, until the dead stare back ¤ In Howard we trust, but why? ¤ Allies must broaden agenda beyond Iraq: Blair ¤ Musharraf condemns killing of 24 people in held Kashmir ¤ US not to heed calls for cease-fire: Powell ¤ Why Arab intellectuals are now praying for Saddam ¤ On a day of destruction, the Allied leaders discuss reconstruction ¤ Troops battle against stinging sand, choking dust and torrential rain ¤ Civilians Slaughtered ¤ Fierce Clashes Slow US/UK Forces' Advance on the Capital ¤ US troops in running battles with guerrillas ¤ Fresh explosions rock Baghdad ¤ British troops face hit and run raids in Basra ¤ Iraqi movements spark fears of counter attack ¤ US/UK Bombs bring marketplace carnage
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, March 26, 2003
¤ Saddam was once lauded as a 'good American' ¤ The insanity, the obscenity ¤ Winning Hearts and Minds Bush-Style ¤ Washington blueprint in Arab heartland is colossal hubris ¤ Believe your eyes, not opinion polls ¤ We may not like the new world ¤ No Revolt in Basra ¤ Bracing for Bush's War at Home ¤ US admits '8,000 Iraqis captured' claim was false ¤ U.S. 4th Infantry Division Heading for Gulf ¤ Rush Limbaugh And Other False Profits ¤ Civilians caught in the crossfire as bullets riddle city ¤ Powell Says He's Not Planning to Resign ¤ Bush, in Change, Says Iraq War 'Far from Over' ¤ U.S. Shifting Focus of Land Campaign to South ¤ U.S. Leaves Open Possibility It Hit Baghdad Site ¤ UN big four baulk at renewing oil for food ¤ Japan refuses to shut Iraqi embassy ¤ Price of Iraq Occupation Could Dwarf War's Cost ¤ USWAR/Iraq says again Israli-made missiles fired at Baghdad ¤ Al-Jazeera Calls on U.S. to Ensure Free Press ¤ Berri slams Powell for 'occupation' comments ¤ Iraq: Coalition doesn't control port city ¤ Desert Storms: A Battlefield from Hell ¤ The short war suddenly got longer ¤ International Federation of Journalists Condemns Attack on TV Station ¤ India and Pakistan test fire missiles ¤ China readies for future U.S. fight ¤ US may 'fabricate' WMD evidence in Iraq: Russia ¤ New U.S.-Russian dispute is worry ¤ Stop the stupid bloody war ¤ Russia scorns U.S. "liberation" claim ¤ White House dictates war coverage to a pliant media ¤ Najaf fighting 'heaviest so far' ¤ Mesmerising, until the dead stare back ¤ Coalition of the Willing? Not us, say Solomon islanders ¤ America's Patriots may be infected with deadly glitch ¤ Iraqis Remain Defiant in the Face of B-52 Bombings ¤ The Days of the Militarists: Shock But Not Awe ¤ Now, They Talk About Conventions of War? ¤ McGovern: Bush Misleads America About Iraq ¤ Group: Iraq TV Raid May Break Geneva Convention ¤ New Debate on Iraq War in House ¤ Iraqi Civilian Deaths Stirring Up Anti-American Sentiment ¤ Antiwar Protester Call for Civil Disobedience ¤ Anti-war protests continue ¤ Just like Apocalypse Now ¤ Exiled Iraqis want to fight 'invaders' ¤ The lucrative business of rebuilding Iraq ¤ U.S./U.K. Determines Resistance From Rear Must Be Addressed ¤ U.S. Marines Under Attack North of Nassiriya ¤ Bodies of 500 US, UK soldiers lying in Jacobabad ¤ Arab TV Crew Says Found 40 Dead US Soldiers ¤ Marines line up on Iranian border ¤ Al Jazeera Is Brought Down By Hack Attackers ¤ Turkey, Israel in Line for Military Aid ¤ On public opinion front, Iraqi mission takes a hit ¤ Bombing of Baghdad market kills 15 ¤ UN and NATO superfluous, says Washington advisor ¤ 'Shock And Awe' Fizzles In The Face of Ingenuity ¤ Iraqi Shi'ite Opposition Says No Uprising in Basra ¤ Focus of Iraq fighting shifts south ¤ Iraq: 14 Dead in Baghdad Missile Attack ¤ Expectations tempered: a ground-eye view ¤ U.S. military unprepared for militias ¤ Saddam's elite troops dig in for ultimate test ¤ North Korea Calls Off U.N. Meeting ¤ Shiite opposition talks tough but leaves Saddam's fate in US hands ¤ Victory has a price, White House says ¤ U.S. Marines Under Attack North of Nassiriya ¤ Resistance by Militia Is Delaying Baghdad Battle ¤ The Terrorist Advantage ¤ US escalates war on northern Iraq's militants ¤ Cold-war frost forms over Iraq ¤ U.S. Hits Snag in U.N. on Aid for Iraq ¤ Ex-generals fall out with Rumsfeld ¤ Reality TV takes a rapid turn for the worst ¤ In Bay Area, kids question war's validity ¤ Another leaf in the bloody history ¤ Six Days Of Shame ¤ US Troops Kill '300' Iraqi Soldiers ¤ Baghdad air raids resumed ¤ Iraqi TV blasted off air ¤ Sand Before The Storm ¤ Basra: A city with a brutal history ¤ US using Depleted Uranium munitions ¤ In an Ominous Sky, a City Divines Its Fate ¤ Two more British troops killed by 'friendly fire' ¤ U.S. Says Ready to Rebuild Iraq Without U.N. ¤ This is just the beginning, Rumsfeld says ¤ US general with Iraq role linked to hardline Israelis ¤ King Abdullah under pressure after subjects urge support for Saddam ¤ Civilians rebel against regime in Basra ¤ J-Dams mark escalation of assault on Basra ¤ Howard turns down Bush invite to visit US ¤ Sandstorms slow coalition's advance toward Baghdad ¤ China, Pakistan to strengthen military ties ¤ UN role vital in Iraq crisis: Kasuri ¤ Bush seeks $74.7bn for Iraq war ¤ Anti-war demonstrations across ME ¤ Iraq fighting shows bloody reality of war: German press ¤ Death toll from China mine blast hits 57 ¤ Confronting the US-led aggression ¤ The anarchy of war ¤ The fallout of the Iraq war ¤ The embedded media! ¤ Pax Americana -- II ¤ Careworn Emperor rides on ¤ British tank crew killed by comrades ¤ Propaganda games give a distorted view of reality ¤ PM turns down offer to attend Bush talks ¤ Pentagon irate over ambushes of US troops > Hey America! Stop your whimpering... ¤ Turkey warned its EU application at risk ¤ One rule for them... ¤ Will Howard have to rethink his all-the-way policy? ¤ Searching for the truth about the terror threat ¤ British plan to take Basra by force ¤ Troops lay siege to Basra ¤ Blair still needs to justify the considerable risks he has taken ¤ The Garbo doctrine ¤ Shock, awe and precision porkies ¤ Blair pleads for US and Europe to end rift over Iraq ¤ Baghdad digs deep as bombs fall and secret police circle ¤ Arab governments struggle to control protests against US ¤ Live From Iraq, an Un-Embedded Journalist
Latest News Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2003
¤ UN hampered by Annan's weak leadership ¤ International Law a la Carte ¤ America the destroyer ¤ Hypocrisy stalks the land ¤ The wraps come off Bush's colonialist agenda ¤ Channels of influence ¤ Congress Goes Into Denial on Paying for War ¤ What would we do without Albania? ¤ Blood Indicator: Casualties and the Stock Market ¤ Arab League demands withdrawal of US-led forces ¤ Black Hawk, Apache helicopters missing in Iraqi sandstorm: US ¤ Shadows in the Night Exhaust U.S. Soldiers ¤ Errant US missile raises ire of Turkish villagers ¤ Allies Take 3,500 Captive, Rumsfeld Says ¤ Al-Jazeera Web Site Under Hacking Attack, Host Says ¤ Pope Endorses Antiwar Movement ¤ Will American Administration Declare War on Russia? ¤ U.S. in Talks on Using Georgian Bases Against Iraq ¤ Iraq: Collateral damage ¤ Fierce sandstorms hamper action on land and from air ¤ Can't bomb Iraq and tell us to talk to Pak, India tells US ¤ Iraqi army proving stubborn in the north ¤ Pentagon Faces Stalled Front in N. Iraq ¤ War on Iraq creating havoc ¤ We could sink in the swamp of Iraq ¤ Bush war budget 'does not add up' ¤ US may focus on Iran's nuclear after Iraq war: expert ¤ U.S. Soldiers Say Fellow Troops Fired on Helpless Iraqis ¤ Cheney daughter - human shield in Baghdad??? ¤ Iraq war could lead to new World order ¤ Is Bush Acting Out an Elaborate Religious Fantasy thru War? ¤ Mission aims to find intelligence agency's files ¤ US: Iraq Set To Use Chemical Weapons ¥ Set-up to kill more civillians or use nukes... ¤ Europeans flock to al-Jazeera ¤ Photo adds fuel to anti-war fire ¤ Bush, Blair to Plot Strategy in U.S. ¤ Diminished Expectations in Iraq ¤ Strategic Blunders by American Generals ¤ What Democracy Looks Like, The Streets of Cairo ¤ Civilian Deaths From Airstrikes on Baghdad Fuel Rising Anger ¤ U.S. Plans to Run Iraq Itself ¤ Anger Builds as Marines Wage Bloody Street Fight ¤ You should have known we'd fight ¤ WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE MR BUSH? ¤ Perle: 'Prince of Darkness' in the spotlight ¤ War isn't pretty, nor is news of it ¤ The honorable absurdity of the soldier's role ¤ The Moral Calculus of Killing ¤ U.S. Marines in Heavy Fighting in Nassiriya ¤ U.S. Attempts to Destroy Downed Helicopter ¤ The Goal Is Baghdad, but at What Cost? ¤ Loss of Apache Is Evidence of Vulnerability of Copters to Ground Fire ¤ Iraqi exiles head home to fight 'invaders' ¤ Basra campaign claims second Briton ¤ Search at Najaf yields no sign of chemical weapons ¤ This makes us love Saddam, not America ¤ Battle Shifts to Basra, Now a 'Military Target' ¤ Iraq: Marines Cross Euphrates In Nassiriya Amid Heavy Fighting ¤ The US media: propagandists for a criminal war ¤ Iraqi resistance shatters US propaganda of "liberation" war ¤ The speech that could not be delivered ¤ One rule for them ¤ US and Russia in weapons clash ¤ We have been set adrift in the middle of the Atlantic ¤ The real reasons so many are marching ¤ Marines losing the battle for hearts and minds ¤ Crisis in Basra as troops fail to create corridor for aid ¤ Grief and pain in broken heart of Texas ¤ Sparks Fly Over U.S. Claims of Sales to Iraq ¤ Palestinians need independence, not crumbs from Bush's table ¤ Iraqi Militia, Sand Snarl U.S. Troops ¤ How the resistance movement caught Allies in a trap ¤ The shocking truth about 'shock and awe' ¤ Undaunted by losses, Allies push on towards Baghdad ¤ First British soldier killed, UK's dead and missing reaches 19 ¤ Kurd commanders unimpressed by the Allied assault ¤ War Pictures Cause Yellowtimes.Org To Be Shut Down, Again ¤ Battle that wasn't meant to happen ¤ Iraq TV shows men said to be Apache pilots ¤ Softening us up in a subtle war of words ¤ Bush condemn Iraq's treatment of captured soldiers > But his outrage rings hollow ¤ Saddam starts to sound more like his hero, Uncle Joe ¤ Bush Accuses Russian Firms of Aiding Iraq ¤ Flags in the dust ¤ Annan warns of humanitarian crisis in Basra ¤ Red Cross warns of 'humanitarian disaster' in Basra ¤ Deadly errors and images of PoWs fuel the war of nerves ¤ US missile hits bus, killing five Syrian civilians ¤ Mood changes as America finds war is not a video game ¤ Islamic militants kill 24 Hindus in Kashmir massacre ¤ Bush tells Putin of worries over arms sales to Iraq ¤ Protests paralyse life across held Kashmir ¤ If you really think about it ¤ Repetition of history ¤ The real war ¤ The trickle expected to become a flood ¤ The 'liberation' of Iraq looks more like old-fashioned conquest ¤ Perle: 'Prince of Darkness' in the spotlight ¤ Aid May Take Weeks to Get Into Iraq
Latest News Posted: Monday, March 24, 2003
¤ Resistance Raises Fears for the Endgame ¤ Hail of Gunfire and Rockets Forces Apaches to Pull Back ¤ Dragoons face heavy fire ¤ War Opens a Door to an America None of Us Has Ever Known ¤ The Killing Fields of Israel ¤ Outrage in Baghdad April Hurley, MD, Iraq Peace Team ¤ Angry, Very Angry: Kathy Kelly, Iraq Peace Team ¤ Saddam in 'full control' of Iraq: Aziz ¤ Shares of Defense Firms Are on the Rise ¤ Dow Falls 309 on Fears of Prolonged War ¤ U.S. Losses Expose Risks, Raise Doubts About Strategy ¤ Allied forces 'trapped': Saddam ¤ Huge blasts shake Baghdad ¤ US says downed Apache crew missing ¤ Iraq war architect in Global Crossing conflict of interest ¤ IMAGES TO EXPLODE THE MYTHS OF WAR ¤ JUST BECAUSE IT'S STARTED DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT ¤ The west has given Saddam the role he always longed for ¤ HYPOCRITES OF AMERICA CRYING FOUL ¤ MOORE BLASTS BUSH AT OSCARS ¤ Who lied to whom about Iraq's nuclear program? ¤ Bush warns Turkey off Iraq ¤ Supporters Of Iraq War Stage Rallies ¤ Iran says it may fire on aircraft in its skies ¤ Iran to be US next target: CIA Report ¤ NOT SO SMART BOMBS DEVASTATE ORDINARY LIVES ¤ Weapons Of Mass Delusion ¤ Russia to Demand UN Legal Assessment of War ¤ As casualties mount, administration faces new test ¤ Precision Weapons Hit Bus 100 Miles Inside Syria ¤ Israel Is Taking Part In The Iraq war - Der Spiegel ¤ The war of double standards ¤ Chemical Weapons Plant Discovered 12 years ago ¤ Iraq war architect in Global Crossing conflict of interest ¤ Ashcroft expands use of search powers ¤ The Lords of Vengeance ¤ How to Live with a Rogue SuperPower ¤ Switch on the war and pass the popcorn, Martha ¤ First Person: Civil disobedience can be civic duty ¤ How to Live with a Rogue SuperPower ¤ Iraq Broadcasts Images of Prisoners - U.S. Assails Ruses ¤ Saddam Vows to Crush Allied Forces ¤ Marines Meet Potent Enemy in Deadly Fight ¤ U.S. Missile Strike Syrians ¤ US renews missile attack on Islamic group in Kurdistan ¤ $178m of Jordan's debt to US rescheduled; extra aid expected ¤ Chechens Turn Out in Huge Numbers for a Vote ¤ Iraq's Rumaila Oilfield Unsafe, U.S. Military Says ¤ Who is giving us the other side of the war? ¤ Premature cheering on the Israeli right ¤ Al-Jazeera causes outcry with broadcast of battle casualties ¤ American prisoners paraded by Iraqis ¤ US protests at Russian arms sales to Baghdad ¥ The U.S./UK Terrorists illegally invaded Iraq.... ¤ Turkish troop incursion denied ¤ This is not war as we knew it ¤ Pentagon downplays accounts of Iraqi chemical weapons factory discovery ¤ British manufacturer's weapons linked to hidden cache of missiles ¤ US missiles land in Turkey ¤ US special forces in Iraqi Kurdistan ¤ How a walkover turned into a three-day battle ¤ Hidden dangers facing British troops ¤ Blair condemns prisoners of war footage ¥ Get your troops out of Iraq. US/UK forces are terrorists in Iraq ¤ Millions swell anti-war protests ¤ Australian pilot gives thumbs down to US bombing order ¤ Unrelenting pressure ineffective - so far ¤ Million march flays rulers for supporting US ¤ Iranian military fires at US-British forces in Iraq ¤ Taliban condemn US-led attack on Iraq ¤ Civilians count dead and wounded ¤ Urgent talks to prevent 'war within a war' ¤ A war of ifs, buts and maybes ¤ Iraqis shocked but not in awe ¤ US fears a hard, bloody war ¤ Woman's cry brings home cost of assault ¤ Saudis tell Bush: take a breather, give UN another try ¤ British adviser quits over legality of Blair's war ¤ Of 'shock and awe' ¤ Tears, anger and... ¤ Who is afraid of Iraq? ¤ From Melbourne to Madrid, protests roll on ¤ Anti-war protests sweep US ¤ Pyongyang readies for US attack ¤ Allies suffer on road to Baghdad ¤ Iraq will become a quagmire for the Americans ¤ Iraqi President 'left bunker in an ambulance' ¤ Fear and fury as images of war ruin a nation's big day
