Archives 2014
- Billboard face to launch a million votes? December 28, 2014
- In the spirit of the season, which for me means extra-laid-back, lazy if you will, certainly not busy with chores that people ignore all year only to attack feverishly only at Christmas time, I thought I’d round of the year on a high note even as I lay low.
- Cuba and the USA: the long thaw begins December 21, 2014
- "This is PNM country. The black African king anointed by the blood of Jesus Christ has decreeded (sic) that is we time again. We Africans will be the masa (sic) and the rest ah allya (sic) will be we slaves. Starting today the terror shall begin for all allya coolie and chin who feel allya better than we. Today is just a flat tire."
- Slaves to digital devices December 14, 2014
- "This is PNM country. The black African king anointed by the blood of Jesus Christ has decreeded (sic) that is we time again. We Africans will be the masa (sic) and the rest ah allya (sic) will be we slaves. Starting today the terror shall begin for all allya coolie and chin who feel allya better than we. Today is just a flat tire."
- Satanic race-verses December 7, 2014
- "This is PNM country. The black African king anointed by the blood of Jesus Christ has decreeded (sic) that is we time again. We Africans will be the masa (sic) and the rest ah allya (sic) will be we slaves. Starting today the terror shall begin for all allya coolie and chin who feel allya better than we. Today is just a flat tire."
- Politics and oil—a deadly cocktail November 30, 2014
- In the current oil prices turmoil that has sparked much speculation, rumours of doom and gloom, and seeming indifference on the part of Government, the few in the country who know and understand what's happening at the global level owe it to the nation to let their voices be heard.
- Manzanilla collapse: decades of neglect November 23, 2014
- The devastation of sections of the Manzanilla-Mayaro Road may have been triggered by an act of God, as many are wont to say when heavy rainfall wreaks havoc and they wish to cover up their complicity in the destruction—dumping debris into watercourses...
- Backward ever, forward never November 16, 2014
- The land slippages and other failures that occurred on the newly-opened section of the Solomon Hochoy Highway might be a blessing in disguise if the Government could resist the temptation to play politics with the costliest public works project ever in the country.
- Traffic Constipation November 9, 2014
- One of these not-so-good days, vehicular traffic in this cussed country will grind to a halt. With vehicular density (cars per 1,000 people) somewhere around 600 and growing...
- No, Tom, No October 26, 2014
- President Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, to give the man his full handle as Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar never tires of doing, is convinced that my fellow columnists and I are "bulldogs in a ring", uncouth, devoid of intellect, stuck in the "same ole, same ole" mode, and engaged in self-aggrandisement and worse.
- No, Tom, No October 26, 2014
- President Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, to give the man his full handle as Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar never tires of doing, is convinced that my fellow columnists and I are "bulldogs in a ring", uncouth, devoid of intellect, stuck in the "same ole, same ole" mode, and engaged in self-aggrandisement and worse.
- Ebola: panic paralyses nation October 19, 2014
- Port of Spain, November 31, 2014: Reports that two persons stricken with the deadly Ebola virus were identified and isolated, one at the capital city's general hospital, the other at the Mount Hope facility, have paralysed Trinidad and Tobago, literally shutting down the country.
- Wayne's Choice October 12, 2014
- Wayne Kublalsingh's second hunger strike has bared the good, the bad, and the very nasty sides of his fellow citizens, although I feel certain none of this surprises the environmental activist whose dogged pursuit of his goals puts many of us to shame.
- Minority May Decide October 5, 2014
- Pollster Nigel Henry's projection that the results of the 2015 general elections will likely be a "statistical dead heat" is in keeping with the trend that emerged post-1986, after the PNM lost its electoral supremacy.
- Polling the Pollster September 28, 2014
- I won't challenge the results and projections of the Solutions by Simulation poll published in the Express last week. Nigel Henry's company has established itself as being uncannily accurate in projecting the results of four elections in Trinidad and Tobago last year...
- No mistake, pure mischiefs September 21, 2014
- Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday lambasted Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar for Trinidad and Tobago's co-sponsorship of a United Nations Security Council resolution on the fight against terrorism saying it was best for TT to have passed up on the occasion.
- Better bite the bullet now September 14, 2014
- Archbishop Joseph Harris strikes me as being a "rootsy Trini"—a prelate who commands respect beyond his flock even as he exudes a tremendous sense of humour.
