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    War and Terror: John Pilger: Exposing the rotten heart of the empire
    Tuesday, October 31 @ 11:03:20 UTC

    Journalist and film-maker John Pilger spoke to Charlie Kimber about his new book and the global resistance to imperialism, war and neoliberalism

    In his latest book, the marvellous Freedom Next Time, journalist and film-maker John Pilger presents "an antidote to authorised versions of contemporary history that censor by omission and impose double standards".

    The first chapter exposes the British government's actions in the 1960s and 1970s when it expelled the population of the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean and handed over the island of Diego Garcia to the US.

    The people, who are British citizens, were dumped in the Seychelles and Mauritius where they still live in poverty.

    (Read More... | 7540 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    Invasion of Iraq: Blood and sand - one year later
    Sunday, April 11 @ 03:18:59 UTC
    ProtestBy Raffique Shah, www.trinicenter.com/Raffique

    ONE year in today's global village that we call the world, what with communications being almost instant, seems almost like a nanosecond. In fact the latter term is itself a by-product of modern communications technology that illustrates the speed at which we can access information. Today, those who own and control the finest in modern technology-from "smart bombs" to "video conferencing"-have also grown to fear the very wizardry they have helped create.

    George Bush is one such victim of his own devices. One year ago, in the face of worldwide protests and dire warnings dished out by who could see its implications, the US president sent his forces to reduce what was left of Iraq to rubble. He convinced himself, or maybe he was persuaded by the likes of Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and Paul Wolfowitz, that "taking out" Saddam Hussein and taking over Iraq was a breeze. In and out in a year. Rid yourself of a dictator you helped create, win popular support among Saddam's millions of victims (perceived or real), most of all win control of the world's second biggest oil deposits, and ride out of town in glory.

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    World Focus: Aznar Was Going Anyway: The Truth About the Spanish Elections
    Tuesday, March 16 @ 20:50:13 UTC
    ProtestBy Sam Hamod and Alfredo Reyes, www.todaysalternativenews.com

    Contrary to what American political pundits have been saying, former President Aznar was not cruising to an early victory prior to the bombings in Madrid. Remember, the Spanish people had overwhelming voiced opposition to Spain entering the Iraq war as an ally of Bush and Blair; their anger at Aznar for the deaths of their soldiers was ripe in their minds as was the economic turmoil this has caused for Spain. This in addition to the Basque problem that was troubling Madrid.

    Let us say that the bombing was the final straw for Aznar. The people were already angry, regardless of the government polls that showed him leading. Most of us in the country knew that he would lose this race because he was leading Spain into a disaster like that of Bush and the U.S. But once again, as is the case these days, the Amerian media paints pictures the way Bush wants them, not the way they are. Thus, they paint Aznar's loss as a total result of the bombings; this is patently untrue.

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    World Focus: Do our enemies covet our way of life?
    Monday, December 01 @ 09:10:31 UTC
    ProtestBy Raff Ellis, yellowtimes.org

    When Italy invaded the Sudan, it had nothing to do with jealousy of the Sudanese polity. They simply wanted a share of colonial Africa, like the other Europeans had taken before them.

    When Germany invaded France, it was not because it hated the freedoms that the French enjoyed, but because it was anxious for the domination of Europe.

    (Read More... | 5796 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 0)

    War and Terror: After the Fall A Day of Reckoning
    Wednesday, February 19 @ 08:58:14 UTC
    Protestby Wayne Madsen

    The day of reckoning may be close at hand for Bush's "Coalition of the Willing." The worldwide February 15 protests that saw millions of people in the streets protesting the reckless adventurism of the Bush administration has begun to eat away at the periphery of Bush's "Dominion of Deception." Just as the Roman Empire fell, province-by-province, the "Coalition of the Willing" also looks set to collapse. The signs that our global nightmare may soon be over are evident. When French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin received an unprecedented ovation after his speech at the UN Security Council and the world witnessed a miffed Colin Powell unceremoniously depart the chamber with his apparatchiks, those who favor peace over war received a much-needed shot of adrenalin.

    And as American city councils - most notably those of Chicago, Philadelphia, and Atlanta -- continue to pass anti-war resolutions, the end of the Bush regime may, thankfully, also be in sight. Bush and his allies, who dismiss their own peoples' protests as irrelevant and unpersuasive, will eventually face their wrath at the voting booth. The people will eventually prevail. However, it is now time to decide how to effectively deal with the purveyors of war and disinformation once they are out of power. The war mongers must never again be permitted to unjustly threaten other nations with war and military occupation.

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    War and Terror: Putting the Public Back in Public Policy
    Monday, February 17 @ 21:51:16 UTC
    Protestby Robert Jensen and Rahul Mahajan

    On Saturday (Feb. 15), we stood on the Capitol steps in Austin, Texas -- across the street from the governor's mansion where George W. Bush once lived -- and spoke to 10,000 Texans who had gathered to reject Bush's mad rush to war in Iraq.

    The next morning we watched National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice explain on a talk show why the views of those 10,000 people -- and hundreds of thousands more across the United States, and millions more around the world who rallied and marched against a war -- don't really matter.

    At first glance Rice seems right; increasingly public opinion has little to do with public policy, which is probably why Americans feel so alienated from politics.

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