Latest News Posted: Sunday, March 23, 2003
¤ So where are Saddam's weapons? ¤ NEWSDAY T&T: BIG BULLY USA ¤ US Patriot Missile Shoots Down UK Jet ¤ U.S. Helicopter Crashes in Afghanistan, Six Dead ¤ Iraqi Bodies Litter Plain as U.S. Troops Advance ¤ US accuses Russians of aiding Iraqi defence ¤ 'Webloggers,' Signing On as War Correspondents ¤ Germany to End AWACS Missions If Turkey Enters War ¤ Belgium FM: No EU for Turkey if troops enter Iraq ¤ 33,000 troops in Texas get call for Gulf duty ¤ Commander of Iraqi division reported surrendered vows to fight on ¤ Egyptian police arrested 800 during anti-war protests ¤ Iranians take pot shots at US-British forces in Iraq ¤ Ominous signs for coalition in battle for Umm Qasr ¤ This War Is Illegal ¤ This is the reality of war. We bomb. They suffer ¤ Us Shoot Down Raf Jet ¤ Missing ITN crew may have come under 'friendly fire' ¤ Generation Apathy has woken up ¤ Air Raids Wreck Civilian Homes in Baghdad ¤ Allies split over Iraq's fate ¤ Israeli-made missile found in Baghdad ¤ US veteran commits suicide in Mexico as son goes into combat in Iraq ¤ No winners in US-led war on Iraq: Jordanian PM ¤ Yemen spurns US request to expel Iraqi diplomats ¤ Rumsfeld: 900 Nations Now In Coalition > Defends Inclusion of Disneyland, Carpet World ¤ "Shock And Awe" Gives Way To Shuck 'N Jive ¤ Thank You For This War ¤ Utter Madness... All In The Name Of Terrorism ¤ Bush Threatens The Media: I Will Bomb You ¤ Terrorism & The Media's Herding Of The American Public ¤ Grim Slaughter Of Iraqi Militia In US Advance ¤ Saddam Attack OK Under US Assassination Rules ¤ War as entertainment ¤ Lies, Video Games, and Advice ¤ American against War in Cairo ¤ A Perilous Punch! ¤ The (Weapons of) Mass Destruction Conundrum ¤ Sedition a Normal Practice for the Authorities ¤ Rallies across U.S. keep anti-war message alive ¤ Bush's ragtag posse fails to impress a leery world ¤ Pictures of U.S. POWs in Iraq ¤ Iraqis claim capture of war prisoners ¤ US soldiers and aircraft 'missing' ¤ Rumsfeld Says Some U.S. Soldiers Missing ¤ USA Steals Iraq's Assets ¤ Anti-war protesters refuse to give up ¤ Anti-War Rallies Continue in Cities Worldwide ¤ Israel taking part in war: Iraq ¤ Perle's Plunder Blunder ¤ Watch Bush and Blair's Lips Now that their war has started ¤ Special ops on a forgotten front ¤ 77 Civilians Killed In Basra, 366 Wounded: Iraq ¤ Russia condemns 'US spy flights' ¤ Air Raids Wreck Civilian Homes in Baghdad ¤ The shock, the awe, the deaths ¤ Iran calls for firm U.N. action on Iraq ¤ Global anti-war protests ¤ US Afghan Losses Said Far Higher Than Admitted ¤ Brazen Deceit, Lying And Corruption Of Iraq War News ¤ As Oscars Near, Hollywood Blasts Iraq War ¤ Plans For Civilian Internment: Stalag 17 American Style ¤ Iraq Says Captured Soldiers Soon to Be Shown on TV ¤ Explosion at coalition base in Qatar ¤ Congratulations ¤ Israeli-made missile found in Baghdad: Iraq state TV ¤ British War Plane Possibly Downed by Patriot Missile ¤ The Missing Iraqi POWs and the Geneva Convention ¤ Bush unleashes war without end ¤ War Already 48 Hours Old When It Began ¤ Aid agencies report 500,000 Iraqis displaced ¤ Turks worse than Saddam ¤ Turks hem Kurds in on three fronts ¤ Two wars merge in Kurdish north ¤ Allied troops encounter guerrilla warfare ¤ Analysis / Saddam waiting to engage allied troops on ground ¤ Israel's Defense Ministry wants fence moved deeper into West Bank ¤ Kurdish leaders step up war of words with Turkey ¤ Special Forces in Baghdad ¤ Special forces operating in W. Iraq ¤ This is the reality of war. We bomb. They suffer
Latest News Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2003
¤ THEY DIED IN THEIR TRENCHES CLUTCHING WHITE FLAGS ¤ Re: There is no moving forward until... ¤ Stop Military Actions ¤ Pounding the Life Out of a City ¤ Difficult task of buying a few good allies ¤ A Cauldron of Fire: Irresistible, Unquestionable Power ¤ The Threats of Empire Mexico, Watch Out! ¤ On the Road in the West Bank: Nothing Justifies Destruction Like This ¤ Anti-War Protesters Refuse to Give Up ¤ No-fly zone declared, rallies compete in Chicago ¤ Iraqi Shiite opposition will not fight alongside US ¤ Trouble awaits U.S. in north ¤ Six Journalists Among Iraq Casualties ¤ 50, Including Russian, Killed In Bombing Of Basra ¤ U.S., British forces move in on Basra ¤ U.S.: No Sign of Iraq Bio-Weapons Yet ¤ Bush Meets War Council, Says War May Be Difficult ¤ G.I. Held In Attack On U.S. Soldiers
¤ Response to war ¤ Russia demands UN ruling on war ¤ MURDERERS!! ¤ US rogue rage a green light for monsters ¤ Aid agencies report 500,000 Iraqis displaced ¤ MIRRORMEN SEE CITY POUNDED TO PIECES ¤ Russia Sends Jets to Eye U.S. Spy Planes ¤ NZ, Australia Lead Fresh Asian Anti-War Protests ¤ Cluster of protesters makes views known ¤ Thousands join anti-war protests in NZ ¤ Anti-war protests in South Asia ¤ 'Many wounded' in Baghdad: Red Cross ¤ Duct Tape, Tinfoil and Spam ¤ How many casualties will the public take? ¤ America continues propoganda war ¤ Three Afghans Killed, Four Abducted in Attacks ¤ Russia Vows to Stop US Move to Legitimize Iraq War ¤ PM controlled by US: Brown ¤ State acts to shut down Capitol peace camp ¤ The War Seizes the Internet ¤ Bombing cuts human shields link ¤ Basra will be 'unlike any other' ¤ My Dear Americans ¤ Editorial: Bye-Bye CNN ¤ After the Shock and Awe, next will come the despair ¤ 'Rockets hit Iranian village' says report ¤ Pentagon Confirms Missiles May Have Struck Iran ¤ The first illegal war of the 21st century ¤ Hell Rains Down on Iraqis ¤ France, Go Home!!! USA on the Offensive on All Fronts ¤ USA lied about Iraq's weapons ¤ Iran complains of airspace violations by coalition ¤ Attacks in Afghanistan show upsurge, US says ¤ ANTI-WAR PROTESTS ESCALATE AS TWO ARE KILLED ¤ There is no moving forward until... ¤ 'Dead bodies are everywhere' ... ¤ Four killed in anti-war protests across Middle East ¤ 'Pakistan regrets US-led attack on Iraq' ¤ US call for Iraqi diplomats' expulsions rejected ¤ The good and gentle past ¤ Clash of civilisations! ¤ Shame upon these pygmies and their lies ¤ Wrong war for wrong reasons ¤ Ink dry on war script a year ago ¤ Any excuse to build an empire ¤ He who gets the most camera time ¤ Bombs not aimed at civilians: US ¤ Stray bomb hits building in Iran ¤ A rallying cry for the terrorists, warns Crean ¤ 1,000 Turkish Troops Move Into N. Iraq ¤ Arabs seethe as TV shows Iraq destruction ¤ YOU ARE FREE TO DO AS WE TELL YOU (Movie) ¤ So where are Saddam's weapons?
Latest News Posted: Friday, March 21, 2003
¤ A Coalition of the Villains ¤ Vatican expresses 'pain' over war ¤ Iraqis: Saddam is 'safe and well' ¤ 'Shock and awe' air strikes launched ¤ U.S. 'Shock and awe' $400bn war bill ¤ Turkey Agrees to U.S. Overflights ¤ Turkey orders troops to enter border territories ¤ It doesn't look like they'll go without a fight ¤ US flag pulled down after being raised at Umm Qasr port ¤ Baghdad Bombed ¤ Battle for Iraq Not the Pushover It Appears ¤ War is the climax of U.S.-Israeli partnership ¤ Russia's Putin turns on U.S. ¤ An Empty Pledge to Civilians? ¤ Thousands of protesters block roads around the country ¤ We Begin Combing in Five Minutes! ¤ NEW WAVE OF PROTEST HITS BRITAIN ¤ Thank God for the death of the UN ¤ Pentagon press briefing: farce, charade and deception ¤ Some Pictures are Worth More Than a Thousand Words ¤ 150 Injured In Egyptian Anti-War Protest: Al-Jazeera ¤ U.S. Arrests Hundreds Of Its Anti-War Protesting Citizens ¤ Bush rewriting war rules step by step ¤ Worldwide, Civil Disobedience ¤ French, Dutch Refuse US Request to Expel Iraq Envoys ¤ Pre-emptive Aggression ¤ The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media ¤ Cruel War? No, This Is to Help You ¤ Russia Wants UN Troops to End Fighting in Iraq ¤ US Action in Iraq May Harm Anti-Terrorism Coalition ¤ KCNA Warns of Possible Nuclear War on Korean Peninsula ¤ "BOOM!" VIDEO AND FACTOIDS ¤ Protests target British High Commission ¤ War is Theft ¤ Myths and facts about the war ¤ Embarrassed to be an American ¤ World denounces US strike on Iraq ¤ US wants Security Council to help pick up the pieces ¤ Defiant Saddam broadcasts poetic vow to crush the enemy ¤ Iraq Will Ask U.N. to Respond to Invasion ¤ Rising anger grips the Middle East ¤ Bush plan to exploit Alaskan oil thwarted ¤ Now Bush's doctrine of war will be put to the test ¤ Pakistan for swift end to attack ¤ Saddam pledges victory over US 'devil' ¤ Bugging equipment in EU headquarters ¤ War and aftermath ¤ An opportunistic war ¤ Whims threaten world peace ¤ What next? ¤ Global protests gather pace ¤ US asks governments to close Iraqi embassies ¤ It's time to turn off, tune out and drop President Bush a message ¤ Australian Senate condemns war, PM asks for unity ¤ Why Bush and his team need an attitude lobotomy ¤ A new war beyond the war ¤ China goes down with UN defeat ¤ Costs of war by far outweigh benefits ¤ Casualties of War - First Truth, Then Conscience ¤ We almost stopped the war
Latest News Posted: Thursday, March 20, 2003
¤ Trinidad and Tobago does not support U.S war on Iraq ¤ China Demands Halt to Attack on Iraq ¤ Trans-Atlantic outlook grim, EU session hears ¤ Security Council members blast U.S. for strikes on Baghdad ¤ Protesters 'shed tears' at U.S. Embassy in Tokyo ¤ Malaysia says war on Iraq 'illegal' ¤ Putin calls on US to stop ¤ China: Stop the war 'immediately' ¤ Hundreds of thousands protest ¤ Turkish President casts doubt on overflights vote ¤ The Tale of Two Tyrants ¤ Anti-War Protests Sweep Globe Following U.S. Strikes ¤ WAR ON THE WORLD? . . NOT IN OUR NAME ¤ Melbourne Condemns Oil War ¤ Thousands protest as conflict begins ¤ War draws condemnation ¤ At U.N., no imminent threat seen ¤ Madonna's New Video Depicts Crying Iraqi Women ¤ Anger and dismay in South Asia ¤ US hunting dictator's hidden billions ¤ What has happened to our country? ¤ Thousands in Germany Protest Iraq Attack ¤ War racist, illegal: protesters ¤ Arab Protesters Demand Expulsion of U.S. Envoys ¤ Start by ousting Bush-Cheney regime ¤ ANTI-WAR PROTESTS SWEEP GLOBE FOLLOWING US ATTACK ON IRAQ ¤ U.S. Launches Massive al-Qaida Hunt ¤ Iraqi oil wells on fire: reports ¤ Rumsfeld: Iraqi Leadership Position Hit ¤ Exploring the Anti-War Right ¤ US Air Strikes in South Iraq, Ground Combat-Reports ¤ Iraq Launches Attack Against U.S. Troops ¤ War predictions fall flat with missile attack ¤ No targets off-limits, say allies ¤ 70,000 Turkish troops were massing on border with Iraq ¤ Bush sends Iraq war letter to Congress ¤ U.S. to give Israel $9B in loan guarantees, $1B in military aid ¤ Saddam: Iraq will be victorious over U.S. 'criminal acts' ¤ Pope Paul upbraided UK, Italian PMs ¤ U.S. Launches Iraq War, Misses Defiant Saddam ¤ U.S. invasion of Iraq starts ¤ Don't blame us for conflict, protest French ¤ Inspectors say US intelligence was wrong ¤ UN tries to halt staff protest against attack ¤ Anti-Bush remark hits band CD sales ¤ Cubans accuse US of fomenting revolt ¤ Bush ready to pull trigger ¤ Cuba arrests dozens in US-led 'conspiracy' ¤ France, Russia say war will fuel terrorism ¤ 'UN resolution not for regime change' ¤ Priming for propaganda blitz ¤ Washington's war not unchallenged ¤ On behalf of the civilized world ¤ Dilemmas of war ¤ US warns Turkey to stay out of Iraq ¤ From relaxed and comfortable to bitterly divided ¤ The real reasons America is invading Iraq ¤ US partners keep troops at a distance ¤ Why did the UN order the inspectors out of Iraq?