- Politics and ethics only rhyme September 7, 2014
- Archbishop Joseph Harris strikes me as being a "rootsy Trini"—a prelate who commands respect beyond his flock even as he exudes a tremendous sense of humour.
- One dose of democracy August 31, 2014
- One thing we citizens can celebrate on the 52nd anniversary of the nation's independence is just how dependent we are on our illustrious politicians to tell us what is wrong and what is right, what is good for us and what is not.
- PM Politicised Awards August 24, 2014
- Patrick Manning was absolutely correct on all the reasons he cited for declining the Order of Trinidad and Tobago, as announced by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar last Thursday.
- Real People Power August 17, 2014
- What the railroading of the runoff provision in the Constitutional Amendment Bill in Parliament last week showed is that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar will not heed the voices of reason, even if they come from within her own ranks.
- Playing with Fire August 10, 2014
- What the railroading of the runoff provision in the Constitutional Amendment Bill in Parliament last week showed is that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar will not heed the voices of reason, even if they come from within her own ranks.
- Lead us to temptation August 3, 2014
- Now, of course, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has to see this sordid affair, five tumultuous years in Government, to its messy end.
- Conduct Unbecoming July 27, 2014
- When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled, says the African proverb. To paraphrase this, when two generals, one captain-turned-minister, and the acting Commissioner of Police lock horns over the contentious issue of soldiers patrolling the streets, a lowly ex-lieutenant should stay far from the heavyweight battle.
- All hands stained with blood July 20, 2014
- Not surprisingly, they are all pointing "holier than thou" fingers at each other following the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 that killed close to 300 innocent people.
- Thriving off the ghettos July 13, 2014
- Upon rereading my column last Sunday, I thought I had gone overboard in my effusive endorsement of the army's direct intervention in the crime "hot spots" of east Port of Spain and neighbouring districts.
- Army backlash was predictable July 6, 2014
- It was only a matter of time before soldiers decided to intervene directly to protect their own, to exact justice if not revenge, against two-bit criminals who dare to attack, to murder, their comrades.
- Sewer rat snarls June 29, 2014
- At the risk of being branded a snarling sewer rat by Senator Camille Robinson-Regis, I return to the issue of pensions for parliamentarians.
- Heartless Parliamentarians June 22, 2014
- Disclosure: I am a parliamentary pensioner. I receive the princely sum of $3,000 a month. In 1976, I was elected Member of Parliament for the Siparia constituency, and I served for five unremarkable years.
- Architects of our own demise June 15, 2014
- I am writing this column knowing that it will not be read by the target audience-young, black and ‘er...unschooled men.
- Dance Macabre in the COP June 8, 2014
- I suppose the Congress of the People (COP), born a robust, bouncing baby in 2007, died of greed rather than malnutrition in the aftermath of the 2010 general elections, so there is little to mourn today as its corpse twitches in delayed rigor mortis, signs of life that are really spasms of death.
- Fanning the race flames June 1, 2014
- The persons who orchestrated the racist placards that triggered a furore that lingers long after the protest-dust has settled do not belong to any "lunatic fringe", as some politicians suggest.
- Whither India? May 25, 2014
- With Narendra Modi taking office as Prime Minister of India following a convincing victory in the month-long general elections, the world's largest parliamentary democracy, India, stands at critical crossroads.
- Rumours of war, weapons of war May 18, 2014
- Maybe he does not realise it, but by his untimely utterances and seemingly panicked posturing, National Security Minister Gary Griffith is fuelling fear among the populace.
- Dana's death in vain May 11, 2014
- After all the tears and anger and outrage and tributes and exhortations, what do we do? Dana is dead, gunned down gangland-style, making for good copy for a week or two, but what after that?
- Another scandal we'll forget May 4, 2014
- Does anybody remember or know what happened with the scandalous "Section 34" issue? I recall that in the euphoria of the 50th anniversary of Independence, on August 31, 2012...
- Brotherhood that Transcends Race April 27, 2014
- As we grapple with divisive elements in the society that seem to thrive on fomenting mistrust between our two main ethnic groups, I take comfort in the fact that for the vast majority of our people, especially the young, racialism and racism have little space in Trinidad and Tobago.
