Trinicenter RootsWomen AmonHotep AfricaSpeaks RaceandHistory
Dr Selwyn Cudjoe

The Slave Master of Trinidad by Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
The Slave Master of Trinidad by Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe

Indian Time Ah Come by Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
Indian Time Ah Come by Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe

Caribbean Visionary: A. R. F. Webber and the Making of the Guyanese Nation by Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe
Caribbean Visionary: A. R. F. Webber and the Making of the Guyanese Nation by Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe

RUPERTA Tale in Black and White GRAY
The new edition of the novel published by Calaloux Publications RUPERTA Tale in Black and White GRAY by Stephen Nathaniel Cobham [PDF]
The Cudjoe Collection of Trinidad and Tobago Literature With an Introduction by Selwyn R. Cudjoe

Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe is a professor of Literature at
Wellesley College

Identity and Caribbean Literature
A lecture delivered to the Japanese Black Studies
Association at Nara Women's College, Nara, Japan.


African Timeline

Ancient Man

C. L. R. James:
His Intellectual Legacies

Trinidad News

Hear ye; hair ye: listen and be enlightened July 24, 2024
I wanted to add my two cents to Oke Zachary's comments about educators freeing themselves from mental slavery as it related to the SDA dragging two students from their graduation because they cornrowed their hair (Express, July 14). Full Article

Discoursing about crime and education July 17, 2024
Just think of the contradictions. One opens the Express of Tuesday, July 9, and is greeted with the blood-splattered headline "Bloody Monday". Then comes the sub-headline: "Triple murder rocks Tobago" and "Carlsen Field home invasion: son killed, father critical". Full Article

As the world turns July 10, 2024
On June 25, 2016, I wrote in this space: "Nine days ago when I arrived in London I had hoped the UK (United Kingdom) would remain within the European Union… There was some nostalgia there but my wish wasn’t to be…
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Snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory July 02, 2024
Months ago I wrote of the United National Congress’ ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. I saw this tendency played out in 1976 when the United Labour Front (ULF) was projected to win the election until its inglorious march from Arima to Port of Spain on the Saturday prior to the poll. I stood at the corner of Caura Royal Road and the Eastern Main Road in El Dorado when the march passed through on its way to Port of Spain. "What they didn’t say about Black People is what they didn’t know." Such a misstep led to its defeat.
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Rescuing a hero from oblivion June 26, 2024
I first encountered Philip Henry Douglin when I wrote Beyond Boundaries: The Intellectual Tradition of Trinidad and Tobago in the Nineteenth Century (2003). Since then I have been gathering information on Douglin at research centres such as the Watson Collection at Oxford University, the British Archives at Kew in London, and the T&T Archives in Port of Spain. Yet I knew I had to go to Barbados before I completed my biography on him. Full Article

Making Tacarigua a better scene June 16, 2024
I am always intrigued by how officials, government or otherwise, ignorant of the history of a place or region in which they live and work, are perfectly happy to destroy a healthy community without realising the harm they can do to the place and the people who live there. Full Article

Never sit on your laurels June 13, 2024
It was 2013 and the UNC (United National Congress) government decided to place a stadium and a swimming pool at the Orange Grove Savannah (now known as the Eddie Hart Savannah), a place that was used by "districkers" for recreational, health, and educational purposes for generations. Angry by this atrocity, the "districkers" of Tacarigua and the surrounding villages (Dinsley, Paradise, El Dorado, Trincity, and St Mary’s) took on government with all of its resources and prevented it from destroying one of the most idyllic areas in Trinidad. Full Article

Turning democracy upside down June 04, 2024
During the early days of our democracy, Eric Williams and CLR James, founding fathers of the People's National Movement (PNM), cited Greece as the quintessential example of what a functioning democracy should look like. Williams developed this theme in his address to the Black Writers Congress in Rome in 1959. Full Article

The importance of work May 28, 2024
Anyone who believes the PNM Government will solve the problem of black underdevelopment, joblessness, and criminality in the depressed areas of the island had better think again. It will not happen in the near future. The elites who have taken over the party have no interest in these problems, they do not have the will to solve them, nor the intelligence to know the difference.
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Normalising failure and callousness May 21, 2024
Question: Would you select someone to lead a company or an organisation where, previously, that person had failed in that position and shows no sign of improving his/her leadership skills or comprehending the job-challenges that lie ahead? Full Article

Africa's holocaust May 14, 2024
In 1985 I interviewed the president of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) Sam Nujoma when he visited the United Nations Decolonisation Committee to plead for his country's independence (West Africa, present-day Namibia). Namibia was a German colony from the 1880s to the First World War when South African troops occupied its territory. Full Article

Student outrage over US behaviour May 07, 2024
From New York to Los Angeles, from New Hampshire to Texas, thousands of students have risen up against how the Palestinian people in Gaza are being treated. US police have arrested over 2,300 student protesters, and many more will be arrested in the coming weeks. We should congratulate the moral courage of these students. Full Article

Please stay home April 29, 2024
I do not know what Cabinet intended to achieve when it changed "Emancipation Day" to "African Emancipation Day", beginning August 1, 2024. Our Prime Minister declared that too many people at the international level were attempting to "add appendages" to the reasoning behind emancipation. He felt he had to change that. He declaimed: "We in T&T, who led on this matter, will have none of it. We made it quite clear that emancipation in T&T is a result of the emancipation of slaves," even though most enlightened scholars refer to people who were stolen from Africa and brought to work on the plantations of the New World as "enslaved" people rather than "slaves".
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Age of retirement April 23, 2024
On June 30, 2024, I will say farewell to Wellesley College, a place at which I have taught for 38 years. I have taught at several elite institutions in the United States such as Harvard, Cornell, Ohio and Fordham universities, but Wellesley holds a special place in my heart. I have grown fond of it over the years. Full Article


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