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2003
¤ Will the War Begin With ANOTHER Big Lie? ¤ USA lied about Iraq's weapons ¤ France Snaps at British Jibes, Clarifies Help Offer ¤ Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President ¤ Iraq Must Not Be Occupied, Says Fahd ¤ Former UN head says Iraq war would be 'illegal' ¤ Now we're all ugly Americans ¤ Report: War in Iraq 'Unequivocally Illegal' ¤ Protests to Start When War Does ¤ Wiretapping Found at French, German, UK EU Offices ¤ Conflicting reports about Tareq Aziz fate ¤ UN Nuclear Team: US Sabotaged Inspections ¤ Iraq crisis hour-by-hour ¤ Shimon Peres says US attack on Iraq a "just war" He also believes occupying Palestine is just ¤ Activist's memorial service disrupted by Israeli forces ¤ BBC rouses anger by 'burying' documentary on Israel BBC is not above double-standards ¤ Putin Says He Regrets Ultimatum ¤ Protests flare in Europe against looming war ¤ The sounds of silence ¤ Did your MP support the rebels? ¤ Public Opposition Rises Against Coalition ¤ The president's real goal in Iraq ¤ UK: Rebels fail to halt march to war ¤ U.S., Russia Delay Nuclear Weapons Treaty ¤ Public support for US at rock bottom even among 'friends' ¤ Rebels fail to halt march to war ¤ Troops to enter Iraq even if Saddam bows: US ¤ France, Russia, China, Germany oppose ultimatum ¤ Time for diplomacy never ends: Kasuri ¤ China urges US to enter into dialogue with N Korea ¤ UNSC president confirms meeting on Iraq ¤ Washington unleashing new kind of terror? ¤ Farewell to diplomacy ¤ Pax Americana: the US' new world order ¤ War despite global protests ¤ The nightmare world of a paranoid president ¤ Don't be fooled: the outlook remains gloomy ¤ The War After the War ¤ 13 Palestinians killed, including toddler, two teens ¤ A divided Australia heads to war ¤ No, this war is illegal
We totally oppose this war Posted: Tuesday, March 18, 2003
March 18, 2003 From: Ayinde and Trinicenter Staff
As the United States of America embarks on another unjust invasion, let us all remember that civilians will loose their lives in the name of corporate greed. It is the underlying racism in most people that allows them to tolerate these wars. It is always about killing people whom they believe are less human than them. This war is also about demonstrating 'White Power', which started a long time ago with its scourge on indigenous Indians and Africans. Today many know that 'White Power' is based on greed and is fueled by the belief that White Males are superior to all other people. These ideas were ingrained in both whites and non-whites alike through reinforcing fear together with the use of Judeo-Christian and Muslim symbolisms. Although many Whites are rejecting this today as they realize it never really benefited them, like most other people, they are still locked into the capitalist system that is governed by these false values. This drive for control of resources is usually about a few already materially wealthy white males and their desire for more money and power. The excesses they crave can only be had through lies and brute force. No one is safe from these lying, brutal colonial misleaders. It is sobering to know that many around the world do not support this war on Iraq, not because they support Saddam, but because they know that the U.S.' motives are disingenuous. They are now witnessing what many Africans have been speaking about for generations. Lies are the beginning of all wars, and because of Bush's 'war on terror' more people today are aware of the manipulations of the U.S. government, and the weakness of governments in their own countries. Many are also aware of the dangers of mass media concentrated in the hands of a few. Many people will have to take responsibility for this dangerous situation for placing weak, immoral people in leadership roles. They will have to re-evaluate the criterion used for selecting representatives. This worldwide lack of responsible leadership allows some 'mis-leaders' to align themselves with Bush and his war party although the majority of people in their countries do not support this war. This certainly is not what democracy is supposed to be. As a matter of fact, we never had government by the people and for the people during Western 'development'. There is no real democracy anywhere. The build-up to this war should remind us all about the fragility of laws developed during conquest and colonial domination. They were developed to suppress the masses while protecting the affluent (or should I say effluent). The laws that they imposed on the majority were not for they themselves to abide by. When they loose while playing their own game they rush to change the game and the rules. Conquest and domination are all they understand. This is the reason so much taxed resources go towards producing weapons. Their ever-consuming greed cannot be sustained through legitimate means. Lies and Wars sustain the economic imbalances. The attempted overthrow of the democratically elected president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, clearly demonstrated this again. People have to become conscious of their spending power and continually find ways to stop racist, corrupt misleaders from getting access to more money. These misleaders would like us to believe that Slavery is freedom, their wars bring peace, and democracy exists. They carry on this charade through their control of the mainstream media. More people are becoming aware of the need for ordinary people to develop and control media outlets that allows them to put their own agendas on the table. It is important that ordinary people control the mediums for their expressions, and continually work to ensure that it has global reaches. It is through this exercise, views that are usually neglected get considered. It is through developing these alternative avenues we may one day have democracy.
Latest News Posted: Monday, March 17, 2003
¤ Cook's resignation speech ¤ Blair should fear eloquent Cook ¤ Commons Ovation As Cook Quits ¤ Saddam: I'll defy Bush to the end ¤ The Bush administration repudiates international law ¤ Sharon regime implicated in premeditated murder ¤ Washington shrugs off Israeli murder of US student in Gaza ¤ Russia will try to return situation surrounding Iraq to peaceful path ¤ War in Iraq a crime, says Vatican ¤ War now as unpopular as Vietnam in the end ¤ Bush Iraq Ultimatum Earns World Ire ¤ Nationwide anti-war protests advocate civil disobedience ¤ Israel's accident-prone, barbaric occupation ¤ Howard risks all in Bush's gamble ¤ Koizumi puts U.S. alliance ahead of U.N. ¤ Who the hell appointed the USA Judge Jury and executioner? ¤ Russia Delays Ratifying U.S. Arms Pact Over Iraq ¤ Spain will not send troops to fight in Iraq ¤ Cheney and Perle To Go Down Like Ollie North? ¤ Bush, Religion and Eurocentric Geo-Politics ¤ The Boy King And His Crusading War ¤ US churches urge Blair to stop war ¤ Warlord's widow arrested over PM's killing: Serbia ¤ Blair: 'Back me or I quit' ¤ Abuse of Chechens was illegal, says Putin ¤ Anti-war activists to take many fronts ¤ Gambler Bush defies the world ¤ US forces around Iraq ¤ Bigger, better bangs: new weapons on trial ¤ Like Hitler, a mad dash for the oil ¤ War For Hegemony, Not Justice ¤ US firms get deals to rebuild Iraq ¤ Israeli wall to encircle Palestine ¤ Russia and France angered by end of diplomacy ¤ War in Iraq a crime, says Vatican ¤ Thousands will be grilled as FBI turns up the heat ¤ Baghdad is a city sleepwalking to war ¤ History's deadliest night of airstrikes will start the war ¤ Mother of all bombs just a huge scare device ¤ Planning panel wants mosque razed before appeal decision ¤ On the eve of war, a black comedy in Iraq ¤ A climactic day on which the old order was left in ruins ¤ Moderate Muslims fear fundamentalist backlash from war ¤ We'll limit casualties, Britain will tell Iraqis ¤ Knives sharpen for Powell, the 'double loser' ¤ Peace activists say protester was killed deliberately ¤ Weapons of awe ¤ Baghdad awaits the onslaught ¤ Putin offers Chechens 'sweeping autonomy' ¤ Sectarian tensions rise in Iraq as US attack looms ¤ Basra is early target ¤ U.S. sub takes on extra crew ¤ Leader chosen in the Djindjic mould ¤ U.S. moves fleet from Mediterranean to Red Sea ¤ U.S. troops losing directions ¤ Murderers offer Chechens referendum
Latest News Posted: Monday, March 17, 2003
¤ Turkish Leaders to Act on U.S. Troops ¤ 1441 does not authorise force ¤ PUSHED INTO WAR BY LIARS AND CHEATS ¤ US tells weapons inspectors to quit Iraq ¤ Israeli Bulldozer Crushes Young US Woman To Death! ¤ Israeli bulldozer driver murders US peace activist Photos ¤ What Henry Kissinger Really Thinks of our Military ¤ Peace activists plot campaign for the day war starts ¤ Afghan officials confirm US role in massacre of Taliban prisoners ¤ U.S., Britain, Spain withdraw resolution ¤ Moscow Believes War In Iraq May Challenge Un Existence ¤ Cook 'set to resign from Cabinet' ¤ Top Brazil Port to Boycott US, UK Ships ¤ Pneumonia bug 'reaches Britain' ¤ Palestinian toddler among 10 killed in Gaza raids ¤ Howard waiting on Bush to summon Australian troops ¤ Press denounces "Council of War" ¤ Iraq: Anthrax found ¤ Activist Was Photographed Burning "American Flag" ¤ Oops, that evidence was fake ¤ US, Great Britain pursue war scheme regardless of peace calls ¤ Not Iraq, but Anniston, Ala. ¤ US tells weapons inspectors to quit Iraq ¤ Moon's ascension an indicator of attack times ¤ New scrutiny of role of religion in Bush's policies ¤ Peshmerga prepares for war with an old enemy ¤ Pentagon press centre gets Hollywood glitz ¤ 12 years on, no answer to the threat of friendly fire casualties ¤ UN prepares to quit Baghdad as insurer bails out ¤ Blix still plans to set disarmament targets ¤ US troops would face elite Iraqi soldiers defending Baghdad ¤ Time for talking runs out on the island of hawks ¤ The diplomatic fight is almost finished ¤ US steps up pressure on Turkey ¤ Troops admit lack of public support 'nags' at them ¤ Israel carries out deadly Gaza raid ¤ Inspectors urged to leave Iraq ¤ The danger of fighting an unpopular war ¤ Israeli army bulldozer crushes US peace protester in Gaza Strip ¤ Powell will take the rap for failed diplomacy ¤ France, Allies Demand More Time for Iraq ¤ Saddam Warns of World War if U.S. Attacks ¤ Eleven die and four missing in ambush of Kashmir police post ¤ Today is the day when everyone must show their cards at the UN ¤ Iraq on war footing but cooperative ¤ Iran ready to discuss controls on N-programme ¤ Israel seals off Palestinian territories ¤ Iraq's walking dead ¤ Showdown or a way out? ¤ Isolationist unilateralism ¤ Howard's support is paper-thin ¤ Faster, faster: the US gravy train is hurtling downhill ¤ Legal or not, the question must be: will it be a just war? ¤ Understanding Howard's war ¤ Crying Wolf? ¤ Proof at any cost has made truth a casualty of the crisis ¤ Powell In the Bunker ¤ Iran next in US sights after Iraq: Tehran ¤ Baghdad's exclusive anthrax dealers in America and France
Latest News Posted: Sunday, March 16, 2003
¤ Bush issues ultimatum on Iraq ¤ US peace activist killed in Gaza ¤ Israel seals off West Bank ¤ World Bank criticises Israel ¤ US and Israel's 'common cause' ¤ BBC2 Comes Under Fire after Israel Double Standard Exposed ¤ The Americans Are Coming! The Americans Are Coming! ¤ Worldwide Rallies Attack U.S. Iraq Policy ¤ Aussie soldiers fear Iraq backlash ¤ Principles of a just war condemn US campaign ¤ War now no better 'than terrorism' ¤ Pakistan to get $305m aid under one-time waiver ¤ US can attack any moment: N Korea ¤ 12 killed in Valley; curfew clamped in Poonch ¤ The lone superpower, America ¤ Law unto themselves ¤ US to Turkey: no help, no money ¤ America wants war, all the rest is window dressing ¤ Mr Blair has the sympathy vote. But not mine ¤ The Final Charade ¤ The war of misinformation has begun ¤ Diplomacy ends ... now it's war ¤ Blair plans for war as UN is given 24 hours ¤ 'I was wrong to vote for war. To choose party loyalty was immoral' ¤ 200,000 protesters head for White House ¤ Rumsfeld urged Clinton to attack Iraq ¤ We sing, we march, and we wait for the bombs ¤ Pliable Bush Puppet of Hawks ¤ Is Tony Blair Crazy, or Just Plain Stupid? ¤ When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History ¤ Rewriting History in the Gathering Fog of War ¤ A War That Cannot Be ¤ US Jews Could Pay High Price for Iraq War
Latest News Posted: Saturday, March 15, 2003
¤ Not In Our Name", French Tell Bush ¤ New wave of anti-war protests in NZ ¤ More than 3,000 in anti-war protest in Thailand ¤ Thousands protest in Tokyo against an Iraq war ¤ Anti-war protests around the world ¤ Anti-War Protesters to Surround White House ¤ LA Protest Joins Others Held Worldwide ¤ Antiwar protests held around the globe ¤ Activists from N.C. protest Iraq war ¤ Global outcry against war ¤ Paris, Moscow and Berlin unite against Iraq war ¤ Millions across globe decry war ¤ Dixie Chicks pulled from air after bashing Bush ¤ UN Council appears to give up on Iraq compromises ¤ Australian PM warned against ignoring public opinion on war ¤ US 'plotting war to grab oil reserves' ¤ Sen. Rockefeller Calls For Probe Into Forged Dossier ¤ Confession Of A White House Reporter ¤ Two B-1 Bombers Employed In Iraq ¤ Anti-Bush T-Shirt ¤ Greeks demand Bush be rocketed into outer space ¤ Feds consider adding another terror risk level ¤ Vive la Liberté! Vive la France! ¤ US steps up bombing missions ¤ Massive anti-war march in Kolkata ¤ How to Keep the War From Starting ¤ George W. Queeg ¤ The Battle for Geopolitical Domination ¤ A Tyrant 40 Years in the Making ¤ New antiwar lawn signs have pro-troop message ¤ Fallout to cost US $1.9 trillion ¤ 'How (and why) to create a war out of thin air' ¤ Deadly Asian pneumonia strikes two Canadian cities ¤ US general's battle cry to British Desert Rats ¤ Security Council opposing Iraq war ¤ Mistruths and Manipulation in British and American Media ¤ Doubts grow over legality of war ¤ Chirac spells it out: NO ULTIMATUM! ¤ Perfect spot for three isolated leaders ¤ Diplomatic shambles augurs badly for summit of last resort ¤ Engulfed in the Gulf: soldiers battle choking dust storms ¤ Democracy domino plan won't work: secret report ¤ Top US military planner fears a repeat of Somalia bloodbath ¤ On every TV, but Saddam won't go back in his box ¤ British-American military road-map for the overthrow of Saddam ¤ Bleak future awaits poverty-stricken Iraqis ¤ Military buildup, by the numbers ¤ Yamani fears war could cut off Iraqi oil forever
Latest News Posted: Friday, March 14, 2003