- Crucifixions and Resurrections April 20, 2014
- The UNC minister or activist who mobilised a gang of hooligans to disrupt a public meeting staged by dissident Barrington "Skippy" Thomas last Thursday evening should be taken before the party's firing squad and shot-with "goat pills". He (or she) has done irreparable damage to the United National Congress's image, if that is at all possible.
- He cast a giant shadow April 13, 2014
- Ray Robinson was the most titled politician in the history of Trinidad and Tobago: President of the Republic, Prime Minister, Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly, and for good measure, Chief Olokun Igbaro of the Yoruba people.
- Patriots built bank April 6, 2014
- The cavalier manner in which certain senior officials at First Citizens responded to the legitimate concerns of citizens over aspects of the bank's Initial Public Offering (IPO) exposed them as not knowing their own history, or caring about public trust that is critical to the success and survival of such institutions.
- The Sacrificial Ram March 30, 2014
- I suppose I should not have been surprised at the number of people who telephoned the Central Bank, or turned up at its offices, to claim the "winnings" they had been alerted to via the now ubiquitous cellphone text messages.
- Hurtling to self-destruction March 23, 2014
- If we think that the top-to-bottom lawlessness and overpowering crime that besiege the country today are portents of hopelessness in tomorrow, think again. It will be much worse.
- Greed and Stupidity March 16, 2014
- I suppose I should not have been surprised at the number of people who telephoned the Central Bank, or turned up at its offices, to claim the "winnings" they had been alerted to via the now ubiquitous cellphone text messages.
- Feast of the flesh March 9, 2014
- That Trinidad Carnival is today mostly a feast of the flesh in its most carnal manifestation should surprise no one. We have worked very hard, over decades, to get here. Now that we have reached the pinnacle-a sea of near-naked bodies gyrating and simulating sex acts that put the Kama Sutra to pale-we should rejoice.
- Bolt from the blue March 2, 2014
- Among the celebrities who have been invited to this year's Carnival, one man stands head and shoulders above the lot, quite literally, I need add. I refer to Jamaica's star sprinter, Usain Bolt, who flew into the country almost unannounced, courtesy one of his corporate sponsors.
- Sparrow alive, calypso dead February 23, 2014
- Among the celebrities who have been invited to this year's Carnival, one man stands head and shoulders above the lot, quite literally, I need add. I refer to Jamaica's star sprinter, Usain Bolt, who flew into the country almost unannounced, courtesy one of his corporate sponsors.
- Weapon of mass distraction February 16, 2014
- The Mighty Sparrow's resurrection from a coma seems to have awakened many a dead, although the miracle I hoped for most, breathing new life into calypso, appears to be beyond the Birdie's prowess.
- Judge not by colour February 9, 2014
- I know there are many people in the country who think that Keith Rowley is too black to be Prime Minister. I didn't need Fitzgerald Hinds to tell me that, although his charge that such sentiment emanates from the bowels of the PNM, from important persons in the party, did surprise me somewhat.
- De 'bust' buss February 2, 2014
- Within days of the announcement by US authorities that they had intercepted 700-odd pounds of cocaine shipped from Trinidad to Norfolk, Virginia, and the well-publicised arrival here of a number of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents, I sensed that something had gone awfully wrong.
- Three eminent jurists January 26, 2014
- In my column last week, in recounting the legal encounters between the late Karl Hudson-Phillips and the progressive forces during the events of 1970, I made a serious omission that I now seek to rectify.
- I come not to praise Karl January 19, 2014
- Friends, Trinis, countrymen, I come not to praise Karl, nor indeed, to bury him. I come instead to tell some truths about Mr Hudson-Phillips, some complimentary, others unsavory, but which, wherever he may be, he would applaud me for having the courage to enunciate, honourable man that he was.
- Edge of the abyss January 12, 2014
- A tragic consequence of spikes in violent crimes such as we experienced in the first week of 2014, is the baying of the hounds, the blood-curdling cries for revenge that are as transient as the surges are cyclical. As soon as the murder rate settles back to what is normal for us, meaning one-a-day, the society will shift into the muted mode.
- Year of the Fall January 5, 2014
- We have tried every conceivable strategy, many inconceivable ones, and some downright dotish crime plans. And we have failed-miserably so. From Anaconda to Iguana, Baghdad to Budapest (where we lost young footballer Akeem Adams to a heart attack, of all things!), nothing has stopped the march of the criminals.