¤ FBI Probes Fake Evidence of Iraqi Nuclear Plans ¤ Oscars blacklist stars in bid to prevent peace protest speeches ¤ Russia condemns Blair plan for disarming Iraq ¤ BUSH GIVES HIS DOG A BONE ¤ The forgotten power of the General Assembly ¤ SIEGE OF BAGHDAD ¤ Point of No Return ¤ Chile says it won't vote for new US resolution ¤ Anti-war protesters throw eggs at Howard ¤ Air passenger with anti-war sticker accused of being 'anti-American' ¤ This Is Not Going To Fly ¤ TAXES OF EVIL ¤ How the Western Media is being fooled by Mossad ¤ Propaganda war underway in Gulf ¤ Israel considers protest over BBC film about its nuclear program ¤ Israel's Secret Weapon ¤ The Dark Secret Of Jewish Power Is Out ¤ 29 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces this month ¤ Bomb on Indian commuter train kills 10 ¤ Kurd-Turk rivalry threatens US plans for Iraq ¤ White House tires of Blair's UN diplomacy ¤ Even Pakistan's liberals were provoked by Bush ¤ Israelis accidentally shot dead by Israeli forces ¤ Jordan is under mounting pressure to open its air space to U.S. ¤ Milosevic ally is held over Serb assassination ¤ U.S. allies to hold Iraq crisis summit ¤ White House decisions on a UN vote changing by the hour ¤ US preparing to abandon UN and launch war within a week ¤ The impact of Bush linking 9/11 and Iraq ¤ Explosive messages for every war ¤ Turks urged to vote again on US troops ¤ U.N. says Iraq destroying more banned missiles ¤ Rome v. Washington ¤ The quisling of Belgrade ¤ Blair rides shotgun for Bush ¤ The Conventional Wisdom of Obedience ¤ The case against war ¤ A war for civilisation conducted by philistines ¤ Inspectors should not flee Iraq for US to attack ¤ Evidence is, we're going without it ¤ Why wont they see things our way? ¤ Violence erupts in Karachi ¤ 105 expelled Pakistanis arrive from US ¤ Two Israelis killed in shooting near Hebron ¤ Four die in held Kashmir blast ¤ Train bomb kills 10, injures 65 in Bombay ¤ Pakistan not with global 'law-breakers' ¤ US court rejects troops' bid to stop war ¤ Iraqi envoy brushes off Britain's six-test plan ¤ Angry opponents say speech reveals nothing ¤ Howard: repeat the line, answer no questions > Just following Bushs' example ¤ Iraq keeps up war of words with US ¤ Jordan feels the combat heat ¤ Israelis accidentally shot dead by Israeli army
War On Iraq Could Cost Spain Posted: Friday, March 14, 2003
Aznar's Courtship of Bush Regarding Iraq Could Cost Spain the Fruit of its Return to Latin America
Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's total dedication to President Bush's imperious strategy regarding Iraq could cost Spain dearly in Latin America. In racing to keep up with the U.S. and British-generated Iraqi policy, the Spanish prime minister has turned his back on Latin America, as well as most of his country's traditional, continental allies for the uncertain reward of being pictured in photo-ops with President Bush and Britain's Prime Minister Blair, and in being invited to the presidential ranch. But Aznar's celebrity status has cost his nation and Latin America dearly. Nor will this Sunday's hastily called meeting on Iraq in the Azores with Bush and Blair be likely to change his domestic isolation.
Spain's position on the UN's dealings with Iraq equates to Aznar stabbing Chile and Mexico in the back and leaving these two UN Security Council Members vulnerable to retaliation from Washington-if they continue to thwart U.S. policy by refusing to sanction an early military attack without allowing additional time for inspections. Rather than publicly insist that whatever the outcome, the two governments' decisions should be respected, Aznar instead has dutifully aped the language uttered by White House speechwriters. On the surface, Spain would seem to have very little to gain from Aznar's unabashed assumption of Washington's position aside from some modest U.S. handouts and encouraging words about the need to fight Basque terrorists. However, Spain may lose considerably more than it ever had to gain. Firstly, Aznar has triggered what could become the worst crisis in the Ibero-American Summit since its founding. This essentially sentimental rather than functional organization has had as its two European representatives, the very conservative leaders of Portugal and Spain. Both men are woefully out of sync with the present populist direction in which Latin America is now heading. However, Aznar and his Portuguese counterpart have truly failed to take advantage of, or even acknowledge, this powerful and growing trend. Aznar has gone a long way toward undermining Spain's strong identification with the tough human rights and anti-dictatorial standards championed by former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzales and King Juan Carlos. The effort of Gonzales and the King allowed Spain to "return" to Latin America in spite of its bitter heritage of conquest and cruelty afflicted on the region during the period of colonial rule.
Aznar's Flawed Past
Aznar's choice to back the U.S. rather than the kindred nations of Chile and Mexico deserves to be viewed as no less than an act of treachery. It is but the latest chapter in Aznar's misbegotten tour of government that has included the botched salvage effort of an oil tanker in November 2002 (leading to a huge oil spill and causing irreparable damage to the Spanish coastline), his attempts to hobble the efforts of a Spanish judge seeking to extradite General Pinochet from Great Britain for human rights derelictions, and an unseemly squabble with Fidel Castro that he ignited at an Ibero-American Summit gathering.
Two years ago, Aznar exhibited his ego and his lust for self-importance by exclaiming to the International Herald Tribune, that Spain is "one of the big guys now," proffering his belief that he has led his country to equal standing with continental giants France and Germany. On its path to international recognition, Spain surpassed the United States as the largest foreign investor in Latin America, even though in recent months, aid to the region has dropped significantly. Aznar made a concerted effort to push his paternalistic sentiments onto needy Central and South America, hoping to become the leading advocate for the Western Hemisphere's 400 million Spanish-speakers. It is this newfound camaraderie that is now in jeopardy and could come to a crashing end as both Spain and Latin America choose sides in the Iraq crisis.
Friendship on the Hoof
President George W. Bush could not have found a more eager or vocal ally in continental Europe than Spain's Aznar. A longtime buddy of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Aznar has been unfailing in his support for Bush's plans to disarm Iraq, forcibly if need be, and with or without the UN's imprimatur. This is a surprising level of harmony from a man who originally felt snubbed by Bush when the newly elected U.S. president butchered his name during a formal television interview, referring to him as "Anzar." Equally at risk is the chilled distance that now fills the void previously warmed by Bush's former rapport with Mexican President Vicente Fox. The new Mexican leader had found his U.S. counterpart so engaging that their personal and political futures appeared inseparable-Fox even brought Bush home to meet his mother. The burgeoning friendship has now been stunted, with Fox canceling a visit to President Bush's Texas ranch because of Bush's outright refusal to stay the execution of a Mexican national. As Bush turned east and west for allies in his War on Terror, he has all but ignored his friends in Latin and South America, replacing them with Blair and Aznar. Bush has also successively named two right-wing ideologues-Otto Reich and Roger Noriega-to be Assistant Secretaries of State for Latin America. As for the visit to the ranch, Fox's designated, but declined, bedroom was now assigned to Aznar.
Mexico Resists the Spanish Temptation
The once promising Bush relationship Bush with Latin America has all but disappeared, as U.S. diplomats sadly discovered that Mexico and Chile, in spite of subtle and not so subtle badgering, would not provide the "easy votes" needed for the U.S. president's UN resolution on Iraq. Spain's vote, however, has been cost-free, despite the barrage of anti-war and anti-U.S. protests that Aznar faces daily. Staunchly anti-war, nearly 80 percent of Spaniards are against joining the U.S. in a non-UN-sanctioned conflict with Iraq. Aznar, however, has chosen not to bow to public opinion by continuing his unflagging support for the U.S. Fox, on the other hand, has remained somewhat steadfast in his call for a peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis, although conceivably he might finally buckle out of a sense of pragmatism. On his way to a powwow at Bush's Crawford, TX ranch, Aznar made a crucial stop in Mexico. Perhaps Washington was hoping that Aznar's fluent language skills might be more convincing than Bush's much-touted, yet significantly inferior Spanish. While his visit did nothing to bring Mexico closer to supporting Spain's pro-war position on Iraq, Aznar left Fox claiming he would not dream of attempting to extort Fox or twist his arm into agreement, "President Fox would not tolerate such pressure, as would be natural, nor would it ever occur to me" to employ such strong-arm tactics.
Demonstrations in Venezuela
Mexicans have shown themselves to be adamantly opposed to a military conflict in Iraq. Protest marches have been staged in downtown Mexico City, at the U.S. Embassy, in addition to Mexicans gathering outside the Spanish Embassy to protest Aznar's arrival. The demonstrators held signs saying, "Aznar is not welcome in Mexico" or labeling Aznar as the "European Judas." Fox and the Mexicans are not alone. Throughout Latin America, protests have been staged. Even in embattled Venezuela, where the country appears to be ripping apart over domestic issues, citizens of all political hues have managed to muster a significant anti-war voice. Entangled in anti-Chavez protests, violent strikes, and political upheaval, Venezuelans marched on February 16 in favor of peace. Venezuelan Congressman Dario Vivas participated in the downtown Caracas protest, where he commented, "This is the support for a people that need solidarity." Many Venezuelans are all too aware of what "regime change" means; the U.S. was strongly implicated in the attempt to depose President Hugo Chavez in the failed April 2002 coup attempt. If the U.S. would support the regime change of a democratically-elected, albeit now unpopular, president, what wouldn't the U.S. think to rain down upon an entrenched and madden anti-U.S. dictator? Clearly, Venezuela's show of support is not for the person of Saddam Hussein, rather it is a demonstration of solidarity for the people of Iraq.
Instead of playing the supportive role he has claimed for backing Latin American democratization, Aznar was barely lukewarm in his congratulations to Chavez on regaining executive power. Neither was he outspoken in denouncing the deposition of Chavez in the first place. It appears that Venezuela under Chavez and Spain under Aznar will never be close; too much hostility has been generated by Spain's diplomatic snubbing of Chavez and Venezuela's prickly attitude towards the extradition of resident ETA members whose refuge in Venezuela was negotiated at the time of the Felipe Gonzalez government.
The Rest of Latin America Weighs In
Despite hefty American influence and tight economic ties, Puerto Rican Islanders gathered en masse to protest a U.S.-led war on Iraq. They raised placards calling the United States "the most terrorist country," and waived banners reading "No War for Oil!" Puerto Rico, more than other Latin American countries, has a vested interest in any U.S.-Iraq conflict. As a U.S. commonwealth, the island's National Guard is subject to a U.S. military call-up-the Associated Press reports over 40 percent of the Guard complement has already been called up to serve in the Persian Gulf.
Large anti-U.S. protests occurred in the more industrialized regional nations of Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Nearly 5,000 Brazilians protested on the Copacabana beach and in Sao Paolo. About 8,000 Argentines marched through Buenos Aires up to the gates of the U.S. Embassy on February 15. Chile continues to nurse sore wounds. The Sunday Times reported one Chilean official as saying, "We know very well in Latin America that if the Americans want a regime change, they can do it without resorting to bombing cities." Perhaps the proposed regime change in Iraq is too close for comfort when recalling the U.S.-partially-scripted coup d'etat that deposed democratically-elected Salvador Allende. In his stead, U.S.-backed Augusto Pinochet was installed and went on to become a human rights abuser of such nefarious rank that his reign was in the same league as that of Saddam Hussein. Needless to say, Chile is skeptical of any U.S.-led military confrontation that doesn't have the sanction of the UN. Subsequently, that skepticism would largely color the budding relationship that Spain had hoped to nurture with Chile.
Will Economic Ties Keep Them Bound or Rip Them Apart?
Not even a year ago, Aznar and Latin American leaders met in Madrid, at the EU summit of Latin America and the Caribbean, where they helped to plan new economic developments aimed at strengthening bilateral ties. Commissioner of Economic Affairs for the EU, Pedro Solbes, warned that prompt debt repayments and fiscal discipline were crucial to better trade relations. Mexico's Fox claimed "our relationship with Europe has unlimited potential."
Aznar may have encouraged Spanish business to invest in Latin America, highlighting the investors' protection from bankruptcy. Yet, it was noted at the time that Aznar didn't show comparable zeal in being concerned with the depth of the region's debt problem or that European agricultural subsidies were hurting Latin America's exports to the region. Now the major investor, Spain has a vested interest in keeping the region as stable and prosperous as possible. Because of that vested interest, it is perplexing that Spain is now supporting a military conflict in Iraq, the fall-out of which could threaten the economic and political stability of the region.
This Press Memorandum was prepared by Larry Birns, Director, and Julie Mumford, Research Associate at the Washington, D.C.-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs. Additional research assistance was contributed by Manuel Rueda.
The Council on Hemispheric Affairs, founded in 1975, is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, tax-exempt research and information organization. It has been described on the Senate floor as being "one of our nations' most respected bodies of scholars and policy makers."
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, March 12, 2003
¤ The glorious Bush program: sign me up! ¤ Iraq no threat: ex-analyst ¤ THIS IS THE COST OF BLAIR'S 'MORAL' WAR ¤ Egyptian gets $27 million for Mohammed's arrest tip ¤ Portugal's elite linked to paedophile ring ¤ Iraq's cut of the Rather-Saddam interview ¤ Thatcher backed UK firm in building Iraq's "chemical weapons" plant ¤ Russia refuses American request to expel Iraq diplomats ¤ Resignation fuels more war dissent ¤ A Grim New Allegation in Chechnya: Russians Blowing Up Corpses ¤ FBI probes fake papers on Iraq ¤ HORRIFIC MASSACRES IN WEST BANK BEYOND BELIEF ¤ France rejects plan for disarmament tests ¤ Losing Tony ¤ Britain furious at 'extraordinary' French statement ¤ Britain lashes out at France over Iraq ¤ Perle Attacks Chirac as Pro-Saddam ¤ Russia will Vote against a Resolution Authorising Force ¤ U.S. may not bring Iraq resolution to vote ¤ Germany says new British proposal unlikely to lead to Iraq compromise ¤ Help us stop Bush and his lying, warmongering crazies ¤ The Myth of War Prosperity ¤ Imperialist arrogance and racism behind US war drive ¤ Turks Add A Hurdle To U.S. War Plans > Airspace Use to Require Parliamentary Approval ¤ Iraq Shows One of Its Drones, Recalling Wright Brothers ¤ Bombing His Way Into the Jaws of Armageddon ¤ France refuses to support Britain's Iraq proposal ¤ Iraq war 'closer,' UK warns ¤ Desperate Blair Gives Green Light To Illegal War ¤ The Case of the 'Deadly' Drone > SMOKING GUN OR MODEL AIRPLANE? ¤ Foreign Editor's Briefing: March 13, 2003 ¤ U.S. Still Hopeful of 9 Votes at U.N. ¤ 'We want to know what is going on,' say frontline troops ¤ Serbia declares state of emergency after assassination ¤ A setback for Hague tribunal ¤ War on gangsters may have been Djindjic's undoing ¤ Tony Blair stakes all on US alliance ¤ Defiant Blair still on course for war ¤ Blair is in denial about Iraq options ¤ Bin Laden rumour has world press in a tizz ¤ US hawks press Bush to go to war, UN or not ¤ Pentagon hawk at war with his own side ¤ East Timor army chief jailed for five years for atrocities ¤ Why People Hate America and Americans: Update ¤ Pentagon seeks freedom to pollute land, air and sea ¤ Israel sells expired gas masks to foreign workers ¤ West has poor plans for post-war aid, say MPs ¤ How US is preparing for retaliatory strikes ¤ Australia: Resignation fuels more war dissent
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, March 12, 2003
¤ How Dare Bush Invoke Rwanda to Justify His War ¤ The Dubya war glossary ¤ With friends like Rumsfeld... ¤ Massive attack? ¤ Monsters Of The Moment ¤ First and last war of the Bush Doctrine? ¤ Perle Suing Over New Yorker Article ¤ US threatens Russia over Iraq veto ¤ Gul doubts Khalid's arrrest episode ¤ Real Khalid Sheikh Still At Large ¤ When bombs fall, U.S. will join ranks of war criminals ¤ Blair crisis over US rift ¤ White House all but concedes U.N. defeat ¤ Dossier Stealing Blair insists Saddam must publicly admit lying ¤ US: WE DON'T NEED YOU TONY ¤ UK unions warn of mass Labour revolt ¤ Blair won't be forgiven, even if Iraqis dance in the streets ¤ 'Final Moments' For Diplomacy Who says! ¤ Out of the straitjacket ¤ PAYPAL NOT PLAYING FAIR ¤ Do Not Use ¤ 40 Labour MPs call for Blair to resign ¤ Britain's record on Sudan highlights hypocrisy over Iraq ¤ Australian government blackmails East Timor for oil and gas deal ¤ Richard Perle brands journalist Seymour Hersh a "terrorist" ¤ Show Iraq war legal advice ¤ Cheney is still paid by Pentagon contractor ¤ American professor warns of 'politically irrational' US war ¤ Kirkuk: Iraq's flash point ¤ Today at PMQs ¤ I Will Support This War If ... ¤ SERBIAN PREMIER ASSASSINATED ¤ Invasion will spur terrorism on, Arab opinion poll says ¤ We should aspire to a world that is ruled by law, not by war ¤ Whose War? ¤ America boycotts opening of world court ¤ US may go it alone as Blair is caught in diplomatic deadlock ¤ EU tells Turkey to push Cypriot leader into line ¤ Britain, Canada Try to Break Iraq Impasse ¤ Bush deputy gets $1m from firm with Iraq oil deal ¤ Israeli, Palestinian Die in Hebron Battle ¤ Army 'ignored' rape claims ¤ Violence in the shadows ¤ US uproar at sloppy DNA tests blunders ¤ Double veto if UN adopts resolution ¤ Three killed in blast; two al-Qaeda suspects held ¤ Iraq appeals to UN to stop 'imminent catastrophe' ¤ Rumsfeld backtracks over 'war without Brits' comment ¤ Iraq destroys more missiles, spy planes recalled ¤ US, Britain forced to retreat on UN vote ¤ I've been 'vilified' for war stand: adviser ¤ Bush urges Korea talks but acts tough ¤ Pyongyang defends the value of 'brotherly love' ¤ Arrogance, not faith, guides Bush ¤ The blood of the dead will be on our hands ¤ 'Illegal war' could mean soldiers face prosecution ¤ Bush refuses to budge on N Korea's demand for talks
Scant Prospects Emerge From High-level Meeting on Venezuela Posted: Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Council On Hemispheric Affairs Acting Assistant Secretary of State Curtis Struble met with diplomats from Brazil Mexico, Chile, Portugal and Spain, in Brasilia on Monday to discuss the prospects for an electoral solution to Venezuela's simmering political crisis. A complex mediation task is at hand for Venezuela's self-appointed Group of Friends, who heard starkly different accounts of the crisis from government and opposition representatives.
Two Self Serving Positions
Venezuelan Ambassador to the OAS, Jorge Valero, who spoke on behalf of the Chavez administration, presented a report on the normalization of political and economic life in the country, including the stabilization of oil production. The government obviously was trying to present an image that Venezuela is back to its old politically stable and oil-reliable self, in order to negate support for an opposition-backed constitutional amendment, that calls for immediate elections, and which would reduce the terms of all elected officials, including President Chavez, to four years.
Timoteo Zambrano, a congressman and delegate for the opposition at the negotiations table, urged delegates to pressure the government to accept elections as he painted a stark picture of Venezuelan political realities. Prior to the meeting he informed the press that the government is staging a "political persecution" against the leaders of the Coordinadora Democratica (CD), which heads up the opposition group. His report strongly suggested that the government is blocking efforts to reach an electoral agreement by heightening political tensions surrounding the negotiations. Zambrano cited the law on media contents, drafted by Chavez supporters in the national assembly, and the arrest of several opposition leaders for their participation in the general strike, as acts that have sabotaged prospects for an electoral solution.
The opposition also demanded that the Group of Friends send permanent representatives to the negotiations, who would be in a position to pressure the government to accelerate the negotiations, and could possibly press for the opposition's constitutional amendment. Furthermore, they asked that Secretary General of the O.A.S. Cesar Gaviria, convert his role as a facilitator into that of being a mediator, in which he could influence which items must be resolved on the agenda.
The government camp would most likely consider such action as an intrusion into Venezuela's sovereign rights, mindful of the fact that President Chavez already has lashed out at such countries as Spain for criticizing the Fernandez arrest. But despite the Chavez administration's concerns with foreign intrusion, its delegates pushed once again for the Group of Friends to include countries such as Cuba, France and China, that maintain close political and economic ties with Caracas.
It appears that Venezuelan government and opposition delegates traveled to Brasilia to push for concessions that would facilitate their political agenda, rather than to present proposals that could strengthen Venezuela's democratic institutions, such as reformation of its biased media or its flawed judicial system. As negotiations towards an electoral solution resume in Caracas today, the Group of Friends will be left with few pragmatic points to build upon, while the Chavez government as well as its embattled opposition are single-mindedly hindering prospects for an electoral solution, by seeking to influence the judiciary and manipulate free speech and the press in order to blast each other out of the country's political arena.
Oil Appears to Change the Tide
Washington is showing signs that it might accede to the opposition's requests of becoming more involved in the negotiations process. On Thursday March 6th, seven members of the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter to Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, expressing their concern regarding the arrest and criminal charges brought against several leaders of the Venezuelan opposition who helped plan the two-month general strike. In a few words, they meant to remind Chavez that they would not remain indifferent towards any shortcuts in Venezuela's democratic process which does not fully respect the opposition's rights. Overall, the tide seems to be turning in U.S. -Venezuela relations as Washington's officials show signs that they may take a proactive stance towards Venezuela's political crisis.
But does this invigorated stance come solely out of empathy for Venezuela's embattled opposition? After an ill advised and embarrassing demand for immediate elections in the early days of the strike, the White House has avoided any high profile role in Venezuela's conflict by throwing its support behind the OAS' lengthy mediation efforts.
However, it is probable that the Bush Administration might increase its involvement in Venezuela's political strife as White House officials grow concerned that the decay and politicization of PDVSA, Venezuela's national oil company, may threaten U.S. energy interests in the region.
Renewal of a High Profile U.S. role
Washington's professed unrest isn't necessarily a cover to blast Chavez for his leftist and nationalistic ideologies, or defend the interests of the local elite. Oil has been the glue that has held Venezuela and the U.S. together in the past 50 years. For decades, U.S. administrations have tolerated various nationalistic measures taken by Venezuelan governments, even those appearing to be anti-American, such as nationalizing oil production or imposing tariffs on U.S. imports. Venezuela gained Washington's trust by maintaining a reliable oil supply in times of both prosperity and crisis.
The Chavez administration was given similar treatment in its early days in office. Washington officials were prepared to discount the new president's fiery rhetoric and praise for the Fidel Castro regime, as they rushed to assure the American public that his actions didn't match his words and that there appeared to be no evidence that the Bolivarian revolution would threaten United States' energy concerns in the region.
But PDVSA's turmoil could give the U.S. good reason to become more actively involved in negotiations towards resolving the country's political crisis. During the strike, PDVSA became increasingly politicized as mid-level as well as senior managers carried out an oil stoppage in consort with opposition leaders. It is no secret that this alliance decimated PDVSA's production levels and cut exports to the United States. As oil prices rise and a likely war in Iraq approaches, U.S. policy-makers are asking if Chavez's embattled government will be able to supervise this fractured company and deliver oil in a reliable fashion.
Mixing Oil and Politics
Venezuelan officials are eager to convince Washington that PDVSA will soon recover its full production and its reputation as a reliable supplier. However, the State Department is not altogether buying this optimistic projection. At a meeting on February 26th with Venezuelan Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez, State Department officials told that country's officials that Venezuela cannot be considered a reliable oil supplier to the United States at the present time. This sentiment is also shared by some members of the Bush cabinet. Despite assurances from Ramirez that his country was now producing 2.4 million barrels of crude daily in the last week of February, U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham told a Senate hearing it might be two to three months before Venezuelan oil production reaches its normal levels. Prior to the strike Venezuela produced 2.8million barrels of crude daily.
Chavez's efforts to manage PDVSA efficiently are further complicated by the opposition's negotiation strategy. Its representatives in the negotiations, have demanded that Chavez reinstate thousands of PDVSA beaurocrats, technicians and managers who were fired for joining in the general strike, or no electoral solution will be permitted to come about. Such a demand could be an incentive for the United States to influence negotiations, as it would offer Washington an opportunity to play a hand in the restructuring of PDVSA, its main interest in Venezuela's current strife.
Drugs Invigorate America's Response
Political instability in Venezuela also appears to be undermining Washington's war on drugs. One of the main pillars of the Bush administration's northern South American strategy is to widen Washington's role in combatting Colombia's drug trafficking rebel groups. Recent reports suggesting that important leaders of the FARC, including Manuel Marulanda, are hiding out in Venezuela, have damaged the standing of the Chavez administration in Washington. At the very least, they have led some U.S. officials to ponder whether an embattled government hobbled by protests, unpopularity and constant challenges to its legitimacy is a worthy partner, willing and able to tackle the drug traffic issue with resolve. On February 27th , Drug Czar John Walter's expressed this concern at a House Committee on International Relations hearing, stating that "Venezuela's political problems have created a haven for narco terrorists to operate with impunity."
Oil policy and anti-narcotics interests may be powerful reasons for the United States to claim a bigger stake in the resolution of Venezuela's political tensions. Furthermore, some of Bush's officials are growing suspicious about Chavez's commitment to an electoral solution. Following the arrest of opposition leader Carlos Fernandez, U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega, who appears to be the administration's choice to succeed Otto Reich as the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, urged his fellow OAS ambassadors to reflect upon the U.S. belief that "there is little doubt that Chavez's rhetoric has contributed to a climate of violence that does not contribute to the search of a peaceful solution."
Venezuela's Hard Nosed Negotiations
As negotiations resume today in Caracas, the framework for holding elections will top an agenda that also included the disarming of civilians and establishing a truth commission to investigate the controversial events surrounding last April's coup aimed at ousting Chavez. In late January of this year, President Jimmy Carter had visited Caracas and proposed that a constitutional and electoral solution could be achieved via a constitutional amendment or a revocatory referendum on President Chavez' rule. Very little progress has occurred on either track.
The middle class led opposition is demanding new elections to be based on a constitutional amendment which it tabled on January 29th. This provision would be subject to a popular vote and, if passed would shorten the president's and congress' terms from six to four years. Once approved, presidential and congressional terms would immediately end and elections for both levels of governance would take place within 30 days. This bold, if self-serving initiative would challenge the government's grip on all elective offices. It also calls for other concessions, including an amnesty for oil workers who participated in the general strike. It is unlikely to find many supporters on the government side, which has repeatedly insisted that constitutional amendments lie outside the scope of the current round of negotiations.
The government's proposal basically buys into the status quo. A mid-term referendum authorized by the Chavez-inspired Bolivarian constitution, would take place in August if the electorate qualifies for it by gathering sufficient signatures. The referendum would only challenge the president's tenure; the national assembly and the constitution would remain intact. Both sides agree that a new national electoral board should be selected. This could also delay either game plan, as the new body becomes institutionalized.
Human Rights: A Condition for an Electoral solution
Human right's violations would endanger the environment in which either electoral proposal would take place. On February 18th, government and opposition negotiators issued a declaration in favor of peace and democracy, with the blessings of Cesar Gaviria, the secretary general of the OAS, the Carter Center and the United Nations Development Programme. One of its most telling points calls for freedom of the press and acknowledges that as a democratic institution, the media must play a constructive role in "promoting peace, tolerance and peaceful coexistence."
But in real life, the media's problems are increasingly reflecting the degree of Venezuela's social and political polarization and its drift away from any prospect for a near-term electoral solution. On the 26th of February, a delegation of journalists from Venezuela's private media visited the Inter American Commission on Human Rights in Washington, to denounce the government's restraints on free speech. In a forum held the previous day at the Heritage Foundation, its members presented evidence that their physical safety was now under threat and that the government is an accomplice to this dangerous situation. According to Sergio Dabar, associate editor of the Caracas daily "El Nacional," there were 200 cases of harassment against Venezuelan journalists in 2002. Most of these have gone unpunished due to the indifference of the courts and the bureaucracy.
In several cases, evidence points directly towards the government's complicity in the intimidation of the press. The opposition claims that during the general strike, civic groups affiliated with the government systematically targeted the media. For example, on the night of December 9th, 26 media facilities were simultaneously attacked by government supporters while the police and national guard made themselves blatantly unavailable. Some government backers went as far as to physically destroy some of their targets, including Globovision news network's Maracaibo studio.
Scenes of journalists in bulletproof vests being beaten back by national guardsmen as well as being hectored by pro-Chavez supporters have become everyday occurrences over Venezuelan TV. At the very least, it appears that state prosecutors appointed to office by the Chavez administration, are taking a convenient siesta when it comes time to defend the safety of journalists working for private television stations and newspapers.
A Darker Picture
Some journalists go further and paint a darker picture of the realities they are facing. They are concerned that the government is wielding its judicial muscle against them, and making them "a war target", as stated by Levy Benshinol, the president of the National Journalist's Association. Unfortunately, President Chavez gives his opponents little reason to believe that he is particularly interested in the status of a free press. An indication of Mr Chavez's personal contempt for the media is his labeling the four major private television stations as " the four horsemen of the apocalypse." The opposition argues that by failing to guarantee freedom of the press, the government threatens any future prospects for fair and free elections. Elections where media coverage is reined in by violence or appears to be intimidated by the manifestation of state power, will inevitably give off an air of illegitimacy.
The Media's Bias Hampers Possibilities
But the media situation is far more complex, and the Venezuelan press is far less peaceful and fair minded than appearances would have it be. The local media is a closely held monopoly where conservative press owners like Gustavo Cisneros, of Cuban refugee descent, decide which issues will be discussed and which will be ignored by the nation's closely held television and radio stations. Coverage of the events surrounding the coup in April 2002, provide a case in point. After reporters valiantly risked their lives and producers defied the government to maintain coverage of Chavez' ouster from power on April 11th 2002, the private media was notoriously absent when Chavez returned to office. Simply put, whatever the issue Chavez was always wrong. Looking back over the past 12 months, the charge can be made that, for the most part, the bulk of Venezuela's media acted in a blatantly unprofessional manner with little accountability and saw itself more as an adversary to Chavez, than a neutral, responsible operation.
Most of the privately owned media has not used its freedom to prudently encourage an electoral solution that is acceptable to both sides in Venezuela's current crisis. This is because most of the nation's newspapers and television stations have been serving as a loud speaker for radical, rightist elements in the opposition. Throughout the general strike, private TV stations sacrificed paid commercial time in order to make way for spots calling for the president's resignation. In some ads, children have been used to play on the audience's emotions. One witty commercial featured a news clip in which a young girl tells the president that she wants a suitcase for Christmas. Chavez cheerfully asks "why a suitcase?" and a black screen with white letters intercepts the clip, replying "para que te vayas" (so that you will leave).
Throughout the two-month general strike, the media's unrelenting antagonism against the government went even further by provoking a sense of derision towards the country's constitutional order. As the strike entered its second month, television stations repeatedly broadcasted statements in which opposition leaders, Carlos Ortega and Carlos Fernandez, incited viewers to undercut the government by boycotting tax payments.
The opposition's de facto merger with the media gives the government grounds to believe that the period running up to the proposed elections will serve as the occasion for a major anti-Chavez defamation campaign which is being scripted right now. This is a serious consideration because in Venezuela, private television stations account for at least 80% of the public audience. Chavez is no fool and for good reason will be reluctant to take part in an electoral event where the media will go to any length to paint him as a villain, with little opportunity for his being able to respond to these charges. Inflexible ground rules must be agreed to.
The Media Under New Threat
Many analysts fear that in response to the opposition's aggressive media tactics, the administration may be taking steps to limit freedom of speech. Currently, Chavistas are wielding their power in the national assembly to draft a radical law on media content. This measure proposes restrictions on the hours in which TV stations may show programming that is not apt for children, which could lead to the banning of the opposition's political shows and their often strident morning news programs. Furthermore, the law bans content which "alarms the audience," "incites violence," or "threatens national identity," which could be used to cancel coverage of opposition rallies as well as unpopular government activities.
Foreign monetary exchange controls dictated by the chief executive could also be put to work against the media's interests, as they will arm the authorities with the ability to prevent opposition newspapers and television stations with access to the foreign currency that is needed to import vital newsprint and other materials required for media organizations to operate.
Freedom of Speech: An Impasse
Venezuelan government officials argue that legitimate elections cannot occur if the media is not conducting itself by professional norms, distorts coverage of Chavez at every turn, while lauding the virtues of the opposition. However, such actions could be equally flawed if the opposition can be silenced by legal or economic schemes.
In order to break with this latest chapter of polarizing confrontation, people of good will are beginning to argue that it would be wise for Chavez and the opposition to open negotiations on the issue of media content right now, where concrete issues such as the number of anti-government commercials or the number of obligatory presidential television appearances could be up for discussion.
The Struggle over the Judiciary
But the struggle over freedom of speech is not the only obstacle towards fair and free elections. The executive's power to appoint judges gives Chavez sway over the judiciary. Lately, some judges have complicated the prospects for an electoral solution by seeming to be part of a campaign to behead the opposition's leadership. The conditions surrounding Carlos Fernandez's detention last month, give the impression that a personal vendetta is being carried out in the name of justice. Fernandez, who heads the country's major business association, Fedecamaras, clearly had been compromised by his likely illegal involvement in the April 2002 coup. Strangely, however, the government only decided to come up with its charges against him the week after it signed a non-aggression pact with the opposition, and then used undercover agents to arrest him. In addition, Mikel Moreno, the judge who ordered the arrest, is himself a person with a suspect background. He has been previously accused of murder and his personal biography fails to fulfill criteria, such as possessing a post graduate degree which the Venezuelan constitution requires in order to be appointed to the bench.
Opposition leaders are not likely to be in a mood to carry out good faith negotiations after what they see as a politically motivated arrest having taken place. Instead, they are fighting back by leveraging their control over the media. Frequent press conferences sympathetic to Fernandez are now the norm, while local TV and newspapers make little effort to remind the public that the business leader was involved in a junta that had illegally overthrown a constitutional government and that he had been fully prepared to abolish civil liberties in the process.
The judiciary has now upped the ante by calling for the detention of 7 executives of the national oil company who participated in the general strike against Chavez. Rather than inappropriately focusing on neutralizing the opposition, the courts might consider helping to prepare the legal framework for the elections to occur under the terms of the existing constitution.
Back to the Basics
The collection of 4 million signatures calling for a referendum on February 2nd demonstrates that Venezuelan society is aching for healthy debate, and both sides must be heard in a fair and transparent dialogue. But if an electoral solution to the political crisis is to come about, both the government and opposition must be guaranteed fair play by the ground rules. The government must be accorded balanced coverage in the media, while the opposition must receive guarantees against antagonistic laws and judicial prejudice.
As of now, both sides wield their control over their domain as if their mission is to expel each other from the political arena. If the Group of Friends decide to take a stand in favor of free and fair elections, it would be wise to press for the reform of this country's media and its fledging democratic institutions.
This analysis was prepared by Manuel Rueda, Research Associate at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Washington, D.C.
The Council on Hemispheric Affairs, founded in 1975, is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, tax-exempt research and information organization. It has been described on the Senate floor as being "one of the nation's most respected bodies of scholars and policy makers." For more information, please see our web page at; or contact our Washington offices by phone (202) 216-9261, fax (202) 223-6035, or email
Updates : Mar. 11, 2003 Posted: Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Scant Prospects Emerge From High-level Meeting on Venezuela
Latest News Posted: Monday, March 10, 2003
¤ US, Britain intensify air strikes against Iraq ¤ Rumsfeld: US ready to fight 'without UK' ¤ Rumsfeld Backtracks on British War Role in Iraq ¤ UK: Paratroopers "Trained Terrorists" ¤ Canadian named head of international court ¤ Blair has lost credibility ¤ American citizen is indignant about American government's actions ¤ Khalid Capture In Conflict: ISI Shows "Faceless" Arrest Tape ¤ You Mean Saddam Didn't Gas His Own People? ¤ Press Isn't Asking Right Questions About Iraq ¤ Keeping America in the dark ¤ Media Misquote and Excise Bush Comment About "Scripted" Press Conference ¤ Why they no longer treat us with respect ¤ Blix said existence of the pilotless aircraft was not a "smoking gun" ¤ Bidding Under Way for Post-War Iraq ¤ Second US diplomat quits over war ¤ Is Weapons Case Against Iraq Disintegrating? ¤ Moran Said Jews Are Pushing War ¤ Iran complies on atomic rules, watchdog says ¤ We must take on Saddam, even without the UN, says Howard ¤ Senior Australian intelligence officer quits over Iraq ¤ U.S.: Iraqi Drone Proves Secret Weapons ¤ The Hating Of America ¤ Short And Blair In Deadlock Over Iraq Attack ¤ The tougher they stand, the harder they fall ¤ Tehran hits back after US barrage of nuclear claims > You're NEXT. Meanwhile.... ¤ N Korea fires second test missile ¤ Chirac promises to use veto but Putin faces dilemma ¤ International criminal court comes to life ¤ U.S. May Revise Draft Resolution on Iraq ¤ U.S. Forced to Delay Security Council Vote ¤ Opposition attracts ¤ 'I realised the stupidity of it' ¤ Short will be sacked for 'act of treachery' ¤ Pakistan not to be part of Iraq war: PM ¤ Bush courts world leaders to salvage UNSC resolution against Iraq ¤ Annan warns US not to flout UNSC ¤ Tomatoes greet Australian PM in NZ ¤ Malaysia urges NAM members to vote against war ¤ War to spark global demos ¤ Taking a stand amidst the emerging global polemics ¤ Let me off the hook! ¤ Jiang, Bush Talk over Phone on DPRK, Iraq Issues ¤ American Empire Steps Up Fourth Expansion ¤ Blair takes the heat as women attack war ¤ Second US diplomat quits over war ¤ The first to answer Bush's bidding ¤ Unrepentant Australian PM won't budge ¤ A wilful blindness ¤ Iraq invites Blix as deadline nears ¤ Horse trading as US, France vie for votes ¤ Is This the New World Order? ¤ Studio audience protests while PM makes case for attack ¤ British troops discover war is hell
Latest News Posted: Monday, March 10, 2003
¤ Top 31 Bush - Iraq Lies: A Reference For Seekers of Truth ¤ Netanyahu uses PA funds to fix West Bank sewage system bombed by Israel ¤ Powell, Rice refuse to back down on spurious nuclear claims ¤ They will do what is needed to get the information - and fast ¤ Bush Sr warning over unilateral action ¤ US voices Iran nuclear concern bbc ¤ CIA says North Korea missile can reach U.S. ¤ Alarm as Iran takes another step towards nuclear weapons ¤ 35 Years Late To Stop The War ¤ US tortures two detainees to death in Afghanistan ¤ German Official: U.S. Acting Like 'Dictator' ¤ Most of UN anti-war: Putin, Chirac ¤ Pakistan Says Very Difficult to Support Iraq War ¤ International protests continue against US war ¤ 'Blair must go' - Labour MP ¤ Iran insists on "UN leadership" over Iraqi crisis ¤ Iran is clearly pursuing nuke weapons, Powell says ¤ Excerpts From "War Against War!" ¤ Russia Will Vote Against Iraq Resolution ¤ BLAIR SILENT ON SHORT FUTURE ¤ Short vows to resign if Blair snubs UN on Iraq ¤ Communist China: Disarm Or Else! ¤ American Dreamers ¤ U.S. Asks Over 60 Nations to Expel Iraqi Envoys ¤ 5 Iraqi Diplomats Expelled From Romania ¤ Germany Sees UN Majority for More Iraq Inspections ¤ The Fig Leaf of Moral Impotence ¤ History repeating itself in Iraq crisis ¤ Anger at peace talks 'meddling' ¤ Cornered and forced to disarm, Saddam is no longer a threat ¤ The Israeli Wild Card ¤ Howard attacked for Iraq-Bali link ¤ Rice tells Netanyahu U.S. still not decided on aid package ¤ How the net will play a key role in this war ¤ Powell, Rice refuse to back down on spurious nuclear claims ¤ British troops discover war is hell ¤ Heat is on as US tries to drum up votes for attack ¤ Figuring the numbers game ¤ Turkey's leader finally gets into parliament ¤ Election gives US forces second crack to use Turkey ¤ New Turkish leader lifts US hopes ¤ Missile test by North Korea tied to U.S. snub ¤ UN vote delayed in bid to swing sceptics ¤ Blix 'hid smoking gun' from Britain and US ¤ Russia ready for Iraq veto ¤ Tory whip resigns over war ¤ North Korea Test-Fires Missile ¤ Camelot and the Bushies: Some Disturbing Parallels ¤ Oil marches higher on war fears ¤ From Alabama pews, a wary look at war ¤ CIA tracks caravan in search for bin Laden ¤ Allies unlikely to help pay for second Iraq invasion ¤ Indonesians crank-up anti-war fervour ¤ Concrete Bush loses the war of words ¤ Chirac drumming up support to halt US-British rush to war ¤ 800,000 Indonesians stage mass prayer against war in Iraq ¤ Intelligence fooled again, this time by crude forger ¤ Howard readies for war as US struggles for votes ¤ Between a rock and a hard place ¤ MMA rally warns US against Iraq war ¤ Indian Muslims protest against Iraq war ¤ Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi? ¤ You Can Take The Peace Stuff Only So Far ¤ Memory losses in drive to war
The Iraq Nuclear Bomb Hoax Posted: Monday, March 10, 2003
by Imad Khadduri, February 7, 2003, Yellow In his speech in front of the U.N. Security Council on February 5, 2003, Colin Powell did not offer any viable new evidence concerning Iraq's nuclear weapon capability that Bush and his entourage continue to wave as a red flag in front of the eyes of the American people to incite them shamefully into an unjust war.
On the contrary, the few flimsy so-called pieces of evidence that were presented by Powell regarding a supposed continued Iraqi nuclear weapon program serve only to weaken the American and British accusations and reveal their untenable attempt to cover with a fig leaf their thread bare arguments and misinformation campaign. The false and untrue pieces of evidence follow:
Powell, in a theatrical query, asked why the Iraqi scientists were asked to sign declarations, with a death penalty if not adhered to, not to reveal their secrets to the IAEA inspection teams. Exactly the opposite is true. The four or five, as I recall, such declarations, which I read in detail, held us to the penalty of death in the event that we did not hand in all of the sensitive documents and reports that may still be in our possession! Had Powell's intelligence services provided him with a copy of these declarations, and not depended on "defector's" testimonies who are solely motivated by their self-promotion in the eyes of their "beholders," and availed himself to a good Arabic translation of what these declarations actually said, he would not, had he any sense been abiding by the truth, mentioned this as "evidence."
This is exactly the cause of the second untruth brandished by Powell: that Iraq is hiding or is still working (it is hard to discern from the tangle of his word what is really meant) on its "third" uranium enrichment process by referring to the cache of documents seized in the house of Faleh Hamza.
Faleh, according to my explanation of the above declarations, did not consider the reports on his work to be covered under this declaration for the following reason: Faleh did dabble during the eighties at the Physics Department in the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center itself -- but not under the nuclear weapon program activities which came under the label of the PetroChemical 3 program -- with the uranium laser enrichment process using a couple of medium range copper lasers.
His low-key research concluded that it was not yet viable to pursue this line of enrichment on a production scale and the whole project folded up after it reached its cul-de-sac in 1988. He packed up and then joined the PC3 working on the Calutron enrichment method in 1989. Furthermore, this was well documented and explained in our final report to the IAEA inspectors in late 1997, which they confirmed and referred to in their own final report on the matter.
Yet, fully aware of this fact, the James Bondian and insulting manner with which UNMOVIC (following in the footsteps of their CIA infiltrated UNSCOM predecessors) invaded the home of Faleh and searched it, even the private belongings of his family to the glare of the cameras, added insult to injury and exponentially increased Faleh's position vis-à-vis the authorities who were trying to protect the scientists from such American theatrics.
Arrogantly, the Americans are wondering why other scientists are not coming forward. Even worse, Blix chose to wave this torn flag in front of the Security Council in his report on Monday January 27, 2003. This fact alone was one of the reasons I have decided to come out. Even Mohamed Baradei, the head of the IAEA, chided Blix the following day for not taking into account IAEA's knowledge on this matter, which was that the 3000 pages of documents were financial statements and Faleh's own lifetime research work, and had nothing to do with the nuclear weapon program. That is why he kept them at his home. It was becoming apparent that Blix was succumbing to the American pressure tactics and leaned backwards to provide them with flimsy "proof" at the expense of his supposed fairness and mandate as a U.N. official. Powell grasped even this straw.
Powell only accused but did not provide any evidence that Iraq had tried to get nuclear grade fissile material since 1998. He vainly gave the impression that everything was set and readily waiting for just this material to be acquired and the atomic bomb would be rolling out the other door. He did not bother to ask himself the following questions:
Where is the scientific and engineering staff required for such an enormous effort when almost all of them have been living in abject poverty for the past decade, striving to simply feed their families on $20 a month, their knowledge and expertise rusted and atrophied under heavy psychological pressures and dreading their retirement pension salary of $2 a month?
Where is the management that might lead such an enterprise? The previous management team of the nuclear weapon program in the eighties exists only in memories and reports. Its members have retired, secluded themselves, or turned to fending for their livelihood of their families.
Where are the buildings and infrastructure to support such a program? The entire nuclear weapon program of the eighties has been either bombed by the Americans during the war or uncovered by the IAEA inspectors. It is impossible to hide such buildings and structures. Powell should only take a look at North Korea's atomic weapon facilities, or perhaps even Israel's, to realize the impossibility of hiding such structures with the IAEA inspectors scouring everything in sight.
Powell need only ask those on the ground, the IAEA inspectors delegated by the U.N. upon America's request, to receive negative answers to all of the questions above. Instead, he chose to fabricate an untruth.
Finally, the infamous aluminum pipes that are supposed to be used in a centrifugal enrichment process. Powell and Bush should be able to relax regarding this point, for they would have at least a ten-year attack period before Iraq would be able to militarize these pipes. According to the "American experts" themselves, such a process would need kilometers of strung out, highly tuned, delicately controlled spinners to fulfill their ill-wish for Iraq. Not to be noticed by their satellites, PowerPoint presentations and colored arrows would then be an intelligence folly. This is not even mentioning the lack of a stable electric power supply in Iraq or the phantom of highly technical staff to run these kilometers long "very high grade and expensive" mortar casings that are not made to U.S. military standards. Perhaps Powell's grievance was, "How dare Iraq think of such expensive mortars?"
Powell said: "Let me now turn to nuclear weapons. We have no indication that Saddam Hussein has ever abandoned his nuclear weapons program." This verges on being humorous. But as the Arabic proverb goes: The worst kind of misfortune is that which causes you to laugh.
Imad Khadduri has an MSc in Physics from the University of Michigan (United States) and a PhD in Nuclear Reactor Technology from the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom). Khadduri worked with the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission from 1968 till 1998. He was able to leave Iraq in late 1998 with his family. He now teaches and works as a network administrator in Toronto, Canada. Email: This article first appeared at Yellow
Latest News Posted: Sunday, March 9, 2003
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The American-led anti-drug campaign Posted: Sunday, March 9, 2003
by Oscar Heck
I have just received a list of what appears to be facts regarding the USA and it involvement in Iraq and in other wars.
One of the facts related to the USA's use of Agent Orange in Vietnam and another related to the assistance that the USA gave to Iraq in the development of its chemical weapons. In addition, there was mention that although the USA is supposedly attacking Iraq because of chemical and biological weapons, the USA apparently said nothing when Saddam Hussein supposedly killed thousands of Kurds with similar weapons.
Why am saying all these things?
Because, shortly after having read this list, I read Patrick J. O'Donoghue recent article, "Colombian narco-traffickers move poppy plantations to Venezuelan border badlands", and it brought up another element of great concern to me and hopefully to many others.
I had read and heard that the USA (with the OK from local governments) is fumigating large areas of Colombia (and perhaps Bolivia and Ecuador) in an attempt to stop cultivation of drugs. Some of the information points to the strong possibility that the chemicals being used by the Americans are seriously harming the health of the people who live in those areas and that they are contaminating the environment (rivers, soil, etc.).
I do not know if all this is true, and I have no interest in writing anti-American material, however (American or not) why is the use of potentially dangerous chemicals being allowed? (I have my own theories which I will not discuss here). If drug cultivation moves closer to the Venezuelan border, does this mean that the Americans will spray near the Venezuelan border as well? Contaminate Venezuela as well? Will Venezuela's water supply become contaminated? Will cancer become a concern? Can Venezuelans die from its effects? (Not to mention the many Colombians that may have already been exposed).
Would the Americans use these chemicals in the USA? Have these chemicals been tested and approved for safety? I do not know the answers ... but perhaps someone out there knows which chemicals are being used and what are the long-term effects.
Much of the media is spreading comments that Chavez is being un-collaborative with the American-led anti-drug campaign in north-western South America ... as if it were a crime not to collaborate.
Would you collaborate with someone who, for example, says "it doesn't matter if we use dangerous chemicals to kill your neighbor's lawn, it isn't your home."
What will happen to your neighbor's children? Their dog?
An other question arises.
What country is the greatest consumer of drugs? If I am not mistaken, it is the USA.
Does this mean that since they cannot educate their own people to "not take drugs," they have to get rid of the drug growers while simultaneously potentially harming innocent people and contaminating someone else's home.
What will they do to Canadians?
Canada is considering decriminalizing marijuana?
Will they have the same attitude with Venezuelans?
I would greatly appreciate any true information about the chemicals that are being used and their effects. Perhaps, I will go down to the borders in question and collect some samples of the chemicals and have them analyzed as well.
I sincerely hope that the politicians and bureaucrats (pro-Chavez or anti-Chavez) in Venezuela will strongly consider the long-term effects of any potential arrangement with the USA regarding the use of chemical "warfare."
Que viva Venezuela sin contaminacion!
Latest News Posted: Saturday, March 8, 2003
¤ Are We Sure We Can Get Away With It This Time? ¤ Why So Long for Iraq to Comply? ¤ W's Personal Jesus ¤ The Empire Does What It Wants ¤ Never Back Down, Never Shut Up ¤ Fingers on all the buttons ¤ Sex, Lies, and Imperialism ¤ Interrogating A Dead Al-Qaida Leader > And did you notice how they cut his hair and mustache > to make him look more like Saddam? ¤ Bush's Top Three Lies To Older Americans ¤ We're making more enemies ¤ The End of The Post-War Western Alliance ¤ Peace T-shirt arrest sparks protests in New York ¤ Brave American pilots will show Iraqi children how it feels to be vaporized... ¤ Israel begins invading territories ceded under accords ¤ Countdown to war, er, massacre begins ¤ GOP Leader Challenges Bush Statements ¤ Salim Hoss compares George W. Bush to Hitler > That's not fair. Hitler served in combat. ¤ 6,000 march in Tripoli to protest war on Iraq ¤ Pressed conference ¤ Anti-war T-shirts cause BBC controversy ¤ Intelligence value in Iraq questioned ¤ Internet opens Americans to alternative views ¤ Operation 'Shock And Awe': A Case of Shocking Barbarism ¤ Who is in charge? ¤ Israeli Helicopters Bomb Car, Killing 4 ¤ Iraq Resumes Destruction of Missiles ¤ BUSH: CLAP ME OR NO EU SPEECH ¤ Iraq Resumes Destruction of Missiles ¤ U.N. Split Widens as Allies Dismiss Deadline on Iraq ¤ Pakistani parliament in crisis ¤ Troops build up close to Baghdad ¤ N. Korean Threat Ratchets Up Tension in DMZ ¤ Kurds Set for War, But Not With Iraq ¤ Troop Movement Could Cost $25 Billion ¤ Manchester Protest 'biggest in 180 years' ¤ Showdown as Britain sets March 17 deadline on Iraq ¤ Blix pleads for time to finish the job ¤ The disarming Mr Blix ¤ France issues threat to block resolution ¤ Target nations harden opposition ¤ UK nuclear evidence a fake ¤ The density of language and Donald Rumsfeld ¤ Blair under pressure as Labour MPs consider second rebellion ¤ The UN must take Mr Blix's report seriously ¤ This is not just the end of Saddam, ¤ Time for both sides in the war debate to tell the truth about oil ¤ US war plans are not helped by Blix ¤ 'Bribes' pushing UN waverers into support for war ¤ Chile decides against resolution support ¤ Heads in the sand, please - and don't mention the war ¤ 5 Palestinians, three Israelis killed in violence ¤ Bush remarks raise worries across Asia ¤ A con trick for western liberals ¤ Who is in charge? ¤ Diplomatic victory not Bush's real objective ¤ In the endless cycle of violence... ¤ Can catastrophic Korean war be avoided? ¤ Bush, Saddam and a game of chicken
Latest News Posted: Friday, March 7, 2003
¤ The Lie Of The U.S. Military ¤ Israeli Troops Seize Chunk of Gaza Strip ¤ Pyongyang: We'll put a torch to New York ¤ Blix: Iraq Now Proactive on Disarmament ¤ Blix: Iraq Actively Cooperating to Disarm ¤ Blix Tells UN Iraq Has Made Substantial Progress in Disarming ¤ Blix, ElBaradei rebuff U.S. intelligence claims against Iraq ¤ Blix says "no evidence" of proscribed Iraqi mobile activities ¤ ElBaradei: 'Proof' That Iraq Sought Uranium Is Fake ¤ Yahoo News: 'Proof' That Iraq Sought Uranium Is Fake ¤ Khatami hopes Iraqi disarmament will set stage for Israel to disarm ¤ Bush Speak Deciphered: We Are Going To War For Money ¤ Lies with a purpose ¤ Rumsfeld Filled His Pockets with Pyongyang's Nuclear Loot ¤ Report: bin Laden's sons arrested ¤ Hekmatyar Apprises Anan Of US Brutalities In Afghanistan ¤ Saddam has 'motive' for attack ¤ ARROGANCE WILL COME TO HAUNT BLAIR ¤ Israel orders destruction of mosque ¤ Iraq strengthens air force with French parts ¤ U.S., Britain propose March 17 ultimatum to Iraq ¤ U.S. special forces are already paving the way for invasion ¤ UK Government to outlaw begging ¤ An unnecessary, avoidable, dangerous war ¤ A Real Policy For Peace ¤ The United States of Everywhere ¤ Bush ready but holding back for Blair's sake ¤ BLAIR: I'LL DEFY TRIPLE UN WAR VETO ¤ Bush Readies U.S. for Prospect of Imminent War ¤ US troops 'pouring into Saudi Arabia' ¤ Power Americana ¤ No case for Iraq attack say lawyers ¤ Castro Re-Elected to 6th Term in Cuba ¤ Rumsfeld: Move U.S. Troops From Korea DMZ ¤ Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US military interrogation base ¤ Straw rebuffed in bid to salvage resolution ¤ US ready to withdraw South Korea troops ¤ Divided Security Council awaits Blix's assessment ¤ America admits suspects died in interrogations ¤ Neglect of the Palestinian plight is risky and wrong ¤ Blair says UN must run post-Saddam Iraq to end oil row ¤ America pulls the rug from under Turkey ¤ Israelis 'shot fireman as he put out blaze' ¤ The United States of Everywhere ¤ 102 killed in Algeria plane crash ¤ China opposes UN resolution against Iraq ¤ Russia warns US against attacking North Korea ¤ Bush to make prime-time pitch ¤ UK to Saddam: comply and you can stay ¤ Defiant Iraqis prepare for battle . . . and martyrdom ¤ UN-Gate ¤ Why target Iraq alone? ¤ He thinks we're scum, but torturing him is still wrong ¤ Pressure on US to give Iraq one last chance ¤ Papal envoy's peace plea to President falls on deaf ears ¤ Bush will run into his own deadline before long ¤ Washington increasingly in the cold ¤ Iraq: The Truth, The Whole Truth ¤ IAEA said to doubt Iraq sought uranium in Africa ¤ UN reports US Marines caught cutting fence between Iraq and Kuwait ¤ Bush will give Saddam Hussein an ultimatum to disarm
Misrepresentation of Carnival Posted: Friday, March 7, 2003
by Christine
Every Carnival Monday and Tuesday I would do one of three things. Either play mas, stay at home and watch the event live on the television or be down-town frolicking as a non masquerader. During the times I would be at home watching the event live on the television, my attention would be focused more on the masqueraders than on what the commentators would be saying. During that phase in my life my awareness about many things said and done was not as sharp as it is at present hence the reason I decided to write this article.
Choosing to watch Carnival 2003 parade of the bands live on television Carnival Tuesday, and also being aware of the perspective from which I was viewing the event, it was blatantly clear to me in a very short space of time, how other than seeing people on stage in a kaleidoscope of colors expressing themselves in sync with the music, there was nothing said by the commentators that was informative. Thank goodness I am familiar with the culture and some history of where and how carnival originated. But what about the other uninformed Trinidadians watching and listening. What about the tourists who were also tuned in to the radio or watching it live on the television? I was appalled by the careless and misinformed presentation of Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago carried live by our so-called media TTT. Let's not forget the individuals who were representing their bands. They were like the salt in the injury. They were creating a history that left everyone else out except themselves. I even wondered if they were in fact speaking English.
Carnival is a trump card in the game of economics in Trinidad and Tobago.
My question is, what is really the key players' motive behind managing Carnival?
If NCC wants to play themselves for fools that is fine but don't dare take the people of Trinidad and Tobago and those outside looking in for fools. Taking an important thing as our history and making a 'pappy-show' out of it makes it quite obvious that their motive is not about promotion of this National Event.
It is important to remember where Carnival originated and how it evolved to where it is today. Keeping a clear perspective about where it can go and how it can get there will need a transition period directed mainly by the ones who have more sense.
I am looking forward to the transition from NCC - NATIONAL CARNIVAL COMMITTEE to NCC - NEW CHANGE COMING!
Latest News Posted: Thursday, March 6, 2003
¤ US man shoots laptop ¤ Blair may defy multiple Iraq vetoes from UN ¤ We could strike Iraq without UN: PM ¤ Troops 'told of March 13th Bombing - 17th Invasion' ¤ Govt accused of Timor treaty blackmail ¤ When Poppy Bush Said It How It Is ¤ Israel Seeks 400% Hike in US Aid ¤ US-NK Tensions Spike After Bush Sends Bombers ¤ US warns Russia on Iraq veto ¤ U.S. resolution may be DOA ¤ Britain's dirty secret ¤ US thuggery in advance of UN vote ¤ Students stage international protests against war on Iraq ¤ Iraqi defector's secrets buried by U.S. media ¤ Arrogance Is Bliss ¤ White House Rejects Pope's Iraq Argument ¤ The Noriega Gambit ¤ Israeli Forces kill 11 in Gaza refugee camp ¤ Britain seeks bogus UN compromise ¤ France, Russia, Germany will oppose UN resolution ¤ In Powell's Words: Saddam Hussein Remains Guilty ¤ Bush criticised over N Korea ¤ Iraqi Hurls Insults at Kuwaiti Delegate ¤ U.S. Students Hold Anti-War Rallies ¤ US expels Iraqi UN diplomats ¤ Blast hits Colombia shopping mall ¤ Three Nations Won't Back U.N. on Iraq ¤ U.S. Orders Two Iraqi Diplomats to Leave ¤ Israeli Tanks Arrive Near Gaza City ¤ U.S., U.K. Escalate Air Patrols Over Iraq ¤ Bomb Blast in Colombia Kills Seven ¤ Iraq cooperating proactively: Blix ¤ US lawyer arrested for wearing 'peace' T-shirt ¤ Iraq: the UN endgame ¤ Blix hails Iraqi disarmament measures ¤ Missile destruction complete in two weeks: Iraqi diplomat ¤ Economists speak out against unilateral war ¤ PM accuses students of running 'amok' ¤ Distracting lies muddy the ground before the missiles start flying ¤ Shadow of new conflict hangs over sacred city of gold ¤ We will win council vote, a confident Bush claims ¤ Pope takes a stick to a war in bad faith ¤ Why war? For the thrill of it ¤ Star Wars is actually a weapon of attack ¤ Howard accused of bullying Timor into Oil treaty
Latest News Posted: Wednesday, March 5, 2003
¤ Israeli raid kills old man on donkey ¤ Israeli hurdle in US axis with UK and Spain ¤ World Bank criticises Israel ¤ France, Russia, Germany Vow to Block Resolution ¤ National Moratorium to Stop The War on Iraq ¤ CNN imposes new "script control" ¤ Nationwide walk out taking place today ¤ U.S. abandons Turkey as northern front ¤ Army tells Israelis to prepare sealed rooms ¤ Terrorists' leader found hiding where military elite live ¤ Khalid: A test for US credibility ¤ White House bomb gibe creates uproar ¤ U.S. Congressman Calls For Reviewing Russia Aid Program ¤ Powell: U.S. Ready for War With or Without U.N. Consent ¤ Vatican grasps olive branch amid rumours of address to UN ¤ How the loss of bases in Turkey raises invasion risk ¤ Mr Blair may soon face a dangerous dilemma ¤ Imbeciles of the FBI ¤ Force is next resort, Bush tells Pyongyang ¤ Fears that US will use 'torture lite' on al-Qaida No 3 ¤ 15 dead in suicide attack on bus in Israel ¤ UN war doubters meet in Paris ¤ 'Ugly American' back on display ¤ Europeans think America does more harm than good ¤ Bush's 'rottweiler' turns on the charm ¤ US takes bugging at the UN to 'new levels' ¤ Khalid capture: Truths and half truths ¤ Turkish parliament's double-fisted knockout ¤ Costing trickle-down democracy ¤ Democracy pricks imperial balloon ¤ Problems with a 'painless' war ¤ Gambles and gambits in the UN ¤ Thousands of Aussie students to march against war ¤ 20 killed in Philippines blast ¤ Anger and frustration ¤ Brand new Cold Wars ¤ We'll fight with or without UN backing: US
Latest News Posted: Tuesday, March 4, 2003
¤ Alleged NSA memo details U.S. eavesdropping at U.N. ¤ The disinformation age ¤ A war policy in collapse ¤ The predicament of presidential prevarication ¤ Lawyer Arrested for Wearing a 'Peace' T-Shirt ¤ Iran says US war aimed to protect Israeli interests ¤ Israel rejects US criticism of its deadly raids ¤ Israeli Terror ¤ Sickout to protest potential Iraq war ¤ Straight Forward - Secret deal with the U.S. ¤ Biden: war a no-go ¤ The American 'dream palace' ¤ U.S.-Philippines operation in limbo ¤ CIA Caught Faking Terror In Philippines ¤ Canada’s prime minister denounces US "regime change" policy ¤ Transcript of interview with Iraqi defector exposes White House lies ¤ Israeli officer court-martialled for refusing order to target civilians ¤ President hails arrest, warns Mexico ¤ A war policy in collapse ¤ Japan's Koizumi faces a 'Tony Blair bind' on Iraq ¤ Blair rating at lowest since the fuel crisis ¤ Dershowitz: Torture could be justified ¤ How George W. Bush and Saint Colin of Powell are lying ¤ Union Warns Movie Execs Not To Pick On Antiwar Actors ¤ Advisors warn Bush he faces "humiliating" defeat on UN resolution ¤ Pope steps up anti-war crusade with call for Christians to fast ¤ Philippine Blast Kills 19 ¤ War gives the Chinese a voice ¤ The public can be trusted. Has the Government finally accepted this? ¤ Turkey gives Europe a lesson in democracy ¤ Carried Away With Leadership ¤ Translating For the French ¤ S. Philippines Airport Blast Kills 17 ¤ Payback time for America's allies ¤ Is this the end for a Palestinian state? ¤ Liberalism doesn't get a hearing on U.S. radio or television ¤ Is The UN Setting Up Iraq For a Bloodbath By US Forces? ¤ Payback time for America's allies ¤ Thousands of Americans want to oust their president. > The anti-war one, that is ¤ US hits roadblock in push to war ¤ Kurds' vow to fight Turkish invaders ¤ Pregnant woman crushed to death in Israeli raid ¤ Cancel trips to Syria, Foreign Office warns ¤ Six Iraqis killed in US-UK air strikes ¤ The rise and unavoidable downfall of United States ¤ North Korean MiGs intercept US spy plane ¤ Mr Blair has put himself at the mercy of events ¤ The Thirty Year Itch
Latest News Posted: Sunday, March 2, 2003
¤ US tax $$$ and bottomless pockets of corrupt police and military officers ¤ US Spied on Its Allies During the Creation of the UN ¤ Pakistan raid nets possible al Qaeda names > Born Again? ¤ Recently Captured al Qaeda Leader Was Killed Last Year ¤ Attack on Iraq to take place after U.N. vote ¤ 300,000 mentally ill in US prisons ¤ A breakthrough in the war on terror? I'll believe it when we see some evidence ¤ New Zealand police criticise US embassy over release of hoax terror letter ¤ Baghdad reveals location of 'destroyed' nerve agent and anthrax ¤ Bush Plan Backfires Attack not vital with Iraq yielding ¤ Turks Say No Means No ¤ 84% of Japanese oppose Iraq attack ¤ Israeli officer court-martialled for refusing order to target civilians ¤ We have no more to declare ¤ His budget can't support Bush's blank-check war ¤ Weekend setbacks complicate U.S. plans for Iraq war ¤ FACING REALITY: US barbarism ¤ Pro-Israelis in the U.S. refuse to condemn Inclusion of Supporters ¤ Blair and the judgment of history ¤ Antiwar campaigners begin weeklong protest ¤ The Failure Of US Media ¤ Al Qaeda Planned to Target Pearl Harbor ¤ US wants democratic Iraq and supports undemocratic Sharonists ¤ Martin Sheen gets avalanche of hate mail ¤ Americans say Iraq war remains a go on one front ¤ So, Bush Wants Civil Disobedience? ¤ Houstonian horrified as NYC police trample demonstrators ¤ US bombers arrive in Britain ¤ Israeli Forces killed Seven in Gaza raid ¤ FRANCE TO SAY 'NON' TO WAR ¤ Arabs and dogs, revisited ¤ MoD denies change in 'no-fly zone' bombings ¤ Peace does not come out of the air ¤ Britain to repatriate Afghan refugees ¤ U.S bomb key Iraqi targets ¤ Teen Killed in Israeli Gaza Incursion ¤ Put away the cuddly toys. Now it's time to get tough ¤ Greed is the word ¤ U.S. Iraq Mission Riskier Without Turkey ¤ Algerians flock to Chirac the hero ¤ North Korea waiting for Iraq attack ¤ Bush's form lengthens the odds on a mother of all gambles ¤ Is America ready to take on the peace? ¤ 3 shot dead by IDF in Gaza Strip ¤ Unlike U.S., France wields its veto power sparingly ¤ 'Serves rude America right' ¤ US begins screening all travellers for nuclear material ¤ US in nuclear war preparations: North Korea ¤ Him and us ¤ For a more humane world ¤ Fall from grace
Latest News Posted: Sunday, March 2, 2003
¤ The real target? Defense dollars ¤ Bush and Blair to ditch UN if France blocks intervention ¤ Bush's war is not about democracy ¤ Negroponte knows a lie when he hears one ¤ Governors at odds with Bush economic plan ¤ Libyan riot police prevent angry crowds from storming Saudi embassy ¤ Could Tony Blair look at the internet now, please? ¤ Israeli Forces Damage Palestinian Hospital ¤ IRAQ: US 'intelligence' is 'garbage' say inspectors ¤ Shock blow to Bush as Turkey snubs US troops ¤ 2-Judge says US Air can terminate pilot pension plan ¤ US prepares to use toxic gases in Iraq ¤ Iraqi FM calls Sheikh Zayed son "Zionist agent" ¤ Turk: No Plan for Vote on U.S. Troops ¤ France Will Oppose New Iraq Resolution ¤ Britons appeal to France for "regime change" ¤ Turk: No Plan for Vote on U.S. Troops ¤ 300,000 Yemenis Protest US War Plans ¤ Turkey's Refusal Stuns US > "They did what?" blurted one State Department official ¤ Two Dead As Israel Raids Gaza Strip Town ¤ U.N.: Iraq War Could Create 600K Refugees ¤ Don't invade Iraq, says TV's Mr President ¤ War protest put on record ¤ Has war with Iraq already started? ¤ Small fry at UN feel the heat from US ¤ US plan to bug Security Council: the text ¤ US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war ¤ My Christian conscience is clear over war ¤ 9/11 'mastermind' arrested ¤ North Korea accuses US of war mongering ¤ American billions keep Arab regimes sweet ¤ Chemical weapons buried and ready ¤ US prepares to use toxic gases in Iraq ¤ Women ready to die for Iraq ¤ Thousands of Yemenis take to streets in anti-war protest ¤ Philippines wants US deployment postponed till after Iraq 'war' ¤ Needed another Bush! ¤ The Muslim 'Ummah' is silent ¤ Ideal of peace ¤ Elsewhere, around the globe, the conflicts continue ... ¤ Arabs back UN resolutions
Latest News Posted: Saturday, March 1, 2003
¤ Act of Defiance ¤ Antiwar Activists Plan Nonviolent Blockades ¤ Student Groups Plan Walkout to Protest War ¤ The fright of our lives ¤ Bill Moyers Talks with Joseph C. Wilson, IV ¤ Real Life Examples Of The Bush Credibility Gap ¤ Spain: Mass demonstrations against government’s right-wing policies ¤ Blair in new bid to discredit opposition to Iraq war ¤ Russia reiterates war opposition ¤ US Should Change its Foreign Policies to Win Back World’s Trust ¤ Embarrassment at the United Nations ¤ Turks March Against U.S. Troop Deployment ¤ Turkey's parliament has narrowly failed to approve the deployment of US troops ¤ Newsweek's Iraq Report Falls on Deaf Ears ¤ Airport security system raises eyebrows ¤ Key Developments in the Iraq Crisis ¤ Chirac Faces U.S. Confrontation on Iraq ¤ Russian Plane Crash Kills 11; 14 Survive ¤ Deceived by the warhawks ¤ Pull unwanted U.S. troops out ¤ Experts See High Risk of Strife in Iraq if Hussein Is Deposed ¤ White House criticizes Iraq showdown coverage ¤ Papal envoy presses Bush on Iraq ¤ Iraq starts destroying banned missiles ¤ Sharon pushes peace process aside ¤ Chirac remains on the attack ¤ U.S. Says Hussein Must Cede Power to Head Off War ¤ Arab Newspapers attack 'impotent' leaders ¤ Arab leaders in last-ditch try for unity ¤ In the way of the war ¤ Saddam's missile offer deepens rift between allies ¤ 70,000 migrant workers could flee Iraq ¤ Eyes wide shut as US, France go to war over Iraq ¤ Saddam prepares for future without his protective shield ¤ The 2003 Missile Crisis ¤ Chequebook diplomacy ¤ Eyes wide shut as US, France go to war over Iraq ¤ Why should we in Britain help Bush to get re-elected? ¤ America finds friends in new places ¤ Newshounds out to suit themselves ¤ Terrorists, not Iraq, on list of feared things ¤ Hard to believe, logically, that PM has mind of his own ¤ Venezuela: We Have Suspects in Bombings ¤ Spanish PM urges Bush to muzzle Rumsfeld ¤ Suddenly, Africa has a host of friends